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Reviewer: super_perfect Anonymous [Report This]
Date: March 07, 2007 03:26 pm Title: Chapter 21 - not much body hair on Nuns....

OMG! first of all i love this story. I'm havign to catch up after being away. but this chapter especially? HILARIOUS! awesome. keep it going. i have no idea where it is heade, but just keep it going.

Author's Response: I always love it when someone says they don't know where it's headed because I'm pretty much in the dark myself. I usually only have the next couple of chapters planned!

Reviewer: GreenFish Signed [Report This]
Date: March 06, 2007 06:11 pm Title: Chapter 21 - not much body hair on Nuns....

This last scene with Michael in Hooters is very funny.  I am, however, a little confused about the whole thing with Angela and Dwight and the HR form.  Why wouldn't have Toby gotten it yet?   Why are they asking him now? 

Also:  Jim and his roommate's "brother" (I love that Dwight knew his roommate's brother's name.  Seriously.)  That was very hilarious, too.  You really played out those scenes in Hooters well.  

Author's Response:

Re: Angela/Dwight/HRForm. Angela and Dwight filled that form out at about 11:15am and gave it to Pam. Pam was holding it until she was sure both Angela and Phyllis completed their Dares. Unfortunately, Phyllis' dare didn't go off as planned so Pam completely forgot about Angela's HR form. That's why it is still at her desk...theoretically. It is now roughly 1:30ish in the Break Room (I always have a 1pm lunch, not sure if that's normal).  Kelly...and Meredith (when she caught on) are quizzing Toby because a) Angela and Pam are not there to stop them and b) Kelly (and Meredith) want to get a little revenge against Angela because she called them whores. In addition, because I LOVE COMPLICATIONS, they think this is the worst possible revenge they could do since they think that Angela and Dwight are not actually going to date. Actually if the truth came out, I think both Pam and Angela would be relieved at this turn of events. I just like imagining how NAUGHTY Kelly and Meredith feel right now. So the only voice of reason trying to stop them is Karen and since they don't seem to interact with her on the show I figured they'd ignore her here. See how simple that all was? Now ask me about something complicated!!! :)   And please... Keep pointing out things that you think are inconsistant, I regularly go back and clean up old chapters!


Reviewer: Too Late Kev Signed [Report This]
Date: March 06, 2007 06:06 pm Title: Chapter 21 - not much body hair on Nuns....

Yes, Jim. By all means, ask Laurel and Hardy for advice. (Hee hee.)

Need...longer...chapter.  Awaiting next (at your convenience). 

Author's Response:

 Yes, Jim. By all means, ask Laurel and Hardy for advice! (OK! That. Was Hysterical!)

You want to know how pathetic I am? I loved your comment so much I was trying to think of a way to include it... so I'm like "Hey, Laurel and Hardy were in the movie 'The Flying Deuces' AND Michael wants to 'drop a deuce' on everyone. Surely I can weave that in..." Honestly I scare myself sometimes. And my boyfriend thought the Betty & Veronica reference was TOO obscure....

Reviewer: bloomsgirl Signed [Report This]
Date: March 06, 2007 05:46 pm Title: Chapter 21 - not much body hair on Nuns....

Could Dwight and Michael be any more awkward? I know its just fiction, but u captured them so perfectly, its just, it boggles the mind. Wow. 

Author's Response:

Thanks for the praise on the Hooters scenes but I actually just feel AWFUL about them! This is supposed to be Girly Girl and I felt guilty the whole time I was writing because none of the girls were there.  I had to do it! My excuse is that I was forced to by all the Jim fans who were confused about  yesterday's chapter. Maybe if I had the Hooters girl do something.... hmm

Reviewer: Snarkland Signed [Report This]
Date: March 06, 2007 05:18 pm Title: Chapter 21 - not much body hair on Nuns....

Ok...this is the 2ND funniest chapter in the history of reading!  HAHAAAAAAAAAA!

That was so funny.  I swear, that entire office is filled with baboons and laughing hyenas!  The only sane ones, Phyllis, Jim and Pam, are like animal trainers who have lost control!

