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She did not???? No she didn’t. She just really likes the Red Sox hat??? I hate you two,
Dec 17, 2019 04:40 am [Delete] [Edit]

It really feels like it could be a chapter of Slow, doesn’t it? *hops on this train*
Dec 16, 2019 09:23 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Duchess Cupcake
Sprinkles, Agian said she’d write it. *Man, I can be a troublemaker.*
Dec 16, 2019 09:13 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Not gonna lie, the tweet did provide a nice visual. 😉
Dec 16, 2019 08:19 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Bahahaha Sprinkles! I’ve got no doubt someone will figure out a way to work that into a story... and I’m very much looking forward to it, too!
Dec 16, 2019 08:08 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Ok, following up from Twitter today: who's writing the story of Jim having sex wearing the ball cap? Or maybe Coley did that in Stilettos? ;-)
Dec 16, 2019 05:56 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Yes to all those possibilities, NLM. I can imagine Jim using his sentimental side to shape his gift making...
Dec 16, 2019 02:19 pm [Delete] [Edit]

*Glances at his current story of Jim making things for Pam (which includes a plug for NLM's online store)* Hi everybody.
Dec 16, 2019 11:19 am [Delete] [Edit]

Dec 16, 2019 11:15 am [Delete] [Edit]

Doomgoose, great challenge! Everyone, find it by going to Challenges and it’s the first one under “E”
Dec 16, 2019 11:05 am [Delete] [Edit]

A map of Scranton with their favorite places marked somehow, Jim giving a card with some of the funny things Pam had said over the year written in it, etc.
Dec 16, 2019 11:04 am [Delete] [Edit]

Like in classy Christmas Pam thought maybe Jims gift was pebbles from their trip to Jamaica (when was that btw) I could see a folio with ticket stubs of movies they went to pasted in it...
Dec 16, 2019 11:03 am [Delete] [Edit]

Re Jim’s presents, are we talking to Pam or in general? For Pam I imagine him doing what he did with the teapot, taking small bits of meaningful ephemera and arranging it in some way
Dec 16, 2019 10:59 am [Delete] [Edit]

So I felt like submitting a challenge, so keep your eyes out for 'Early Warning Signs' once the admin team has reviewed it!
Dec 16, 2019 10:46 am [Delete] [Edit]

Jim could make a great mix tape.
Dec 14, 2019 09:38 am [Delete] [Edit]

struggling to say it!
Dec 13, 2019 04:48 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Recently in the political news, I heard someone utter the word "malfeasance". It made me smile & wonder if anyone tried to say "malfeasance-ses". I clearly see Dwight's face,
Dec 13, 2019 04:48 pm [Delete] [Edit]

What kind of Christmas presents do we think Jim would make. He’s creative enough (we see with the pranks), but he’s not exactly artsy...
Dec 13, 2019 03:25 pm [Delete] [Edit]

No, in Classy Christmas when he gives Pam the bracelet and she gives him the comic book.
Dec 12, 2019 05:26 pm [Delete] [Edit]

I don't remember this. Is it Season 2?
Dec 12, 2019 04:06 pm [Delete] [Edit]

I don't remember this. Is it Season 2?
Dec 12, 2019 04:05 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Remember when Jim says he makes really great Christmas gifts? I think about that a lot... I’m not doing anything with it, but I think about it.
Dec 12, 2019 09:43 am [Delete] [Edit]

Will do. I'll see how it goes.
Dec 10, 2019 07:41 pm [Delete] [Edit]

If you favorited a story and it was updated then I'm not sure. Double check if your email is correct, almost maybe add to your contacts or safe list
Dec 10, 2019 07:34 pm [Delete] [Edit]

So just curious, what am I doing wrong? I've ticked the box for emails for favourite updates but I haven't seen one yet. Nothing in spam either...
Dec 10, 2019 03:45 pm [Delete] [Edit]