Reviews For Hey Jealousy
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Reviewer: GreenEyes Signed [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 07:15 pm Title: I did not do that. That sounds disgusting.

Holy...oh...oh my god. Like...holy shit. I'm really sorry I have nothing more to offer. Like...real words that make sense. But that was fucking hot. You win at life. Forever.

Author's Response: Hee... I like winning :) Thank you!

Reviewer: WildBerryJam Signed [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 06:57 pm Title: I did not do that. That sounds disgusting.

Guh.  Pretty sure it was the worst idea EVER to read this at work when I'm supposed to be able to form coherent thoughts.  Wow.  HOT with all caps for sure. 

It was all kinds of hotness and creepiness yet still amazing.  Even though I have no idea where you're headed with this, is it weird I'm still kind of rooting for Jim?  What can I say, that's where my heart truly lies, but this was soooo so great. 

I can't believe she said Ryan! wow.  Ah!  Amazing DF!

Author's Response: Oh man, I can't believe you read it at work! I'm sorry :) Thank you!!

Reviewer: girl7 Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 06:56 pm Title: Sparkling cider is very good.

Mkay, your end note made me grin all sly and slow like Kevin...and now I feel like a skeevy little perv.  :o) 

Whoa.  This chapter was intense.  (Side note: How adorable are Dwight and Angela here?)

I love the slow burn of anger that's building between Jim and Pam here; while Jim is being, admittedly, a total prick, at the same time, it's believable because of course he's frustrated. 

And no, it's never easy - certainly not in this fic, because you so deftly dodge the "easy" route: making Karen so likable, Ryan a viable (albeit temporary - my theory) alternative to Jim....

Sigh.  It's stupid how sad I am that I know there's not much left for me to read tonight.   

Author's Response: I love love Dwight and Angela, I bet they are so adorable out of the office :) I can't wait to hear what you say about the next chapter... *nervous laugh*

Reviewer: girl7 Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 06:29 pm Title: I just don't want it to be weird... you know?

Uh, perfect last line...just perfect.  Again (repeating myself here, but it's an incredible feat and merits copious praise): You just nail every single one of these characters.  (And that's not just a "TWSS" opportunity, either!)  Seriously, it's the best thing because I can see these scenes unfolding (and they are fascinating).  Love Drunk!Dwight and Angela...still loving Cool!Friend!Karen. 

And Ryan.  Wow.  I'm wondering if my fics - with my frequent digressions on the utter sexiness of what is JK's forearms - ever enlighten readers the way you've sort of enlightened me here.  Because while I love Ryan/B.J., it's the kind of affection that I have for every character on the show.  But damn, woman, if you don't have me lusting after him a little.  Backing her against the wall?  Gulp.

...But still, nothing compares to Jim and Pam (IMHO), and you're striking such an excellent balance between her attraction to Ryan (which is becoming more and more plausible/understandable) and her undeniable connection with Jim.  

Just wow.   

Author's Response: Oh, I am trying to spread the Ryan love one reader at a time ;) Seriously, I don't mean to be a blasphemous hussy here, but BJ Novak has totally overshadowed JK in my mind... I am so in love with him. Thank you again!!

Reviewer: EverybodyHurts Signed [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 06:17 pm Title: I did not do that. That sounds disgusting.

I'm so sorry, but I have nothing to add to the praise heaped on you for this chapter because it's all been said.  I just know that the next time Pam and Ryan talk or interact in any way on the show, I will be giggling in a very knowing way.

You rock! 

Author's Response: Hee!  Thank you!  Seriously, even on the show those two have some sexual tension ;)

Reviewer: skjbean Signed [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 06:16 pm Title: I did not do that. That sounds disgusting.

Wow.  That was amazing.  I especially liked that you didn't have Pam give into Jim, even though I hope those two crazy kids get together eventually... the time, it was not right.

Still, forever, poor Kelly. 

Author's Response: Thank you! I didn't think it would be believable for Pam to just jump into Jim's arms as soon as he wants her to, so thanks for saying that!

Reviewer: girl7 Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 06:13 pm Title: I love girl talk

I think my cheeks are red because I haven't breathed normally since the moment Pam was dancing with Ryan...and I damned sure wasn't getting any oxygen from the moment she stepped into the closet.  (Because we all know what must happen when Jim and Pam are locked in a closet. )

Seriously,  I feel that rush of affection for Michael every time he speaks here; you've just got him so down.  And at the risk of being repetitive, I really love the dynamic between Karen and Pam -- while I think Rashida's done an excellent job this season, the writers seem to have decided not to develop on the fascinating personality points to which they alluded earlier in the season.  Your Karen is one that would truly add to the show - so funny, so relatable, so likable.  

