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Author's Chapter Notes:
Valentine's Day in season 5 would have been around the time of Lecture Circuit

Welcome back to WGBI. It's DJ Crazy Creed on your airwaves and that was Hound Dog by The King, Elvis Presely. Now for all you lovers out there, today is the day you've been waiting for. It's Valentine's Day and I know you cool cats are down for a swingin' time. So let's get down and dirty. I've got some shoutouts for some really special guys and gals coming up, and don't forget, if you want to send one in, just call 555-WGBI. Let's kick it off shall we? Kelly wants to tell Ryan how much she loves him and she can't wait to spend the rest of her life with you and have a million of your babies. Yikes. Jim is missing his fiancée Pam who's currently away on a road trip. Far out Pammy. You know, I took a road trip in 52'. Hitch hiked my way down to New Orleans, met some real nice gals and guys, if you know what I mean. Ate a lot of beignets too. Huh? What's that? Oh right. The shout outs. Michael is missing Holly. Meredith wants anyone to call her on 555-9012. Yada yada, let's play some more tunes baby.  

That was Bluejean Bop by Gene Vincent. I'm your host DJ Crazy Creed here on WGBI and it's still Valentine's Day. So let's hear from more of you love sick puppies out there. Angela wants to send all her love to her cats. That can't be right. Oh it is? Ok, well, I guess everyone loves who they want. I was once in love with Lauren Bacall. Hell of a lover. Anyway. Andy is begging Julia for another chance. Stanley wants to wish all the ladies in his life a happy Valentine's Day. Monkey, D misses you. I had a pet monkey once. He stole all my money. Bastard. Oh look, little old Pammy on her road trip heard us and wants to send all her love back to Jimbo. She misses him terribly and can't wait to be home. And away from his ex-girlfriend who she thinks he might still be in love with. Well, this got awkward. Oh wait, it says here Pammy is joking. Jack, you better not be messing around on her, you hear me? Ok that's all we have time for today. Back to the hits. What's that? Ah yes. Our final message is from our sponsor, Vance Refrigeration. Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration, would like to wish his beautiful wife Phyllis Vance, the happiest Valentine's Day. And to everyone else, remember, only a Vance Refrigeration refrigerator can keep your Valentine's Day champagne super duper chilled. I don't know about you, but I'm feeling pretty chilled already. So I think it's time for a little Bill Haley and his Comets.

Chapter End Notes:
WGBI was the predecessor to Froggy 101 - another history lesson for you there

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