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Reviewer: grapenutbeats Signed 9 [Report This]
Date: March 17, 2007 10:06 pm Title: Chapter 32 - Like Water For Chocolate

Have to admit, that's pretty creepy, Pam.  Creepier than Toby's lattes and stuffed ducks, even. 

Author's Response: I agree Grapenutbeats. I've changed it just for you!

Reviewer: Too Late Kev Signed [Report This]
Date: March 17, 2007 10:05 pm Title: Chapter 32 - Like Water For Chocolate

I was so glad to see this! 

Michael's GAG???  Yikes.  Stanley?  Phyllis? Wow!

I must be (am) old and out-of-it, but what's the deal with Ryan's circulation?  Do I even want to know?

Jim, do not kiss Karen.  Yuck.  Get away from that lying....

Poor Pam!  Not getting any, when everyone else is!  Sad, sad Pam.

Yay, girly-girl!  Back to the office next time, I hope?   

Author's Response:

Ryan's circulation? Hell if I know. I'm still trying to figure out why Rosita likes the circle attachment on the vacuum...

Sad, sad Pam. Tall, tall Jim. Teabagging Karen. These are all things that must be addressed in the office tomorrow. Yes.

Reviewer: Pamela Beesley Signed [Report This]
Date: March 17, 2007 09:58 pm Title: Chapter 32 - Like Water For Chocolate

“Now, now. Rosita. Let’s try the circle vacuum attachment again. You know you like that.” She pushed him off her. “My name’s Regina!”

That Creed part specifically really made my night.  I loved the multiple perspectives; all seemed to really fit. 



Author's Response: Thank god, someone mentioned it......while I was writing it, I was like "what the hell does that mean?" Can you please explain (in girly girl code because I'm kinda squeamish) what the heck Creed's doing with that circle vacuum attachment! Thank you!

Reviewer: Luna Mystik Signed [Report This]
Date: March 17, 2007 12:27 pm Title: Chapter 31 - skooshed

Pam! Ditch that charcoal class! Ditch it now!

Author's Response: You tell her, Luna Mystik! She never listens to me!

Reviewer: Snarkland Signed [Report This]
Date: March 17, 2007 05:23 am Title: Chapter 31 - skooshed

Maybe Jim could go to her Charcoal class and be the think?  Or was that too Kelly-ish of a suggestion?

And is Jim lying to Karen, I mean, about him "knowing" she was kidding about the kissing?  Because, honestly, I think he is.  And, if that be the case, he's awfully good at conflict resolution BEFORE the conflict even begins.

More please!  Oh, and's Sat. morning.  I totally obeyed the rules.  :)

Author's Response:

Wow! Snarkland. Nude!Jim! modeling. I think you've got a win-win-win fic idea there.

Secret: I think he's lying too. See next chapter.

t's Sat. morning.  I totally obeyed the rules.  :)  Wow! You have a-mazing will power!!!!


Reviewer: Pam21 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 16, 2007 08:17 pm Title: Chapter 31 - skooshed

oh kay as I was reading this I said to my self she is going to end it with Pam saying Oh I can't go sorry... and even though I was prepared for it... I still just screamed

Poor Jim I can make it better ;)

Author's Response: So did I, Pam21, so did I. I've got Jim on the phone here and he says he'll be right over. Hope you have hot cocoa on low heat. He's partial to the hot cocoa.

Reviewer: Jamster Signed [Report This]
Date: March 16, 2007 06:32 pm Title: Chapter 31 - skooshed

I couldn't help it! I read it this morning!

What happened?! Why did Pam say no?! They were so close!!! Get them together ASAP!!

Author's Response:

Now Now. Calm down. Pam has a life, Jamster. You do want to be proud of her, yes? You don't want her to give up her dreams of being an artist for a few hours of hot sex with Jim, do you? Of course not. Of course not. *Fans self*

I am getting them together ASAP but I'd have to take it AU if I went outside Greg Daniel's protocol. Mustn't have that.

Reviewer: lama Signed [Report This]
Date: March 16, 2007 03:50 pm Title: Chapter 31 - skooshed

Oh man, oh man! Pammmmmmm! Your charcoals can't love you like Jim can love you! While I want to slap you for ending the chapter this way, thus forcing me to be all angsty til your next update, thank you for another fantastic chapter and for the dedication! Squee! TWENTYQs HOLLA!