I laughed SO HARD...and I couldn't even give you a specific moment as to what was the funniest.

Thanks Muggins!

Author's Response: I kinda want to know who you think is a baboon and who you think is a laughing hyena.... I agree with the lost control bit though! Definitely. Definitely. Maybe I better stop writing...I mean TWO of the funniest chapters in the history of reading? Maybe I better sit back while I'm still good. ;o

Reviewer: gotkona Signed [Report This]
Date: March 06, 2007 05:10 pm Title: Chapter 21 - not much body hair on Nuns....

Loved the Jim, Dwight, Michael conversations. Too funny.  Still loving this fic and eagerly awaiting more.

Author's Response:

I've just got to ask, I've been wondering for days and days now. What does 'gotkona' mean? Is it supposed to be like 'Got Milk'? What's a kona?

Reviewer: Snarkland Signed [Report This]
Date: March 06, 2007 04:55 pm Title: Chapter 20 - Lunching with Floozies

Still lovin' this story...

Actually I'm a bit addicted.  Poor poor Jim.  But you gotta love Phyllis...she really is trying.

More more more please!  :)

Why, Muggins!  How sweet!  You've got buttercups embroidered on your undies!  (sorry...I just couldn't help that one.)  :)

Author's Response: Actually I have violets. sorry..I just couldn't help that one either.  ;)

Reviewer: Teresa Signed [Report This]
Date: March 05, 2007 08:41 pm Title: Chapter 1 - Kiss the Bobble Head

I too am Lovin it, lovin it, lovin it, but am also confused as to why Jim is so angry.  Maybe it's something to come?  I also re-read past chapters, but I think I still missed it.  Thank goodness it hasn't lessened my enjoyment.  This really is a great story.

Author's Response:

Jim's anger will be explained next chapter! I'm writing as fast as I can! Thank you for reading past chapters though! That's so nice!!!

Reviewer: Treble Signed [Report This]
Date: March 05, 2007 08:20 pm Title: Chapter 20 - Lunching with Floozies

Except for the fact that I'm still waiting for the appeareance of smitten in this fine piece of work...this totally rocks. :) I love Ryan's "Um... I don't think they're "fake" dating." It takes me back to his talking head after the "no cookies" and it makes me want to cuddle BJ Novak. Was that tmi?

Author's Response: Oh! Itsa commin' pa! Itsa commin'! Just need a few more chapters of build up! That talking head was exactly what inspired it! tmi? yes. but I liiiiike tmi! FYI more BJ Novak love is on the way! Poor Ryan will soon be pranked! uh oh!!!

Reviewer: Too Late Kev Signed [Report This]
Date: March 05, 2007 04:57 pm Title: Chapter 20 - Lunching with Floozies

Okay, I feel slow.  Like Michael-slow or Roy-slow.  I don't understand why Jim is quite so mad...?  Will I find out in further chapters or am I just that slow?  I did re-read a bunch, and still don't get it.

Other than that - Lovin' this!  And Ryan's comments at the end... yay!

Author's Response: No! NO! You are not slow and really comparing yourself to Michael-slow? That is just wrong! I promise I will explain all, I just have sooo much to tell!

Reviewer: EmilyHalpert Signed [Report This]
Date: March 05, 2007 03:24 pm Title: Chapter 20 - Lunching with Floozies

not fake dating at all :)

Author's Response: nope. not at all. ;)

Reviewer: gotkona Signed [Report This]
Date: March 05, 2007 10:01 am Title: Chapter 19 - Who Would You Do? Muppets Version

Great job clearing that up Phyllis.  She is a mastermind at all of this.

Reviewer: gotkona Signed [Report This]
Date: March 05, 2007 09:58 am Title: Chapter 18 - Seven Lines of Gossip

OMG Kelly was just too funny.  She blows everything out of porportion.

