Date: April 16, 2008 08:30 pm Title: Initiation
Hmm. I don't understand the line about kissing Dwight or Michael. Does that have something to do with the basic classes?
I like that Pam could kind of explain about the abrupt ending. I wish. :)
Author's Response:
Yeah . . . that was an attempt at an inner-fic reference, don't worry, you weren't the only one that didn't get it.
Date: September 29, 2007 07:19 am Title: Initiation
remembering the bet from so many chapters ago. and this chpater made me smile. they are talking. it is still that initial awkwardness, but the friendly and before it all goes to hell in a handbasket.
Date: September 10, 2007 08:13 pm Title: Initiation
Aw, yay! I'm glad you posted the non-talking chapters so close together so we could get back to relative okay-ness so soon (for a little while, anyway, possibly). I don't imagine they had much (or any) communication really between The Initiation, that text message, and the Merger, but I could believe them having little awkward chats, rebuilding the bond a little. I love the call back to the art class/kissing Dwight/Michael bet :)
Author's Response: Yeah, I think you just need to read GWH to Initiation in one sitting, it makes it a little easier.
Date: September 10, 2007 06:51 pm Title: Initiation
Aw, I like that. And I like that Pam was brave enough to IM first. Good on her!
Date: September 10, 2007 06:14 pm Title: Initiation
Interesting! A little IMing after the conversation. Then why weren't they closer when it was time to merge? You're going to throw a fly in the ointment after a chapter or so, aren't you? Harumph!
Good chapter, though. One little typo - you mean reasonably well adjusted, not reasonable...
What are you going to do next?
Author's Response: I don't know if I explained it very well, but I think the general theme with these IMs and on the show is that they just aren't reading each other very well at this point, and one is kind of expecting the other one to do the work, or something.

Date: September 10, 2007 05:34 pm Title: Initiation
Loved it, especially the part with the different kinds of paper.
One tiny thing: when he says lunch time I think you intended an "s" on the end of that oop.
Author's Response: I actually mean for it to be "oop" since he's not make a mistake or anything, he's just exclaiming that it's already lunch time, but thank you for being my ever diligent typo detector ;-)
Date: September 10, 2007 05:26 pm Title: Initiation
Still loving this! This is such a great way to fill in the gaps. I hope that Pam actually did explain why she cut off the phone call so abruptly. And I love the foreshadowing of "evolved" Jim!
Author's Response: Yep, Pam should have known something was up when he wasn't having his ham and cheese in the break room . . .
Date: September 10, 2007 05:13 pm Title: Initiation
ah, yes, that tiny glimmer of hope we had last fall, before Greg Daniels and Karen smashed it to bits.... Nicely done.
(Why would Pam have to kiss Dwight or Michael? I'm missing something...)
Author's Response: That's actually and inner-fic reference, read the "Boys and Girls" Chapter ;-)