Date: September 29, 2007 07:08 am Title: Casino Night
this is what it would be like before the actual casino night - post dwight prank, pre confession.... and now starts s3... :(
Date: September 25, 2007 09:17 am Title: Casino Night
So glad they're having lunch together before the shit hits the fan... I'm scared for the next million chapters of angst! the angst kills me, but I guess in a good way. And I know the ending will be well worth it!
Date: September 10, 2007 01:40 am Title: Casino Night
Brilliant idea to have this take place before the Big Reveal. Poor Jim and Pam. Their last happy hours together. :(
Date: September 09, 2007 04:03 am Title: Casino Night
You meant decide, not decided, at the start. Don't worry though, it was still enjoyable. Well done.
Author's Response: Argh! Damn this sporadic internet access, and of course, my always sub-par proof reading skills. .
Date: September 08, 2007 07:26 pm Title: Casino Night
Ow, ow, ow... I know the train is coming, but I can't seem to get off of the tracks...
These are great, BTW.
Date: September 08, 2007 06:02 pm Title: Casino Night
Oh, there was tissues needed that night, fo sho.
Another great one, ladama.
Author's Response: Thank, I was worried the tissue reference would be a little tacky, but people seem to like it.
Date: September 08, 2007 12:55 pm Title: Casino Night
This line "well, there's always the eternal dilemma of whether I'm gonna eat in the breakroom or in the kitchen" sounds very Jim to me. :)
I like how you put in a Jan phone call...
Author's Response: Hehe, he's just trying to make his life more exciting :-)
Date: September 08, 2007 10:14 am Title: Casino Night
Oh, I love how you have Pam foreshadowing with the crying. And Jim's life of quiet desperation, where his only big question is where to eat the lunch he packed from home. Just great job with the angst.
Author's Response: Well, that and whether or not he should tell Pam he's desperately in love with her. Gotta love the angst.
Date: September 08, 2007 10:02 am Title: Casino Night
Aww, these past two chapters are really well done, with Pam trying to make things normal and Jim kind of just going with it half-heartedly. Liked the mention of Jan, and Jim's quick brushing off of it. I'm really looking forward to reading the season three ones!
Author's Response: Season 3 will be a roller coaster for sure, but stick with it ;-)