Reading this (Karen loaning Pam the miniskirt? giggling with her behind the chair?) makes me miss being single and hanging out with my girlfriends.  So much fun.

Ryan continues to be compelling here - I love the slow tension you're building here.  You're taking such time and care with this, which is what makes me believe that Pam and Ryan would end up attracted to each other.

But the tension with Jim.  Sigh.  Swoon.  Guh.

I'm pretending that there are enough chapters left to keep me reading until I fall asleep (though that wouldn't be likely with this one - great pacing, and terrific cliff hangers!).


Author's Response: Oh thank you so much!  Seriously, your reviews are so comprehensive and just.. GREAT!  I really appreciate that you take the time to review each chapter, you have no idea! I'm really happy that all the characterizations and the pacing is working well especially!

Reviewer: chicagolights Signed [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 05:47 pm Title: Hold on, its gonna be a bumpy one

hot. just, hot.

Author's Response: Thank you!

Reviewer: pennylane83 Signed 8 [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 05:42 pm Title: I did not do that. That sounds disgusting.

afdjkl;dfajl;dfs. Okay I was trying to hold out on reading this until it was complete but obviously I have NO willpower and I'm SO glad because GOOD LORD the hotness. I can hardly handle it. I just read all 9 chapters and why oh why can't Ryan and Pam get together on the show. Because that is my new (not so) secret wish. Seriously. I love that Ryan knows what's going on but doesn't care but sort of does, then says his NAME. fdsaljdfsjl. Okay I'll stop keyboard spazzing on you, but this story FTW.

(oh, and I'm glad we're friends now ;) yay!)

Author's Response: First off, yay for being LJ friends!  And you guys have been keeping me so entertained over there today btw ;) I'm so glad you caved!  If Ryan and Pam got together on the show my heart would explode with joy.  Thank you!!

Reviewer: girl7 Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 05:41 pm Title: I think you're thinking of the Hunt for Red October

I so do not want to sling garbage at you; I want to give you a Dundie for keeping me so entertained.  This is one of those frustrating fics in that there are so many moments that I think, as I'm reading it, I've got to remember that and comment on it in the review - and then I'll forget because I'll get all swept away by another. 

That said: I've been meaning for the past four chapters to tell you how much I love your chapter titles - brilliant! Love how you tie them in.

Angela showing up and Pam coming to her rescue?  Then Ryan?  Brilliant!  Michael wanting to get a kitten with Jan?  Exclaiming, "Kitties!"...?  Freaking adorable.  

I honest to god laughed out loud at his snarking that the guard who looks like Toby should just die already - dear god.  

I really am fascinated by the way you're weaving Pam's growing attraction to Ryan with her attempt at running from what she feels for Jim.  It really works.  

And I sucked in my breath when Ryan pulled her to him and told her to go with it - ahh, sneaky girl!  

Seriously, I'm gushing like a prepubescent jackass, but I love this.  And god, I'll never see Ryan and Pam look at one another in quite the same way again.  (Given the collective gasp over on TWoP over chapter nine, I suspect I ain't seen nothing yet. ;oD) 

Author's Response: Thank you about the chapter titles! Those have been fun to play with :) Oh, and when I see Ryan and Pam in the same shot I giggle like a fool so, welcome to the club ;)

Reviewer: girl7 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 05:22 pm Title: The suspense is just so exciting, isn't it?

Okay, I was sitting here all smiley, bopping along and then screeeecccchhh: Ryan went to sleep to the sound of Jim and Karen having sex?  I thought I was all Fancy New Girl7, can be cool with Jim & Karen in the short term, but...uh, apparently not.  That hurt.  :o) Seriously, though, I really love the dynamic between Karen and Pam here.  And Jim's comment about being jealous of anyone who gets to touch Pam like that?  Guh.  Wow.  

Seriously, this fic is like a fantastic, exotic world that I don't want to leave.  That sounded corny enough to be worthy of Michael Scott, didn't it?  But I mean it! 

Author's Response: Hahaha, that is awesome.  Thank you so much!  There is more to come :)

Reviewer: girl7 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 04:58 pm Title: Anybody making out in here? Not yet, give it time.

