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Reviewer: takemyhandx Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: April 01, 2007 06:56 am Title: Hot Water

Hey this is sooo good! I've been following the story forever! More please!!!!

Author's Response: You are a very faithful reader and reviewer :) Thanks so much for the review!

Reviewer: time4moxie Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: April 01, 2007 06:03 am Title: Hot Water

aiiiiigh!!  Cliffhanger does NOT describe it.  Shan, what are you trying to do to me!???  I can't write Squirrel when I'm all in knots like this!!  ;-)

Can you give this girl a shake for me?  She's missing SOO much good 'taking care of Jim' action!!!!

Other than killing me, very good!

Author's Response:

Oh nooooooooooooooo! If you can't write squirrel then I'll have to update asap ;-)

It was so tempting to have her clean him up, but I just felt like they were too awkward around each other for him to believably let her "tend to his wounds" 

Reviewer: EmilyHalpert Signed [Report This]
Date: April 01, 2007 05:49 am Title: Hot Water

wow. it took forever for this update. and it was worth the wait.
i loved how jim was thinking of pam with the tea. even when he is in pain, he thinks of pam.
you have pam's emotions down. i can totally just imagine her (well anyone) feeling all of those things. damn, i think tears started rolling down my cheeks. i will say because its early in the morning. yeah, thats it.watery eyes.
WHAT! You don't make cocoa with water. Seriously, its milk all the way. Thats practically blasephmy.
and of course, another cliffhanger.
shesh. you suck :P

Author's Response:

You are totally right about the milk. I don't know what I was thinking! 

Isn't Jim just dreamy, even though he's been a jerk this season? He's always thinking of others (re: PAM) before himself. And I'm glad that you teared up, even if it was just because it was early ;-) 

Reviewer: moofoot Signed [Report This]
Date: April 01, 2007 01:19 am Title: Hot Water

I have a week of tests that take up a large percentage of our final year results, too, so actually even if you don't update so soon, I wouldn't be jumping in my seat or threatening to spam you because I'm pretty sure I know what you're going through. :P

I love this so much! You've got Pam down, every inch of her [I'm sure there's a TWSS in there somewhere] - I loved her thought process, because along with knowing what she's thinking of the situation and what happened in May, we've also got some good thoughts in there about Jim in general and there are, surely, some SQUEE!moments in there. ;) I loved her story about the roller coaster, how that relates to the dizziness after the ride is over - brilliant.

Also, I loved anything to do with the tea, because Jim being that amazing guy that Pam was stupid enough to let leave, despite the bruise and the unresolved tension, is completely in-character, and so much like the S2!Jim that I miss terribly. And I loved how he didn't have the tea and that completely dissolved all that tension. 

I loved him pressing her a little against the counter, because I'm sorry, but that's just hot. :P And I loved she knows that he's aware of what he's doing to her, because wowee.

I've loved this entire story so far and I'm convinced I'm going to love the rest, so whatever you do I'm probably going to end up loving this story to bits. ;) I can't wait for an update!! [ - when it comes, that is.] 

Author's Response:

You are like the best reviewer! I'm glad that you like my depiction of Pam's thoughts. I have a ridiculous amount of sympathy for her, although I'm nothing like her. I feel the need to justify her inaction, you know? And Jim, as much of a jerk he's been sometimes this season, still has some of S2 Jim in him, so the tea thing just felt right.

And finally, I'm so glad that the counter scene worked, because I can never tell if I'm writing UST well. Thank you so much for the detailed review! 

Reviewer: NeverEnoughJam Signed [Report This]
Date: March 31, 2007 11:48 pm Title: Hot Water

GAAAAAAAAHHHHH!! Don't end it here! Help! I need more!

Love the way you eased the tension between them with the missing teabags. Humor is what bonds these two, the default connection between them! Thanks, and I cannot WAIT for the next chapter. Hurry! Please? 

Author's Response: Haha! Thank you! You are very right about humor being what bonds them. I just couldn't write a completely serious scene between them. They are too adorable.

Reviewer: Paper Jam Signed [Report This]
Date: March 31, 2007 11:37 pm Title: Hot Water

HOT cocoa.

That is all. (Okay, also: Keep up the good work!)

Author's Response: Ha! Thanks :)

Reviewer: LoveFool Signed [Report This]
Date: March 31, 2007 10:22 pm Title: Hot Water

OMG! Shan, PLEASE OH PLEASE say you don't have any more papers to write and you can concentrate on the next chapter of this!!!! Not that I'm not grateful for this one...but I NEED to know what happens now! Ugh...the tension. I LOVE IT!!!