Reviewer: ficklevillain Signed [Report This]
Date: March 05, 2007 09:00 am Title: Chapter 19 - Who Would You Do? Muppets Version

oh my goodness. i love it. love it, love it, love it. i'm *so* glad you've got at least another 14,981 chapters to go. i'm not sure i'd be satisfied with anything less. :0) and a WiP is a Work in Progress. it's a fic that you post as you write, as opposed to a fic that you finish entirely before posting. WiPs are notorious for going on a *lot* longer than you had first intended. i have a very bad habit of not finishing WiPs. i'm *still* surprised that i managed to finish turnabout. luckily, i can now keep myself occupied by reading this. (because, hey, *practically* an eternal WiP. and an eternal WiP is a beautiful thing.) SWEET!

Author's Response: Work in Progress? Ok, well that's just reasonable. I was really expecting something more... subtle... like "Whacked in Penis." OK back to writing, back to writing, everyone wants to know what's up with Jim!

Reviewer: molly_connelley Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: March 04, 2007 08:51 pm Title: Chapter 19 - Who Would You Do? Muppets Version

Oh man, I was literally dying waiting for this chapter! I was terrified for Jim! And I couldn't see a way out of it! So, you totally rock for saving our boy from the hell of well... that whole situation. Hehe. This is so great. I'm sorry I don't review as often as I should, but please know that I absolutely love it!

Author's Response: Uh oh. Don't think you're going to like the next chapter. I suggest you stop reading for a couple of days. Maybe visit a zen garden. Be at peace with the universe. Contemplate the mighty oak leaf. Examine your inner being. Stay far far away from all things Muggins related.

Reviewer: Calli Wall Signed [Report This]
Date: March 04, 2007 07:34 pm Title: Chapter 19 - Who Would You Do? Muppets Version

ooo very interesting. this story is seriously ridiculously fun to read! can't wait for more.

Reviewer: GreenFish Signed [Report This]
Date: March 04, 2007 05:10 pm Title: Chapter 19 - Who Would You Do? Muppets Version

Wow, OK, I just caught up on where you're at with this story and I have to say, it's really engaging!  Makes me want to play truth-or-dare at work, hee.  Anyway, I especially love your Angela, Phyllis and Meredith!  Meredith is the greatest in this series.  I love how she constantly goads Angela.

Also ... I did not expect the bit about Pam and the sketchbook -- I figured Phyllis was just bluffing about having gossip.  Wow!!  That is juicy!  Also:  everyone really seems to be ragging on Pam and her Dundies kiss a lot.  This seems like this will bite her in the ass.

Looking forward to reading more now... you totally sucked me in .... ahhhh!!

Author's Response:


I supposedly have to write 15,000 chapters so I'm putting those Dundies out there as a possible chapter 1500 kinda thing. I'm pretty sure Karen will slug Pam if she tries to kiss Jim. But who knows? I haven't ruled out the possibility of a threesome.

 you totally sucked me in!!! that's what he said!

Bluffing? Bluffing! I've been talking about this gossip for 16 chapters! Do you think I could do a big reveal of "there was nothing"? I'm pretty sure I would be dead now if I had done that! My sister especially is keeping tabs on the situation. Her exact words were "It better be good or else ---- cement boots, babe!" So you know. Death threats keep me typing.




Reviewer: EmilyHalpert Signed [Report This]
Date: March 04, 2007 04:13 pm Title: Chapter 19 - Who Would You Do? Muppets Version

yay another chapter keeps me happy!

Reviewer: Joni24 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 04, 2007 04:11 pm Title: Chapter 19 - Who Would You Do? Muppets Version chapter title ever!! lol, these girls are silly.

Reviewer: LindsayLeigh Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: March 04, 2007 03:05 pm Title: Chapter 18 - Seven Lines of Gossip

Oh my God. That email was soooo much better than anything that I might have been expecting. No wonder Pam was so shocked! No wonder she didn’t feel even a twinge of guilt about lying in her emails to the other office ladies. And no wonder she gave Phyllis the dare that she did. (Which I am still VERY upset with her for doing, just so you know, despite my understanding of her reasons.) AND no wonder Jim felt the need to hide it inside of an air vent! This is huge!!!