Oh holy god, holy god, holy god.  This is absolutely addictive and awesome and I know I sound like Kelly but seriously woman!  I think one of the reasons I'm so enamored with this is that, as I mentioned earlier, you really do capture their voices so, so well.  Love your boisterous Michael, and Dwight's crab comment was just so...him that I could picture it.  I also like the dynamic between Karen and Pam here - it's reminiscent of A Benihana Christmas, actually, and you've made it really believable.  I kind of like the idea of them a) getting along and b) Karen being sort of protective of Pam (correcting Jim for the comment about Roy).  And Jim.  Jim, Jim, Jim.  I'm sick for thinking he's sexy even when he's being an ass.  I'm even sicker for wanting her to have her cake (Jim) and eat it, too (Ryan).  Wait.  That came out all wrong.  

Love it!  

Author's Response: I'm so glad that you are still liking the voices!  That makes my heart happy :) I'm a science nerd so, weirdly, Dwight's random knowledge is pretty easy for me to write... yikes.  I love the Karen/Pam dynamic they started in ABC so I'm happy that it feels like that! Oh, and you are definitely not sick ;) 

Reviewer: girl7 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 04:43 pm Title: They were very important in the movie Titanic

If it's any consolation, I'm as hardcore a JAM fan as they get, and I'm sitting here hoping Pam climbs up in Ryan's lap, damn it!  :o) Seriously, I'm reading this with a huge grin - and this makes me really, really want to see them go on a cruise on the actual show!  Love the voices here - still spot on.  This is just so much fun to read!

Author's Response: Hee!  So glad that you're enjoying it!

Reviewer: fasterthansnakes Signed [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 04:36 pm Title: Hold on, its gonna be a bumpy one

and you have somehow twistedly been sucessful at letting pam have sex with Jim AND Ryan. Gah. Gah. I don't have words that was so twisted it was hot. God Pam he wants you just take him?! Jim just dump karen. Have hot hot hot real sex soon. oh man, this is so out of character for everyone on the show (pam can't even verbalize what she wants to herself and now she's fucking jim through a wall? ryan is a jackass and suddenly he's as sweet as the bees knees?) BUT, and there is a but, this story is a delicious AU. And I'm so glad Jim called Karen on her BS, now if only he would do it to her face. Actually, I'd like to see them (jim/pam) cheat and get caught, in this world that would actually be kinda hot.

Author's Response: Haha, um, was this a good or bad review?  I can't tell :) I don't think Ryan's an ass at all, just a guy that doesn't particularly like his job or his boss, I think there have been plenty of moments on the show that have shown a sweeter side to him ("I dont know, I can't explain it" ? Or the adorable look on his face after he finds Sasha underneath his desk? His string cheese talk with Toby? No?  Nothing?) Anyway, thanks for the comment!

Reviewer: girl7 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 04:34 pm Title: Hold on, its gonna be a bumpy one

Okay, I see what the fuss is all about now.  Excellent premise and you have managed to do the almost impossible: You've captured so many of their voices & mannerisms here just perfectly.  And guh at Karen sleeping on Jim's shoulder.  I'm actually feeling indignant enough to be glad Pam's sort of flirting with Ryan.  Harmph.

Love it so far! 

Author's Response: Ooh, I'm so glad that you are reading it! And thank you for saying that about the voices!  That's what I worry about most :)

Reviewer: poshgirl79 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 04:28 pm Title: I did not do that. That sounds disgusting.

In the immortal words of Kevin, "Niiiiiiice." 

I just hope you don't pull a Dallas and have this whole thing end up as a dream sequence! 

But seriously, this fic just keeps getting better and better.  I didn't think the storyline would be able to hold my attention for this long... but now I don't want it to end!  Thank you for your mercifully quick updates!

Author's Response: Hahaha, no no, no dream sequence, that would be cruel ) Thank you!

Reviewer: captainoats Signed [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 04:19 pm Title: I did not do that. That sounds disgusting.


I don't even know how to respond.  OMFG. The whole thing was just...

and then Pam said Ryan's name? You know how to make everything perfect, don't you???

Author's Response: Oh, thank you! I'm so glad you liked that bit :) :) :)

Reviewer: Bennie Signed [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 03:47 pm Title: I did not do that. That sounds disgusting.

Okay, so I have had 3 days to digest this, and I am STILL alkdfjlasdkjfasdkfjsdf about it.  Hardest thing to beta in the universe, my friend.  I had so many hot flashes I could have sworn it was 30 years in the future and I was starting menopause. 