Author's Response:

HA! Okay, wow! Thank you!

Well, this is my last week of classes before finals start, so naturally all of my term papers are due this week. Boo. But I'm determined to finish this up in the next two weeks (meaning finish all remaining chapters-- i think 2 more) because I'm leaving for Europe in two weeks and won't be able to write again until I get back a month later. 

Reviewer: Too Late Kev Signed [Report This]
Date: March 31, 2007 09:57 pm Title: Hot Water

"She knows that he’s aware of what he’s doing to her."  Wow.   That's some sentence!!!

Good things come to those who wait, and this chapter is a good thing!  When you get to the next one, I'll remind myself of where we are (no hardship there!) and then go forward.

I'm really enjoying the post-Cocktails fanfic in general, and this is certainly one of my favorites! 

Author's Response: Thanks Kev! I'm sad because this is very soon going to be AU... Not that I don't want a new episode!

Reviewer: maryuc Signed [Report This]
Date: March 31, 2007 09:41 pm Title: Hot Water

wow i hope you update soon.  i really like this one a lot - i usually go for the fluff/angst - but this is like hard core drama - not too light and fluffy but still totally awesome - i hope you update soon, please, please, please!!!

Author's Response: Yay! Thank you! I'm happy to be your drama exception :)

Reviewer: juteux Signed [Report This]
Date: March 31, 2007 09:37 pm Title: Hot Water

I was just wondering tonight what happened to this fic! You are mean to leave us with this ending. The "second and third aid" and Jim not having teabags was awesome and so cute.

Author's Response: I know I'm mean! I actually felt pretty bad about it this time, which is saying something because I normally cackle over cliffhangers. I'm glad that the teabags thing worked, because it seemed cute to me but I wasn't sure it would translate well to others :)

Reviewer: kells8995 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 31, 2007 09:35 pm Title: Hot Water

ARGH!  I happy and sad all at once.  I love where this is going, but the suspense is killing me.  

Your imagery is beautiful.  I can picture every movement, every piece of this story because you tell it so perfectly!  Well done!  Cannot wait for more!

Author's Response:

Wow! First place reviewer! That was like warp speed :)

Thank you, and I'm sorry! Heh. Seriously, that was such a lovely compliment. I feel bad about the suspense. Just ask my betas. I felt bad about ending this chapter here.

Reviewer: invis Signed [Report This]
Date: March 30, 2007 09:40 pm Title: Burn

Loving this story.  It comes off as very real and plausible.  Can't wait for chapter 6.

Author's Response: Yay! I'm glad it's plausible even with all the drama.

Reviewer: WildBerryJam Signed [Report This]
Date: March 25, 2007 03:14 pm Title: Burn

Wow. That was awesome.  You actually had me sort of feeling bad for Karen.  I did not expect that [/Pam]  The ending was touching and heartbreaking at the same time...... just greatness all around shan!  I can't wait to read more!  PS partial christmas fluff will be on your way sometime real soon!

Author's Response:

YAYYYYYYYYY! I am ridiculously excited for Christmas fic! Like, way too much to be considered healthy.

Thanks so much for the review :) 

Reviewer: counteragent Signed [Report This]
Date: March 25, 2007 09:21 am Title: Burn

This is very well done. The characters are acting in believable ways, which is what I look for most in a genre fic.

I like the twist about Karen and Roy each being told about different kisses--it allowed you to escalate the situation when I didn't think it was possible.

I especially appreciate the touches of humor throughout (JET SKIS, Schrute babies, etc), and the use of metaphors like the mosquito and the burner to describe Karens feelings.

Looking forward to the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Oh, thanks so much! I'm glad it's still believable for you :)

I take a ridiculous amount of time creating metaphors, so I love to hear when they work! And the humor is the most fun to write, but the most nerve wracking because I'm never sure it will translate. Thank you! 

Reviewer: Paper Jam Signed [Report This]
Date: March 24, 2007 11:57 pm Title: Burn

So, I was waiting for this to stop being a WIP, but when I beta'd a chapter, you got me hooked! Damn you! Great Karen POV in this, I loved Karen's burnt hand and Jim's snow globe. Keep the crack coming!

Author's Response: Hahaha! It was my evil plan :) Thanks!

