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Reviewer: jinx Signed 8 [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2007 05:38 pm Title: Weekend Retreat Prt 2: Teaching Tools

Very well written.  I'm liking the counselling context that you've chosen to illustrate that even when 2 people are in love they can still have difficulties.  Realistic.

Reviewer: Alex Wert Signed [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2007 12:34 pm Title: Weekend Retreat Prt 2: Teaching Tools

The other husbands are just too funny here.  I think you managed to hit 90% of the old married cliches in this chapter...

Reviewer: invis Signed [Report This]
Date: May 26, 2007 07:50 am Title: Weekend Retreat Prt 2: Teaching Tools

Very nice with the blindfold and the total cuteness of Jim and Pam.  And so sweet about Mr. Knell and his first wife.  Just what Jim needed to hear.  Great chapter.

Reviewer: StarShine Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: May 24, 2007 05:01 pm Title: Weekend Retreat Part One

i think it's working. ^_^ too funny. especially, because even in fanfiction we still can't escape anna nicole. :-P

i'm sorry, i jest. 

Reviewer: JRAddict Signed [Report This]
Date: May 24, 2007 02:40 pm Title: Weekend Retreat Part One

I love this story!  The reactions of both Jim and Pam to the swinging invitation were hilarious can't wait to see if the retreat serves its purpose

Reviewer: nbyevu Signed [Report This]
Date: May 24, 2007 02:28 pm Title: Weekend Retreat Part One

Yay, a new chapter! A good one too. Hope you update soon!

Reviewer: rulesofjinx Signed [Report This]
Date: May 24, 2007 07:07 am Title: Weekend Retreat Part One

SO GOOD! absolutely hilarious! you've really done awesome things with this story. i love the idea that they're the "model" couple. they don't realize how good they are together and that they're just making things difficult. i can't wait to see how the rest of the weekend turns out.

Reviewer: feared_or_loved Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: May 24, 2007 05:37 am Title: Weekend Retreat Part One

This is rapidly becoming my favorite story.  Can't wait for part 2!

Reviewer: Athena Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: May 23, 2007 11:44 pm Title: Weekend Retreat Part One

"She leaned over and whispered, "Swinging. You know...switching? I mean, I'm sure Luke would find you attractive and I definitely find your husband to be strapping..."

I was dying when read that!  Awesome how you really made all the other couples come alive.  I felt so sorry for Lauren, and I wanted to slap the swinger, rich chick.  I can't wait to see what happens later.  Write part 2 fast!

Reviewer: invis Signed [Report This]
Date: May 23, 2007 09:36 pm Title: Weekend Retreat Part One

Oh no!  Crazy swingers!  That's hilarious!

Reviewer: invis Signed [Report This]
Date: May 23, 2007 08:53 pm Title: Money Matters

Ah, yes.  The money conversation.  It does suck, but it's so sweet how Jim will do anything it takes for Pam to be happy.  So much squee!

One tiny nitpick: listening in is spelled "eavesdropping."  :) 

Reviewer: flamingosinparadise Signed [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2007 07:40 pm Title: Money Matters

I believe I've said this before but I love how realistic and honest this story is.  Life won't be perfect for them after getting together but you present "fights" they have they are typical but geared towards their story.  Very well done.

Reviewer: kgarrett Signed [Report This]
Date: May 20, 2007 11:11 pm Title: Money Matters

I am still loving this story. Great job in coming up with the subjects we all go through.

Reviewer: PamPongChamp Signed [Report This]
Date: May 20, 2007 09:23 pm Title: Money Matters

I think this might be the weirdest review you will ever get, but I'll go on anyway.

About 20 minutes ago, my boyfriend and I got into a huge fight about school.  I want to change my major and school (which would mean a move and adding to our debt) and I can't bring myself to do it because we just can't afford it.  But he was insisting that I could just do what I wanted and we'd be fine, but I was being negative and rude and just a bitch about the whole thing.  To top it off I left the room and sat on the couch to read fic and further ignore him...

but after reading this I'm feeling really guilty and I know he was just trying to be supportive and he loves me and wants whatever I want...

so, right now I'm going back to bed to make up and admit my wrong...

and I have you to thank.  so, thank you


Author's Response: =-) Not the weirdest, but the most sincere. I hope everything works out for you. I know how it is to drastically change something in your life to pursue your dreams. As long as you guys communicate and stay honest and you focus... things will work out!! I wish you much success on whichever decision you decide!! Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: PhatHalpert Anonymous [Report This]
Date: May 20, 2007 07:22 pm Title: Money Matters

I just read this entire story and I'm really enjoying it.  It's so different from other Jim and Pam stories because everyone writes them as the perfect couple, and we all know that even perfect couples have their problems.  I really enjoy the honesty put into each chapter and their little quarrels.  I look forward to reading more!