One of my (other) favorite parts of this chapter was the silent conversation held between Jim and Pam. So well written, and so expressive of how well they understand one another.

So apparently Jim noticed that email in his sent box, based on his comments to Phyllis and Angela last chapter. I think it’s only a matter of time before he realizes that the only person in the office that knows him well enough to guess his password is Pam, and then when he puts that together with the email she sent and the other things that have been going on, he might just start to piece things together a little bit. I’m excited to see where you go with this story line.

The conversation in the kitchen was very well written, too. You’re right, Mrs. Vance does know how to word things to keep everyone guessing. Poor Jim, getting all the way back to his seat before realizing he had no idea what the teensy lie was. I’m holding you to your word that you won’t break his heart. (A wee bit of stress may have returned concerning this point, just so you know.) And I loved how Kelly thought she was being all nonchalant and inconspicuous, when actually she had frozen in the middle of a page turn! Too funny. I can’t get over the way Kelly COMPLETELY misinterpreted EVERYTHING, however, and the way she said things, “Totally lied about everything in the email” and that Phyllis told Jim he should marry KAREN? Her email was too funny at the same time though--I loved when she said that Jim was probably not getting married for the same reasons as Brad Pitt, and the stuff about Oscar too, but still. I think I may finally understand Ryan Howard, and the way that one can love Kelly but still be completely furious with her. Seriously.

Also, please, please, please, don’t break Pam’s heart either, okay?

You may break Karen’s heart, if you feel it necessary.

Whew, sorry if that review was crazy long. Can you see what you’ve done to me with this story of your’s? It’s seriously out of control. (And still my favorite story ever.) You’re such a great writer, and you still make me laugh out loud with every chapter. Thanks so much for all the hard work you’ve put into it, and please do update soon! J

Author's Response:

Well, rather than write the next chapter, I’m just going to respond to this review because it is simply A-MAZING!   First of all, I think you should start your own MTT non-fic story that you can title “Just for Muggins to Read”.  I’d like to hear your opinions on what you think is going on in each of The Office episodes because you NAILED my story!  I just know you’ve got the inside scoop on the show itself!

No wonder Pam was so shocked! No wonder she didn’t feel even a twinge of guilt about lying in her emails to the other office ladies. And no wonder she gave Phyllis the dare that she did. AND no wonder Jim felt the need to hide it inside of an air vent! This is huge!!!  Holy shmoly!!! Did you reread every frickin’ chapter? Sometimes I’ll have my boyfriend read a chapter before I post it and he’ll go “what’s that mean?” and I’ll say  “that refers back to chapter 3 blah blah blah” and he says “oh. Maybe you should cut that. No one’s going to remember that.”  Now I’ll show him your review and go HA HA HA HA! Niiiice!

One of my (other) favorite parts of this chapter was the silent conversation held between Jim and Pam. I had so much fun writing that part. I knew they couldn’t talk, not with Karen keeping such tabs on Jim. But I also knew I had to write some interaction before the whole Email thing truly blew up. So watch out, stormy waters ahead! Jim noticed that email in his sent box, YES. based on his comments to Phyllis and Angela last chapter EXACTLY. it’s only a matter of time before he realizes that it is Pam, YES puts that together with the email she sent YES and the other things that have been going on YES, he might just start to piece things together a little bit STORMY WATERS, BIG TUNA!

Mrs. Vance does know how to word things to keep everyone guessing. BUT SHE’S GOTTEN IN OVER HER HEAD Poor Jim, getting all the way back to his seat before realizing he had no idea what the teensy lie was HE’S WORRYING ABOUT TOO MUCH RIGHT NOW AS IT IS…KAREN, SKETCHBOOK PICTURES, TEENSY LIE, DWIGHT & ANGELA DATING, COMPUTER BREAK IN, DELETED EMAILS, PAM’S EMBROIDERED PANTIES…POOR JIM, INDEED. I’m holding you to your word that you won’t break his heart CROSS MY HEART, NO HEARTBREAK FOR JIM. (A wee bit of stress may have returned concerning this point, just so you know.) NO STRESS. HAPPY THOUGHTS!!!