Reviewer: stampsgal Signed [Report This]
Date: March 23, 2007 07:29 pm Title: Mosquitoes


I just wanted to say that I am so proud that a fellow elf is such a kick ass Office fan fic writer.  New chapter soon, I hope??  :)

 Sarah / stampsgal

Author's Response: Ha! Thanks Sarah! Hopefully I'll be able to send the chapter to my betas this weekend!

Reviewer: EmilyHalpert Signed [Report This]
Date: March 23, 2007 10:01 am Title: Burn

This story, plus a tuna sub, three chocolate chip cookies, and a can of sprite, make lunchtime very happy. And although my tuna sandwhich is very delicious, it is severly lacking in the action/jam/everything content that makes this story amazing.
finally getting around to reading the most recent chapter, and my brain has to go ruin it by thinking of history. because we just talked about being shell-shocked. so now i think of wwi.
haha, i loved karen saying its about as useful as shouting a tv screen... yeah, i know that feeling. no matter how much i scream at the tv, they just don't listen. i am sure i could make jim and pam happier if they did.
anyways, i think my best reaction is just.... speechlessness. because it was so amazing. i loved how you wrote karen, so believable. and there is so much detail and action its amazing, and then the last bit when jimand pam are alone, and its just... yeah, speechless. even though i managed to type quite a lot while being speechless.

Author's Response:

Haha! Thanks Emily :)

I'm glad that you liked the TV screen metaphor, and the ending with Jim and Pam. Especially since it's all Jim and Pam from here to the end of the story! 

Reviewer: JRAddict Signed [Report This]
Date: March 22, 2007 10:26 pm Title: Burn

I'mcatching up and this chapter was AMAZING!  I'm completely addicted and can only hope the show has you on retainer for this storyline :o)

Author's Response: Ha! Don't I wish! Hey, if you happen to know Greg Daniels, but in a good word for me :)

Reviewer: xoxoxo Signed [Report This]
Date: March 22, 2007 05:22 am Title: Burn

First of all - I got scared for a second thinking I'd never reviewed this story before.  I actually searched through the reviews and was relieved to find I had....just not consistently. 

Bad me. 

I love how you wrote this last bit.  I want Roy and Karen removed as obstacles - no question.  And I don't "care" about Karen per se.  I don't really know her well enough to care (just my opinion).  I usually see her character only in relation to the way I see Jim and Pam relate to her and why she's there in the first place.  I see them as ordinary decent people who want to do the right thing but are so hurt and confused they muck it up repeatedly.   And sometimes - during the course of that - steamroll over other people because they can't see straight.

It's not that Karen's bad - it's that Jim doesn't love her.  Their relationship has obviously been flawed from the start.   And with Pam standing right there with him - she doesn't stand a chance.

Whenever I get rid of Karen I always try to remember it's not really her fault she got caught up in this communications nightmare.  I'm so glad you did the same thing here.  It's the most realistic scenario I think.

OK...ramble much???  Ahem. So.  Really good realistic version of events.  And then ending?  Reminiscent their hands separating during GWH - but with what I suspect will be better results.

In a nutshell?  Loving the story.  Can't wait for more.


Author's Response:

Oh, I love the way that you explained Jim and Pam hurting others and each other. And you are 100% right on Karen. She's not necessarily a bad person, but Jim does not love her. Not even close.

Thanks so much! I'm a huge fan, so getting a review from you makes me grin like a dope :) 

Reviewer: uncgirl Signed [Report This]
Date: March 21, 2007 06:43 pm Title: Burn

Shan, Sorry that it took me so long to review; so I loved this chapter (of course), and returning the favor of a long review, because I am also addicted to your work.....

"All of the turmoil unfolding is so far beyond her comprehension that there might as well be a pane of glass in front of her, separating her from the drama." 

I love this whole section about Karen not knowing how to respond because it is outside of her realm of comprehension.  She is in the middle of the story, although she just didn't know it. 

"That is how Karen feels, but instead of her body it’s her mind. Her mind is screaming at her to just leave, take her hand off the stove, walk away. But she’s just standing on his stoop, staying in this relationship, leaving her hand on the burner, and it’s getting worse and worse. She’s hurting herself, but she can’t force herself to move."

This is just brilliant and beautiful and I love how you carried it through the entire story.  It actually made me feel alot of sympathy for Karen - which doesn't usually happen to me.  I also like that Jim was on mental overload, and that Pam waited and hung back to let Karen and Jim "talk". 

My stomach also got all flippy with the "how did you tell Pam you had feelings for her" - was it me or didn't you just want to hear Jim say it again!!  I know I do....


