Date: September 29, 2007 08:04 am Title: Product Recall
That day. Meaning 'the client' call back. *drifts off to memories of happy s2*
Date: September 26, 2007 11:36 am Title: Product Recall
I love how Jim changes the subject... Nice.
Date: September 25, 2007 03:41 pm Title: Product Recall
'What will become of EiE in Season 4'??? I know I'm not the only one who would LOVE to hear Jim/Pam IM convos from the new season or the only one yelling at their computer 'Update! Keep updating!' :P
Author's Response: Hehe, well, I'm pretty sure I'll have a S4 edition, the question is when, though. I kind of liked being able to hint to future episodes (like in the Pilot Chapter I made a reference to The Job), so I might wait for a few episodes to air before starting the S4 edition, or I might just have it next summer. Maybe I'll have an expanded edition of this story and we'll hear more from Larissa and Pam's mom and other people. I don't know, man! But be assured: EiE isn't done.
Date: September 25, 2007 02:56 pm Title: Product Recall
Oh please please please don't stop! I am in love with this series and I would hate for the premiere to throw it out :)
Date: September 25, 2007 08:33 am Title: Product Recall
fantastic job. I'll probably be wrong, but I'll take a crack at what your intentions were...Pam's feeling nostalgic--she misses the way things used to be between her and Jim, hence the Threat Level Midnight mention. Jim's a little more hesitant to slip back into that mode, hence his somewhat curt reply to the whole reminicense.
How was that? Anyway, I can't wait to see the last few S3 chapters!

Date: September 24, 2007 08:39 pm Title: Product Recall
I'm trying to come up with awesome feedback, but all I can think of "Nailed it!"
I think you really captured the tone of that episode. They are starting to become friendly and Pam has pounced on it, but Jim is still so freakin' cautious, even in IM.
One thing, though, didn't Andy say he met her at 7-11? Maybe I remembering that wrong...
Author's Response:
Thank you, that's generally what I was trying to capture.
I think the 7-11 thing is a deleted scene, which I need to have internet to watch (I think you've heard plenty about my internet woes). I actually heard wrong, she worked at a frozen yogurt stand (and I just changed it), but Jim's point was that her job probably should have tipped Andy off about her age.
Date: September 24, 2007 06:04 pm Title: Product Recall
Aww, love the callback to Threat Level Midnight and happier times! 49 chapters! Congratulations! How many more are we going to have?
Author's Response: Whoo hoo, 333 reviews ;-). I think once I post "The Job" chapter I will make this story as complete and if/when I do S4, it'll be a new story (kind of like girl7's "Away from the Cameras", not that I'm comparing myself to girl7 or anything ;-) )

Date: September 24, 2007 06:00 pm Title: Product Recall
I kind of like the idea of updating as the season goes on, I wish you would :-)
Product Recall was kind of an odd ep for Jim and Pam (odder than others in S3). They have no direct on camera interaction other than in the cold open. The IM dialogue is plausible for the current dynamic. Can't wait for Jim's next chat with Larissa though. I like that you've created a fiesty sister for Jim.
Author's Response:
Jim and Pam's interaction were just all over place the last 6 episodes this season, and it's very hard to write. They had their rock bottom in Negotiation, only to be buddy buddy in Safety Training, then there isn't even a word exchanged between them in PR, then in WA, he's clinging to the idea that he's been with Karen for 6 months, but can't help by be amused by Pam's prank (not to mention Karen seems very affected by Pam's suggestion to Michael to just break it off with Jan) . . . Anyway, my intentions for Jim's feelings in this chapter were for him to be conflicted: he's trying to keep things superficial, but he also can't interact with Pam at all without being drawn back into her.
I wasn't planning to have anymore Larissa in S3, but if the fans like, maybe there will be one more convo with her ;-)
Date: September 24, 2007 05:13 pm Title: Product Recall
While it's nice having them talk again, how do you explain Pam's "We're not even friends anymore" in Beach Games? I mean, sure, they're not as close as they once were, but this sounds pretty friendly to me! I'm just asking because I know you will have a well-thought out explanation :-)
I love how Jim completely avoided the subject of what else happened on the day they read "Threat Level Midnight."
Author's Response: I don't know if it's well thought out, but here's my explanation for this chapter: They may be talking again, but it is on IM and Jim is keeping the conversation strictly work related. He brings up the incident with Andy's girlfriend simply because he can't help himself and also because part of him knows Pam will respond better to it than Karen (since her sense of humor is darker and a little more cynical). Pam's response does makes him a little more comfortable and then he slips and mentions Samuel L Chang. He didn't mean to, but he brought up a day that was fun and special for both of them and to his horror Pam picks up on it right away. Like you said, he then completely avoids the topic and immediately steers back to the "safe" topic of the paper, as well as starts his exit from the conversation. You can think of this as a "slip" that make him avoid Pam and throw himself at Karen even more.