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The morning after. As with a hangover, Pam didn't even want to get out of bed. She knew today was going to hurt. She'd much rather just lie here, close her eyes, and pretend last night never happened.

Unfortunately, no matter how much she wanted to delay this day, the minutes would just keep ticking. So she slid out of bed and began getting ready for work. Her mind buzzed quickly. What will I say to Jim? What can I say? Anything? How can I make this right? What about Roy? What about me? How did this get so wrong? Can this even be fixed? She stared silently into the mirror, brushing her teeth, no answers presenting themselves. Life, Pam thought to herself with a sigh, was odd. No matter how old you get, it still never gets any easier.

She walked into the kitchen to find Roy finishing the last of the cereal. She sighed. Nothing ever changed. Roy was a nice guy, but inconsiderate. She'd known that about him for so long. Why now did it finally bother her almost too much? She sat at the table with him and at that moment, she felt it. She was no longer in love with him. Not one fiber of her being was. She was unhappy, a shadow of herself, and she could not take it any longer. This lame excuse for existence would not last.

But. She just couldn't bring herself to say all this so early in the morning. Not over breakfast. This was a dinner conversation, or a commute conversation. Not over one person's breakfast.

The drive to work was quiet, but that was nothing strange. Roy kissed her goodbye as he headed to the warehouse and Pam didn't kiss back. She wasn't sure if he noticed or not.

She walked into her office and was more than a little relieved to see Jim's desk empty.

“Pam!” Michael strolled over to her desk as she threw her jacket over her chair. “Good morning!”

“Morning, Michael,” she said. He grinned and looked at her expectantly. She sat in her chair and gave him her best blank stare. The cameras were watching and she knew he was waiting so they would hear.

“Well?” He waggled his eyebrows. Pam sighed. She hated taking his bait, but did anyway.

“Well, what?”

Michael snorted. “Aren't you going to ask how last night went?”

Pam glanced at the cameras. She was beginning to hate them just as much as everything else she was beginning to hate.

“Okay. Michael, how did last night go?” She asked as she swiveled her chair around and looked for something, anything, else to do.

“Excellent!” He lowered his voice, but glanced at the camera and said “I got laid!”

“Wow,” Pam replied, shocked. She was speechless and only ten minutes of the work day had passed.

“Mm-hmm,” Michael said with proud smile. “Anyway, Jim called about ten minutes ago. Said he was going to take that vacation to Australia early. Use that vacation time he had stacked up.” He drummed his fingers on the desk and walked back to his office.

Pam sat there for a full minute. She hadn't actually believed Jim would take that vacation. She thought it was just an excuse to get out of attending her and Roy's wedding. A wedding that now, she was very sure was not going to happen.


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