Author's Response: Thank you!! I wanted to keep it as honest as possible but it can be difficult when you're writing in the future tense about two fictional people! Thanks for reading!!

Reviewer: nbyevu Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: May 20, 2007 06:57 pm Title: Money Matters

Okay this is probably going to be a long review, so I hope that you're actually reading these Binxbaby, or I'm going to feel like a complete dumbass. I passed by this story so many times because I'm a complete JAMfluff fan, and I didn't want to see them having problems. But this was so great, so realistic, just so Pam and Jim you know? You're really good at capturing their banter and I love that the Doc makes these great realizations about the ways they communicate. Okay, now I do sound like a dumbass. Great story...can't wait for more!!!

Author's Response:

Thank you for that awesome review!! And I am glad you like it, I didn't want them to be too angsty but I didn't want to much fluff either. I'm glad I struck a good balance for my readers!!  And you're definitely NOT a dumbass. Thanks for your support!


Reviewer: flamingosinparadise Signed [Report This]
Date: May 19, 2007 06:49 pm Title: Juggling Kittens

Wow...I almost started crying at couple of those.  I loved Jim's line: "It gave me you."  I can see why Pam was crying.  Very touching.  And the second first date to Cuginos' made me laugh.  

Reviewer: Semby Signed [Report This]
Date: May 19, 2007 11:58 am Title: Bartender Dan and his damn good coffee

Aw, I love that Jim's so concerned and paranoid that Pam's going to hate him for screwing up even though he didn't do anything wrong. It proves how much he loves her, but I'm also looking forward to them reaching the point where he doesn't have to be as paranoid, because they're so solid.

Reviewer: rulesofjinx Signed [Report This]
Date: May 15, 2007 05:53 am Title: Bartender Dan and his damn good coffee

i love this so much. every chapter it just gets better and better. it's definately one of my favorites right now. i love that she finally just broke down and told him to stop trying to be perfect. if only that would happen on the show. they just need to realize that life isn't always ideal; sometimes it's messy. i really love the doctor. great character. ok so i love it! i think you've gotten that by now :) 

Reviewer: StarShine Signed [Report This]
Date: May 15, 2007 01:12 am Title: Bartender Dan and his damn good coffee

aaww.. i like... especially the part about the rabid fan base on the internet.. hehe.. ^_^ that's right you crazy couple, stop worrying about being perfect and just embrace the luckiness of having each other! jeez!!

Reviewer: kgarrett Signed [Report This]
Date: May 14, 2007 11:25 pm Title: Bartender Dan and his damn good coffee

I just love this story. You are doing such a great job coming up with different scenario each session. Not much more to say than GREAT!

Reviewer: secondrink Signed [Report This]
Date: May 14, 2007 09:39 pm Title: Bartender Dan and his damn good coffee

This might be the best and most insightful chapter good!

Reviewer: SixFlightsUp Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: May 10, 2007 06:22 pm Title: Juggling Kittens

This line is kind of amazing.

 I wanted to start a slow clap

 I don't know why, but that made me really happy. Awesome story! I can't wait for more!

Reviewer: Rowena666 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 10, 2007 10:28 am Title: Juggling Kittens

Another awesome chapter. The doc wanting to start a slow clap is hilarious. Loved this line, in particular: "P.S. I hope you didn't think I literally put my heart in the teapot. That's gross Beesley. I love you. Just had to say it again"

Reviewer: invis Signed [Report This]
Date: May 10, 2007 01:19 am Title: Juggling Kittens

Giant sigh!  So fabulous.  I am going to have sweet, Jammy dreams tonight.

Author's Response: Those are the best kind of dreams!! Thanks for reading!

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