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Hey NLM, do you think you could email me about how to put a photo on the cover of a story? I'm wondering if I just need to put the HTML in the summary? Thanks :)
Apr 14, 2018 12:28 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Oh no, I did say today didn't I? Sorry tonight's not gonna work, but let's aim for a Friday soon, maybe next week or the 27th
Apr 13, 2018 03:08 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Trivia tonight?
Apr 13, 2018 12:33 pm [Delete] [Edit]

For fun we updated the glossary page with some burning question you may have about the show ;-) Head to the last section:
Apr 11, 2018 11:48 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Just got back from AQP (omg) and chat is open! PW is: Scranton
Apr 10, 2018 05:40 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Yes, let's chat! I'm actually going to see AQP this afternoon but I should be home by our usual 8:30 start time (and then I'll be able to discuss AQP with you all also!)
Apr 10, 2018 10:14 am [Delete] [Edit]

Chat tonight?
Apr 10, 2018 06:57 am [Delete] [Edit]

@Clover I'm loving it too, 10 updated and new fics this month alone! Writers keep writing, and readers make sure to leave reviews and jellybeans and keep these JAMmy vibes going!
Apr 9, 2018 10:51 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Wow! Loving all the activity here, including LOTS of updates on running fics! This place is hoppin'!
Apr 9, 2018 11:52 am [Delete] [Edit]

Some John beard love on Buzzfeed today, as well as a tweet collection about AQP that were pretty funny. I posted a link to the beard thread in the JKras forum!
Apr 9, 2018 10:54 am [Delete] [Edit]

As much as I love JKras I was not impressed with AQP..... it seems like I am a minority in that. Just wasn’t scary or believable.
Apr 8, 2018 08:03 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Y’all should check out the video I put on the forum of JK responding to IGN comments. He’s so adorable!
Apr 8, 2018 06:07 pm [Delete] [Edit]

AQP was not the slightest bit scary. I’ll have more to dish on Tuesday night if we have a chat.
Apr 8, 2018 01:01 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Oh, yes! I echo everything BigTuna said. It was very good. I was afraid I had spoiled it for myself by seeing previews, but there were lots of surprises.
Apr 6, 2018 10:37 pm [Delete] [Edit]

NLM I took myself on a date! Go when you think that fewer people will be there because it definitely is enhanced by everything around you being as quiet as possible.
Apr 6, 2018 04:27 pm [Delete] [Edit]

AG it’s not too bad! There are a couple of jump scares but you kind of see them coming. It does a great job of building tension in a suspenseful/thriller way, not so much a terrifying way.
Apr 6, 2018 04:26 pm [Delete] [Edit]

As for AQP, I pitched it to my friend but she was a hard pass (not a horror/suspense person) so I may have to just solo it this weekend...
Apr 6, 2018 03:06 pm [Delete] [Edit]

I officially created a Beardy Jim challenge (AG and BT I went ahead and added your great one-shots to it, hope that's okay!). So yes, keep 'em coming!
Apr 6, 2018 03:04 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Seeing it tomorrow with the hubby (the matinee, because I’m baby). What’s the the scare factor like?
Apr 6, 2018 12:51 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Clover, it’ll make you feel some feelings. It was so so good. I wanted to turn around, walk back into the theatre, and watch it again.
Apr 6, 2018 12:16 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Seeing it tonight with my whole family. My hubby wasn't interested until he read the reviews.
Apr 6, 2018 11:35 am [Delete] [Edit]

Just got out of A Quiet Place—anybody else seen it already? I thought it was spectacular and I am 100% not a horror movie person.
Apr 6, 2018 11:09 am [Delete] [Edit]

Okay so now that there are multiple Jim!Beard stories surfacing, I need it like I need air. More please!
Apr 6, 2018 04:17 am [Delete] [Edit]

Ha loved that! I especially like Office getting mentioned multiple times ;) AG - if you wanna post that in the JKras thread on the forum that'd be great so it's not all me, just paste the link
Apr 4, 2018 09:22 pm [Delete] [Edit]

It WAS adorable agian18! I keep waiting for him to be a total jerk sometime, so maybe I'll be less enchanted (how's that for a word?). So far, hasn't happened.
Apr 4, 2018 09:17 pm [Delete] [Edit]