“Hey, um, you have a little blood,” she says suddenly, pointing toward his face.


“Where?” he asks, raising his hand to his cheek.


“Right about… here,” she says, motioning at his entire face and neck.

SO JAM - I can totally see this being something they would say to each other.....


"Their palms kiss for just an instant before separating again. "  Just awesome, seriously maybe speechless on this.


Great Great Work!  I can't wait for the rest.  Also thanks for your help with Courage, I hope you liked the new ending.....courtesy of your brilliant suggestion....

Author's Response:

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I love your stuff as well, of course :)

I had so much fun writing the little blood moment (which sounds creepy when I say it that way...) and the palms part. Hee! Thank you and I LOVE the new ending of Courage. Love it. Am on my way to review your story very soon. 

Reviewer: gotkona Signed [Report This]
Date: March 21, 2007 03:33 pm Title: Burn

Excellent chapter. So glad Karen is out of the picture.

Author's Response: Thanks! Me too!

Reviewer: NeverEnoughJam Signed [Report This]
Date: March 21, 2007 01:27 pm Title: Mosquitoes

Just wanted to add one more thing: that line of yours about their palms kissing reminded me of Romeo and Juliet: "palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss"

That's from their first meeting, and in a sense this is Jim and Pam's first meeting on honest ground. Such a brilliant shout-out. I congratulate you! 

Author's Response: Seriously GOLD STAR! One of my betas suggested that I have them brush hands, and I immediately thought of this scene from R&J. Wow. Kudos for getting the reference. I did not think anyone would!

Reviewer: NeverEnoughJam Signed 9 [Report This]
Date: March 21, 2007 01:21 pm Title: Burn

a pane of glass in front of her, separating her from the’s about as useful as screaming at the characters on the television screen

Great metaphor. But this is a killer line:

Jim looks at her as if he’s only just remembered that she’s still standing there. And Karen knows right then.

It’s over.

Much as I want Pam and Jim together, this is all kinds of ow to read. Poor Karen. There's no help for it, but it's gonna hurt like hell.

Karen is sick of the non-answers. Sick of him tiptoeing around the question. 

Ooooo. Jim acting like Pam, with the non-answers and the evasions? Brilliant! 

This is making me into someone I’m not. I’m pretty sure that it’s doing the same thing to you

Wonderful insight. 

It feels like he’s living in a snow globe that’s just been vigorously shook. 

How do you keep coming up with these brilliant metaphors? 

I will try my hardest not to make you wait so long for chapter six :)

ARRRRGGGHHH! Hurry! I'm on pins and needles here! 

Author's Response: YAY! You are like in my head or something! I love that you pointed out that Karen and Jim are both frustrated with non-answers. I was hoping that translated. And thanks for the comments on the metaphors too. I love creating them. In fact, I'm working on one for chapter six right about now...

Reviewer: NeverEnoughJam Signed 8 [Report This]
Date: March 21, 2007 01:07 pm Title: Questions and Answers

It’s like saying, “I’m like two minutes away” when someone asks you how close your boyfriend has come to hitting you, or saying “I can’t” when someone tells you they’re in love with you.  Responses that don’t address the issue.  Responses that change the subject and shut down the possibility for further discussion.

I love it that you're calling Pam on this, in Jim's voice.  

I am on the edge of my seat here. Wonderful buildup of tension.

And I'm seriously worried about Roy driving drunk. And won't Kenny freeze if he's passed out on a cold night? And...ack! Onward! 

Author's Response: Thank you again! I really appreciate you taking the time to review each chapter, especially with such detailed and helpful comments! 

Reviewer: NeverEnoughJam Signed 9 [Report This]
Date: March 21, 2007 01:01 pm Title: Collision

"Then it was a lie of the mission!” he blusters.

I love it when Roy channels Michael. :) 

Tell him that you had feelings for him while we were together.

Wow, Roy really knows how to get a party started?

I have to wonder what the neighbors are doing, what with all this shouting on the lawn. Me, I'd be popping popcorn, but that's just me. 

Lovin' all of this! 

Author's Response:

Heh. See, originally I typed it without the mispeak, but then I was like 'Hmm... omission seems like a pretty big word for drunken Roy..."

And I totally though the same thing about the neighbors. As I was writing chapter four I was like, "Oh jeeze! Would someone have called the cops on them yet? What are the neighbors thinking?!" I almost wrote some neighbors into this, but decided against it. 

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