Okay.  Let's begin with Mr. Jim and his "Pam is easy but I still WANT her" ness.  Holy hell.  The jealousy is hot, but you know what is hotter?  RYAN.  Drunkish, stubbly, blue eyes devouring her Ryan.  Oh, and devouring her with his mouth.  And his hands.  dalkdfladkfjkdf....

And, yes, Ryan knows what's going on and it seeeems like he doesn't care.  But it's not just "getting some".  Because...come on.  Maaaaybe it starts out like that, but...he's staring into her eyes and "You can say his name" BREAKS MY HEART and then she says RYAN and and and he GRINS and KISSES her. 

Oh, and can I say that just when I thought you already wrote hot Ryan wrote...THAT.  And can I just say that all of this together, comprehensively?  Not twisted.  It's real and clumsy and jealous (heee) and I could not love you more for it.  You make me fangirl! 

In the game of life, you are a shark.  And not a Nazi. 

Author's Response: Oh, Ryan. Ryan Ryan Ryan :) Can I even describe how much I am looking forward to Conan tonight??? AND you're going to be continuing your Pam/Ryan writings?? Seriously, you have no idea how that made my day.  Once we have enough we should totally start an LJ community, hahaha.  Nazi's are such rubbish.  Sharks could have found Anne Frank so fast!  Hey, why don't we look upstairs today?  Yep, still no one got it I don't think,haha.  

Reviewer: MaiaDawn Signed [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 03:44 pm Title: Hold on, its gonna be a bumpy one

So, after going back and rereading (yes, I'm bored at work, and yes I'm that big of a smut whore...)  I have realized how much I LOVE your title names! 


They are totally random, but I love them!

Author's Response: Hee, thank you!  Coming up with those has been fun :)

Reviewer: lena76 Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 03:32 pm Title: Hold on, its gonna be a bumpy one

So Hot !! I so didn't see this coming, for a moment there I thought Jim was gonna "sneak" in & watch them...does that make me a "perv"?!..... Oh Well....I don't want this story to ever end !!!! :) Awesome chapter !!

Author's Response: Haha, not at all!  Totally plausible in this crazy situation ;) Thank you!!

Reviewer: McGigi Signed [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 03:29 pm Title: I did not do that. That sounds disgusting.

This is SUCH a great story, and these last two installments did not disappoint. My favorite line is "The guy that just couldn’t be Jim while Jim was gone and yet was him now that he was back.  " and I think it sums up the story perfetcly.
Can't wait for more!!

Author's Response: Thank you so much!

Reviewer: Semby Signed [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 03:24 pm Title: I did not do that. That sounds disgusting.

Um, whoa! That was not the way I was expecting that to go! Ryan being totally fine with being a substitute Jim (actually, that doesn't surprise me so much, thinking about it, because he hasn't been that "emotionally involved" this whole time, but still wasn't expecting it. And Jim being okay with only barely getting those experiences vicariously through Ryan, knowing that that's the best he can get for now? Whoa. Poor clueless Karen, if she really is so clueless...

The twistedness of the situation somehow made it seriously hot... 

Author's Response: Hehe, thank you!  I'm glad you could enjoy it even though it was pretty twisted :)

Reviewer: lostfox555 Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 02:51 pm Title: I did not do that. That sounds disgusting.

Um...I'm sorry, what? You want thoughts? That is so not going to happen considering formed thought is so beyond me at this moment.

Author's Response: Haha... thanks I think? :)

Reviewer: quietdecember Signed [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 02:32 pm Title: I did not do that. That sounds disgusting.

So Hot.  I'll be late for my violin lesson and probably kind of suck.

Awesome job!!  eeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Author's Response: Yay for playing violin! (I play the cello :) btw)  Thank you!

Reviewer: fireworkfiasco Anonymous [Report This]
Date: April 03, 2007 02:05 pm Title: I did not do that. That sounds disgusting.

I should be KeySpazzing on you right now but I can't. I just...can't. I award you a million and a half points for the unbelievable hotness of that.

DS:LKDSJFL:SKDFJ Seriously. Just...throw Jim overboard. He's such a tool. (YOU, on the other hand, should be raised on high RYAN/PAM FTW). So. ;)

Author's Response: Hee! I love you! Haha, I'm so so glad that you liked it! Jim can swim, right? ;)

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