Author's Response: I was a leetle worried about that TwentyQ's part. I just checked and was glad to see that the TWoP TwentyQ's have not taken up the suggestion of removing clothing when getting a 'no' answer. Phew! X-Rated 20Q averted!!!

Reviewer: EmilyHalpert Signed [Report This]
Date: March 16, 2007 03:12 pm Title: Chapter 31 - skooshed

I dare you torment us by giving us this chapter and then not allowing us to read it. It was just sitting there on my computer all day, calling out to me. not cool at all.
but, finally, when i decided it was night (it was thinking about getting dark), i gave myself the go ahead.
yet another amazing chapter... loved that pams compliments were a line off. cause i was like karen slaped michael? damn, when! i loved the call back to having to entertain jim when he died of bordem, and the subsequent jamness even though it didn't amount to any coffee (Yet).

And the Noel issue. Although I always pictured it spelled Noelle. Not that Noel is wrong or anything, cause thats the way I always see it spelled. But, it was just like, I dunno. My brain doesn't work?

Author's Response: I'm concerned about the Noel issue myself. I have seen it written both ways by different Fic writers. I've never known anyone in real life named Noelle, but I have known a few Noel's. If I find out that canon has Noelle, I'll go back and change it. Thanks for all the compliments and sorry about the torment! These things happen... just think happy Noelle and Kurt having a ketchup fight.

Reviewer: super_perfect Anonymous [Report This]
Date: March 16, 2007 11:42 am Title: Chapter 31 - skooshed

dammit pam!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is about all i can say. someone needs to slap HER.  oh, and i read it early. sue me! could not wait!

Reviewer: shan21 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 16, 2007 09:35 am Title: Chapter 31 - skooshed

Okay, you were not kidding about the curse! I was late to class because I was so engrossed in this chapter. Now, I suppose you could blame that on my own poor planning, but I like to think it was the curse.

And AH!! Why Pam why?!? Skip your stupid class!

But yeah, I'm loving the Jammy goodness that seems to be emerging in the story now. 

Author's Response: Shooka Shooka! Beware the voodoo power of Muggins. Now using ancient spell power --- bibidi bibidi boo! I release you from the curse! For you have written a review and are therefore repentant.

Reviewer: SixFlightsUp Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: March 16, 2007 08:42 am Title: Chapter 31 - skooshed


Don’t worry. I turned him down. I told him the truth. I’m not planning on getting married for a long, long time. I played the “I’m enjoying being young with no responsibilities” card.


Nicely played, Jim! Nicely played!

Author's Response:

And who says Jim sucks at Poker? He wanted Pam to win at the Casino tables. He knew she wasn't bluffing. Now, Karen... Jim secretly wants Karen to lose. We all know it. Don't we? Are you listening to me, Karen? He's not going to call your bluff, girlfriend! Why don't you pack up your chips while you're still ahead and move to another table! 

I'm upset at Karen right now because she got to give Jim kissing lessons. Ugh.

Reviewer: Too Late Kev Signed [Report This]
Date: March 16, 2007 06:49 am Title: Chapter 31 - skooshed

Yay, Jim! “I’m enjoying being young with no responsibilities” Heehee.

Darn it, Pam, go for the coffee - Aargh.

And, yes, it looks like Karen has talked her way out of a "jam".  Darn it.

This was great!!!  Do we get one on weekends?  Well, I'll expect it when I see it - Thanks!! 

Reviewer: gotkona Signed [Report This]
Date: March 16, 2007 05:48 am Title: Chapter 30 - Ryan's Underwear - New Theory

Meredith way to go. comes out of silence with some great ones. Still not tired of this fic, keep it coming.

Reviewer: moofoot Signed [Report This]
Date: March 16, 2007 04:59 am Title: Chapter 31 - skooshed

ALSO I was looking at my review [in case there were wonks in it and things] and I noticed you said anyone who reads the whole thing deserves a Dundie. I'll be expecting mine in the mail, then? 

Author's Response: As soon as Greg Daniels gets around to it. He's been really lazy about handing out the Dundies lately.

Reviewer: moofoot Signed [Report This]
Date: March 16, 2007 04:57 am Title: Chapter 31 - skooshed

I live in Singapore, where we are deprived of getting episodes early [we got Casino Night last week!! God.], and I watch all S3 episodes a day late, and it's already Friday night here, so I'm going to risk being shooka-shookaed by reading it right away. 

