Travel Challenges

New challenges time!

Well, I just got back from a fun vacation (okay, workcation ;)), and so I decided to pick two challenges that have to do with travel...

1) Road Trip (samsmom) -
Jim and Pam on a road trip. I don't know where they are going or when it takes place. It is all up to you.

2) 55 Words To Leave Scranton (Morning Angel)
Write 55 words about someone departing Scranton.

Any takers for some traveling fun?

And as a reminder, if you have challenge ideas, you can submit them in the challenges thread on the forum, or email them to us at Thanks!

--EmilyHalpert on August 05, 2008 10:01 am 0 Comments
New Challenges
We haven't had any challenges featured in a while, and with summer in full swing, here are some summer related challenges to get you writing! (come on, writing fanfic is better than being outside in this heat!)

1) Summer Jobs (Cousin Mose) -
What did Dunder-Mifflin employees do for work as teenagers or during college? Did Jim have a paper route? Did Dwight sell beets door to door? Did Angela ever work at Hot Dog on a Stick? It's summertime...go get a job!

2) Hot Hot Heat
It's rather hot outside, so why not have a challenge with Jim and Pam trying to get relief from the heat.
(an MTTer sent in this challenge, but did not provide their name, if you suggested it, let me know so I can give you credit)

So, get writing!

And as a reminder, if you have challenge ideas, you can submit them in the challenges thread on the forum, or email them to us at Thanks!

--EmilyHalpert on July 28, 2008 12:07 pm 0 Comments
Happy Second Birthday, MTT!
I was out of town for the last few days so I forgot to post this before, but on July 9th, the archive turned 2.  Thank you all for having made this place such a wonderful community!

--Morning Angel on July 13, 2008 03:38 pm 0 Comments
Vote for Your Favourite Stories
You can now pick stories you think should be included in the fanfic primer. Go vote for your favourite Jim/Pam and Other stories!

--Morning Angel on June 15, 2008 10:46 am 0 Comments
A Few Additional Precisions About the New Submission System

1) It doesn't change anything as far as how you submit stories. You still click "Add Story" and submit. The only difference is that it goes to a queue for the mods to review before it is added to the "Most Recent" page

2) We're not making this change to interfere with what people want to write; the goal is not censorship. You can still write whatever pairings or genres of stories that you want provided they fall within the guidelines that have always been in place in this archive.

3) We are NOT trying to make it an archive for a select crowd, nor  do we want to discourage newbies. In fact, we are wanting to make this a more pleasant and welcoming place for all to come and read or share their writing. What we are trying to avoid are stories that are poorly formatted making it really difficult to read, look untouched by a spell checker, or look put together in 5 minutes. A systematic review also gives us the chance to ensure spoiler warnings are present, and that proper ratings and labels are applied.

I hope this clears up some questions.

--Morning Angel on June 06, 2008 02:50 pm 6 Comments
Major Change in Story Submission
In the past few months at MTT we've noticed a couple of new trends. The first, an increase in the quantity of fics being published, is actually a good thing (Who doesn't love more fanfic, right?). But when this trend is accompanied by the second, a decrease in the quality of fics being published, I think we can all agree that some changes need to be made.

In light of this, we've decided to change our submission policy at MTT. As all published authors (and I think most readers) are aware, the current set-up allows authors to instantaneously add new stories and chapters to the archive.

Beginning June 6th, this will no longer be the case. Instead, the archive admins will be reviewing each new story before it's made available to the public. This review will simply be a quick check that your submission follows the MTT submission guidelines that have always been in place. If it does, your story will be made available to everyone. If not, we will contact you and explain what you will need to revise before we can let your story be published.

This change in our system will give new authors additional support as they post their first stories. Our admin team will be making sure that there are no problems with formatting, rating or categorizing since the MTT readership has come to expect stories that are polished both in content and in form.

We know that the majority of authors here are conscientious about following the guidelines. That's why we'll also be establishing a system to let experienced authors bypass this review after you've proved to us that you're capable of posting correctly. For some authors this may mean you'll never even have to worry about this.

If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, feel free to contact us at

We appreciate your patience as we make this change. We want MTT to be a welcoming place for everyone, and we know it can be with your cooperation. Thanks everyone!

--MTT Admin Team on June 05, 2008 08:48 pm 0 Comments
Fanfic by Mood or Theme
On the boards, we created a folder for reading suggestions. Every week, we'll add a new theme or mood and ask you the readers to mention stories that you have enjoyed that fall under that given category. It's nice if you explain why you liked that story or how it relates to the theme. Then, we hope these threads can serve as a reference to use when you feel like reading something specific.