I can’t get over the way Kelly COMPLETELY misinterpreted EVERYTHING, however, and the way she said things, “Totally lied about everything in the email” and that Phyllis told Jim he should marry KAREN? I think I may finally understand Ryan Howard, and the way that one can love Kelly but still be completely furious with her. Seriously.     I love Kelly with a love that can not be broken. When I was writing for her I was thinking of this game I played as a kid called “Telephone”. Kelly would be horrible at it. “She’s such a talker, but not a  very good listener. So when she hears a word like “marry her” “teensy lie” etc. she stops listening and starts talking.  In this case  she had a very exciting internal monologue going. I never thought about Ryan Howard’s perspective! I don’t think I’ve ever written him talking, isn’t that weird? But that is some great insight! Another reason you have to write the “Just for Muggins to Read” non-fic.

don’t break Pam’s heart either Not going to happen You may break Karen’s heart, if you feel it necessary. Also, not going to happen. No hearts broken! Now you can sleep easy.


Author's Response: Ugh! I typed this all in word and then cut and paste and it changed EVERYTHING to italics! I hope it doesn't make it to difficult to read

Reviewer: Snarkland Signed [Report This]
Date: March 04, 2007 02:48 pm Title: Chapter 18 - Seven Lines of Gossip

Finished reading the rest....

Still COMPLETELY in love with this story.  And I LOVE the secret.  Now, if only Jim would dump Karen Pam's perfect wedding could happen...

Oh, I'm SO EXCITED to see what happens next!  Great great job Muggins!  :)

Reviewer: Snarkland Signed [Report This]
Date: March 04, 2007 02:43 pm Title: Chapter 15 - Boomerang!

That has got to be the FUNNIEST chapter I've EVER read in the HISTORY of reading!  I couldn't stop laughing at the “That’s so sweet, Pam! You have buttercups embroidered on your undies!!!”
part.  Thank you SO MUCH!

And I absolutely ADORE this story.  Rock on Muggins!

Author's Response:




Wow! In the HISTORY OF READING! Holy god! Now a compliment. I'm going to have to frame that one. I have so many people to thank for this: Pam's undies, Angela's lack of undies, the embroidery thread industry... the list goes on and on!

Oh, and Strangest Moment of my life. I'm watching The Office, last week's episode 'Cocktails', and Michael calls Jan "BUTTERCUP"!!! I fell off my chair! I could NOT believe it! I mean - BUTTERCUP? What were the chances? Come on!!! Like a bazillion to one!!!!



Reviewer: StarShine Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: March 03, 2007 10:04 pm Title: Chapter 18 - Seven Lines of Gossip

So glad you had fun on your vacation. NOW WRITE MORE!!!! I'M DYING HERE!!!!

Reviewer: ficklevillain Signed [Report This]
Date: March 03, 2007 08:16 pm Title: Chapter 18 - Seven Lines of Gossip




le sigh. oh, how will i survive until the next update? how will i manage, not knowing what will happen next? how will i make it through?!

Author's Response:


Did you read my earlier comment where I said I only know 8 French words? I can not tell you how many times I put the word "le" in front of an English word when I was in Paris and hoped for the best. does not work. Never. Not once. "le what?"

You know Kelly loves you and wonders if maybe when you say "pits of despair" you mean a beach condo with rag rugs and wicker furniture and cute guys in speedos....because that would be AWESOME!


Reviewer: bloomsgirl Signed [Report This]
Date: March 03, 2007 07:33 pm Title: Chapter 18 - Seven Lines of Gossip

Wow. Okay, Kelly is like in a game of Telephone when you intentionally change the phrase, but you only do it to make it sound more interesting. Wait, did that come out right? Maybe I should ask Kelly........What's gonna happen next? :P

Author's Response:

OKAY, you can totally write Fanfic because that is exactly what I was thinking as I wrote it. I was like "how can Kelly mess this up"? It was surprisingly easy. Here's what Kelly says is going to happen next after using her pink magic 8 ball - "Ask again later."


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