I keep loving Jim/Pam interactions [*headdesk*ing and all that one-finger typing (ahem.), and charcoal class, and JIMDITCHINGKARENHA.], and I keep thinking Karen would do nicely jumping off a cliff [I love Jim telling her he's not planning on marrying for a while], and I keep loving the rest of the Office!ladies even more. Meredith, especially - if she existed, in real life [and I have to remind myself of that a lot, believe me; it's sad], I would be unbelievably entertained. All the time. But since she doesn't exist [*sigh* unfortunately], I'm going to have to just entertain myself with this story, because it is hands down one of the most snort-worthy stories on this site, while still being plot-y and plot-advancement-y and - I'm no longer making sense, so I have to leave it at one of the most awesome stories ever. Ever. [I don't use triple-threat bolditalicunderline for just anything.] 

Author's Response:

Singapore! OK, there's definitiely no curse for anyone living in Singapore. I mean you're in a different time zone right? That seems really far away...

Unfortunately, I don't think there are any cliffs in Scranton. Otherwise, I'd figure out how to dive-bomb her (at least for my own amusement). Meredith does exist in real life and I work with her. She tells me daily about her sex-capades. I'm hoping she makes half of them up.

Thank You for the compliment!


Reviewer: Kathrynann Signed [Report This]
Date: March 15, 2007 09:20 pm Title: Chapter 2 - Cat Allergies

I've only just started this story after hearing so many good things about it lately, and I just want to say I am in love!  It has such a nice breezy tone and I can't wait to keep reading.  Great job!

Author's Response: Thank you so much, I hope you continue enjoying it! There sure are a lot of chapters to read. Anyone who reads the whole thing deserves a Dundie!

Reviewer: Alex Wert Signed [Report This]
Date: March 15, 2007 08:02 pm Title: Chapter 30 - Ryan's Underwear - New Theory

Consider all of us reading this now as payback for chapter 29 not showing up yesterday.

I think we all need a little Meredith in our lives.  That kind of entertainment is priceless.

Author's Response:

That was really weird yesterday. I think they did something wonky when they were trying to fix that bigger bug that was causing the random text-code at the top of the page.

A little Meredith is fine. A lot of Meredith...whoo...that's another story. She scares me. At night, I worry about poor Andy. Meredith keeps giving him glances. Lingering glances. Brrrrr....  No wonder the poor guy is flipping out.

Reviewer: Luna Mystik Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: March 15, 2007 07:36 pm Title: Chapter 30 - Ryan's Underwear - New Theory

Meredith is a naughty, naughty Mifflinite. And poor Jim. Poor, poor Jim. I have faith that Pam will restore his belief in his ability to kiss, like, soon, right? In chapter 31, right? The good stuff is coming...I can feel it...

(not that this whole fic isn't the good stuff, but you know what I mean..)

Author's Response: Chapter 31? Uh...well. Luna Mystik you seem like a nice person and I think you should sit down for this. Possibly breathe into a paper bag. Not in Chapter 31. There I said it. Pam will NOT kiss Jim in Chapter 31. However. Pam will kiss Jim. It will happen. The good stuff is always coming...

Reviewer: Snarkland Signed [Report This]
Date: March 15, 2007 03:41 pm Title: Chapter 30 - Ryan's Underwear - New Theory

Ok, Muggins...I will be honest with you.  It's Thursday and I read Friday's chapter?  Is that ok?  Or are you mad?

I liked this chapter...except the whole Karen part at the top.  Well, I liked how you wrote it...I just hated the attitude.

And you were right in your response to me.  Of course she didn't know.  I guess I assumed that, since he IS the only one to know the truth, she'd deduce it was him.  Oh well.

Can't wait for more!  :)

Author's Response:

Snarkland, that's fine. Because now was back then and now is now and now you're allowed to read it. However! You can't read tomorrow's chapter until tomorrow night which by the time I'm back on this computer it will be yesterday. So watch it!

Karen's going to get hers in the end. That's What She Said!!!

Reviewer: Azlin Signed [Report This]
Date: March 15, 2007 01:46 pm Title: Chapter 30 - Ryan's Underwear - New Theory

Aw, poor Jim! If I wasn't so sure it would all work out in the end I'd be seriously concerned about his kissing self-esteem. Wait, it does all work out, right????

Author's Response: Kissing self-esteem IS a serious issue and one that should be dealt with as quickly as possible. That's my prescription. Now all I've got to do is find a way that Pam can accidentally tell him he's the hottest kisser EVER. Still working on that.     It does all work out. I promise. By chapter 15,000.