Since summer is fast approaching, go to the boards and give us some summer-themed (or heat-related) stories. Smiley

If you have any theme/mood/scenario you'd like to see featured, do PM one of the admins or email us at

--Morning Angel on May 31, 2008 07:11 pm 0 Comments
MTT Primer Update
Announcing the fanfic primer update!

Hello MTT-ers. We're asking for your help as we update MTT's fanfic primer. The current primer is sadly outdated and we'd like to come up with a new one that recognizes both the "classics" of Office fanfic, and some outstanding newer stories.

In order to do this, we need you to email us your top 5 Jam stories and your top 5 "Other" stories. (Other includes ensemble fics and stories about other pairings.) If you only want to nominate stories for one category that's fine. We welcome any input.

Please note that you are only allowed to send us one set of nominations and your nomination email should include your MTT penname. When we receive your nomination we'll send you an email confirming that we got it. If you don't get this email within three days of sending us your nomination, please contact one of the mods; we want to make sure everyone's vote gets counted.

We're going to give you until midnight EDT on Saturday, June 14th to send us your nominations, after which we'll be narrowing down the choices a bit more.

If you have questions feel free to contact us at Thanks for your help!

--Azlin on May 28, 2008 01:13 pm 2 Comments
List of Ribboned Stories
The wonderful Azlin has created a list of all stories who received a ribbon from the administrators of the archive over the last 2 years.  If you want to see this list, head on over to this thread on the message board ! 

--Morning Angel on May 23, 2008 06:30 am 0 Comments
The Final Four


And so we have the Final Four of Member's Choice Madness!!

Thanks again to all of you who voted!!!

Friendly Advice by uncgirl
when all this time you didn't know love by unfold
Up in Jim's Room by wendolf
Blink (and you'll miss it) by xoxoxo



Stay tuned for another chance for you to feature your favorites post finale.  We'll be updating our fanfic primer.  Vote for the stories/authors you think are essential reading for an Office fanfic fan.


Details to follow.

--xoxoxo on April 28, 2008 05:33 pm 0 Comments
Member's Choice Update

I'm a slacker but I wanted to post the latest in Member's Choice news for you. 

I never mentioned this here last week (bad xoxoxo!!) - but the second set of stories featured was:

My Love is Strong Enough, to Last When Things are Rough by dundiefromgod
Any Reason by Geinnob
Charcoal & Watercolors by I Know This Much Is True
A Matter of Timing by Lissa_Maylee

Honorable Mention: Baby Talk by Lovefool (which has an update today!)

This week's featured stories are:

to calm and comfort by Lyss
The Great Escape by PhatHalpert
Names and Places by shootingstars
Vox by sophia_helix
Oracle Mom by time4moxie

There is one more batch to come after this.  Thanks again to all of you who have participated!!!

--xoxoxo on April 19, 2008 05:14 am 0 Comments

Thanks to all of you who voted in our Member's Choice contest.  The first five winners are featured as of today. 

Please check back in coming weeks for updates.  Without further ado.....

~ Our top nominee ~

Observer Effect by GodInThisChilis

Honorable Mentions

Fathers and Daughters. Women and Men. by Stablergirl

Euclid Wasn't Perfect by Becky215

The Garbage Can Letters by Azlin

and to round out the first 5 stories

The New Happy by Colette

Stay tuned for another way to express your love for some of the stories archived here.  Next we will be updating our Fanfic Primer.  Think of the stories that got you hooked, the ones you think are essential for someone new to fanfic.  

Details to follow soon!!!


--xoxoxo on March 31, 2008 07:26 pm 0 Comments
Member's Choice Madness!!

In anticipation of the April return of our favorite show (and for those who don't follow College Basketball) it's time for.... 

March Member's Choice Madness!!!

(and sigh.  OK.  People who follow basketball can play too. ;) ) 

Here's the deal:

Beginning at 12 Midnight ET on March 1st - please email with your nomination of a story you would like to see featured with a blue ribbon on the archive. Nominations will close at 9 PM ET on March 31st* 

*Nominations received before or after these parameters are not eligible. 


1) Only one (1) story nomination per member will be considered. 

2) Probably a given but for the record - authors may not nominate their own works. 

3) Story must be complete - not a "work in progress" (WIP).  Works finished during the month of March are eligible but only after marked as "complete". 

4) The story must not have been featured on the archive previously.    

5) In the interest of fairness if a particular author receives nominations for more than one story only one work by that author will be featured.   

6) The top nominated story will be featured for the entire month of April.   In addition, nominated stories will be featured (2 each week) for the rest of the month.  We hope to have about 10 "Member's Choice" stories in all. 

7) Stories nominated through the gmail account ONLY will be considered.   Nominations made on the "Recommendations" thread in the MTT Forum or similar will not be eligible. 

If you have any additional questions re: the nomination process, please feel free to comment here or PM me. 

