Date: February 27, 2007 01:25 pm Title: Chapter 1
Oh, adorable! Dwight, the hero! You have a few little proof-reading slips early on ("himself" for "him" and "our" for "are"), but the prose itself is really nice.
Also, this is about the sexiest line I've read lately:
"Late, but not really too late." Can't you just hear it in his voice? Mmmmm.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the head's up on the typos - I swear I could read a piece 100 times and still miss SOMETHING! :)
Yeah, there's hope for seeing Old Jim return yet, I think....
Date: February 27, 2007 01:00 pm Title: Chapter 1
yay. happiness. and jim will hopefully be happier also. this somber jim is no cool. and... yay!
Date: February 27, 2007 12:50 pm Title: Chapter 1
Thanks for taking my completely disparate and not especially sexy prompts and turning them into such a fun story. Leave it to Dwight to come up with a way to calculate the Pam factor! Yay for sweet potato fries. And the missing #7 in an ice cube - but of course! Well done!
Author's Response: well thanks for giving me prompts that just seemed to call me to Dwight - it was a nice change writing him. I may have to do it again sometime.....!