Reviewer: Maybe Once Signed [Report This]
Date: March 15, 2007 07:30 am Title: Chapter 30 - Ryan's Underwear - New Theory

I love that Jim is more worried about PAM'S opinion of his Mad Kissing Skillz than he care's about KAREN'S slander of him.  And she (the Maneater) is delusional enough to think that insulting the boy will get her some action.  HA!

Author's Response: Oh his Mad Kissing Skillz will be coming into play!! Karen the maneater...oh my. I think that was one of the monsters in Mordor!

Reviewer: mcmuffins Signed [Report This]
Date: March 15, 2007 07:01 am Title: Chapter 30 - Ryan's Underwear - New Theory

Oh my god, I LOVE Angela's "compliments!"  Especially the one about Kelly... I could just DIE.  OH Muggins.  I stick by what I said - you're putting crack in the fic!  Or subliminal messages, whatever.  This is waaaaay too good and too engrossing.  Stupid Karen, btw.  Ergh. 

Author's Response: When I wrote that "compliment" about Kelly I just about DIED myself. How un-PC can you get. I have an easier time writing Meredith's trailer-trash sex talk. Seriously. Angela scares me some times. la-la-la """"""""""""""""""""""" oops, how did all those apostrophes get there?

Reviewer: Too Late Kev Signed [Report This]
Date: March 15, 2007 06:26 am Title: Chapter 30 - Ryan's Underwear - New Theory

Oh, yeah, definitely Scout's honor on "tomorrow's" chapter. Of course, I quit Scouts like 33 years ago, so... take my Scout's honor for what it's worth.  (Nada.)

I LOVE Jim's reaction to Karen's evil "not a good kisser" and Jim frantically searching the emails for anything to do with him or with Pam.  That whole Jim paragraph is a-MA-zing!

And Karen thinking that Jim's going to be proving what a good kisser he is tonight?  Honey, you are so in denial!!  You just dissed the guy to Pam and you both laughed.  I hope Karen remembers the last time Jim kissed her, because that could be the LAST time ever!

Kelly's "nice things" about everyone were hilarious!

Muggins, thanks for the chapter!  I look forward to the next one! 

Author's Response:

Once a scout...always a scout, isn't that the scout motto?  

Oh Too Late Kev have you not learned from the underhanded devious ways of Karen yet. Our boy is not out of her clutches yet!  Thank you for all the compliments! They make me all blushy.

Reviewer: Snarkland Signed [Report This]
Date: March 15, 2007 03:25 am Title: Chapter 1 - Kiss the Bobble Head

Oh my...I have to say that Pam really needs to work on her "who am I gonna believe?" skills.  I mean, the way she treated poor Jim as he's being so noble.  I wanted to reach in there, grab her shoulders, wave the Post-it in her face and scream, "JIM WROTE THIS!  HE SO WANTS YOU TO HAVE HIS CHILDREN!  DON'T YOU SEE???"

Sigh.  But that is realistic.  What to do?  What to do??

I can't wait for more...and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE say they are getting together.  This heart of mine couldn't stand it if they went through all of this...for nought.

Author's Response:

Snarkland, honey. Let's be reasonable. Pam has nary a clue that Jim saw the email about Karen being a better a kisser. It would be as unfathomable for her to suspect Jim as it would be to suspect Creed! As a matter of fact, Creed would be a more likely suspect, in her mind. There's only two people she would suspect actually: Meredith and Angela. Kelly would put more exclamation points and write it on pink paper with a purple pen. Phyllis is in cahoots with Pam and so wouldn't for various reasons... so yep. No possibility of Jim.

They are getting together. I promise. I ♥ Karen but she needs to find a man that she truly loves. And who truly loves her. She deserves it.

Author's Response:

Snarkland, honey. Let's be reasonable. Pam has nary a clue that Jim saw the email about Karen being a better a kisser. It would be as unfathomable for her to suspect Jim as it would be to suspect Creed! As a matter of fact, Creed would be a more likely suspect, in her mind. There's only two people she would suspect actually: Meredith and Angela. Kelly would put more exclamation points and write it on pink paper with a purple pen. Phyllis is in cahoots with Pam and so wouldn't for various reasons... so yep. No possibility of Jim.

They are getting together. I promise. I ♥ Karen but she needs to find a man that she truly loves. And who truly loves her. She deserves it.

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