Thanks and happy nominating!!!



--xoxoxo on February 26, 2008 09:03 am 0 Comments
Sharky's Challenge
I've added a label for Sharky's Two-Week Word Challenge.

--Morning Angel on February 18, 2008 11:37 am 0 Comments
Two New Challenges
We have two new challenges to had to our list of ideas that some members would like to see our writers tackle. The first challenge was sent by becky215 and is related with some lyrics from Walk Hard. Our second challenge was sent in by MoraDae, and asked writers to tell us more about Pam letting her hair down.

--Morning Angel on January 18, 2008 09:26 pm 0 Comments

Happy New Year, everyone!  I apologize for having forgotten to post challenges in more than a month.  I give you three new challenges: Postponed But Not Forgotten by razzamatazz73, Model by KaraThis, and Stuck and Not Alone by flonkertonxx. 

Just to be clear, if you've posted challenges without sending them to us via email, I have had to delete them since it goes against our policy.  We want to give everyone a chance to have their challenge featured on the main page to give it the attention it deserves, so we ask everyone to email us their challenge and not post them directly.

Stay tuned for a special challenge later this month!

--Morning Angel on January 02, 2008 10:54 pm 0 Comments
WGA Strike
I have had to delete from the archive a few WGA strike-related material in the last few days. While I understand that people are upset, this type of writing clearly falls outside the scope of the archive as per the submission guidelines. Any story posted here that is not fanfiction will be deleted as indicated in the archive rules. Hence, I would please ask you to refrain from posting your letters here. If you wish to have a discussion related to the strike, feel free to join this thread on the boards.

--Morning Angel on November 14, 2007 10:56 pm 0 Comments

Firstly, I have seen people have been adding challenges themselves. As we have mentioned many times, we ask people email us their ideas instead so I have removed those challenges posted, and added them to our list.

Two new challenges:

1) Jan's New Job. (and it's not a boob job. ;)) This challenge was suggested by belsum. Jan takes a new job, and it's in the Dunder Mifflin Business Park. What's her new gig?

2) Jim To The Rescue. This challenge was suggested by Jenninthecity. Pam's a modern woman who can take care of herself, but sometimes Jim just can't help himself. Someone's bugging Pam and Jim comes to the rescue.

By the way, we also have old Halloween challenges in case you are looking for ideas for Halloween-themed stories: Haunted House and Zombie Attack.

--Morning Angel on October 31, 2007 12:45 am 0 Comments
Downtime and Donating

There is some upcoming downtime this week due to our host doing some emergency maintenance.

It will be this Friday, October 19th, 2007 at 10:00PM Pacific time, and according to the host downtime should be minimal.

Eh sucks a bit, but these things need to be done.

Also, you can read information about donating to MTT here.


--sicokitty on October 18, 2007 04:55 am 0 Comments
In Case The Server Ever Goes Down Again...
(although I will think a lot of positive thoughts so it doesn't!), we have a LJ that will keep you updated:  Feel free to join or watch that community. Smiley

--Morning Angel on October 13, 2007 06:20 pm 0 Comments
We Are Back!

We had hosting problems for the last week, but we are back with our own private server so everything should be back running smoothly. Thank you all for your patience, and thanks to sicokitty for all her awesomeness and hard work in bringing this back up.

The only bad news is that hosting just became a whole lot more expensive. Many people have offered to help, which we really appreciate so much. We will be putting back up a donate button soon for those who wish to contribute. :)

--Morning Angel on October 11, 2007 08:24 pm 10 Comments
Two New Challenges

With just one week before the premiere (Woohoo!), I've added two new challenges: Kevin's Wedding, submitted by Nanreg, and Proust Questionnaire, as proposed by Raj.

As always, if you have challenge ideas, feel free to email us by clicking the "contact us" button or post them on our boards.

--Morning Angel on September 19, 2007 08:48 pm 1 Comments
Two New Challenges

I've posted 2 new challenges: Drunk Michael submitted by snozdoodle and Pam's Pregnancy by belsum.

As always, if you have challenge ideas, feel free to email us by clicking the "contact us" button or post them on our boards.

--Morning Angel on September 02, 2007 06:55 am 0 Comments
New URL?

A poll about whether or not MTT should get a new URL is posted here .

Unfortunately, you will need to register there in order to vote on the poll. I was unable to get the poll module here to work sadly. :(

--sicokitty on August 16, 2007 07:00 pm 0 Comments
55-Word Challenges
I know the 55-word challenges got many people to write so they are back by popular demand! Thanks to the MTT chatroom people for the thematic suggestions. Thus, I bring you two choices: 55 Words To Leave Scranton & 55: The Kandy Edition. I hope many people try to participate this time too.

--Morning Angel on August 05, 2007 06:22 am 0 Comments