Date: July 15, 2007 12:17 am Title: we wait with faces squinched up, shoulders raised - for what?
I really enjoyed your story! It made me very sad, of course, but it was so well written that I was able to get beyond the heartbreaking sadness of it and just read it for what it was - an awesome story. I think this was my favorite line - "Still, even if honesty has done nothing but slowly dismantle her personal life all year, she goes for it, figuring she'd rather be definitely humiliated than wonder forever, then regret not saying anything when she dies with nobody but a dozen cats named Jim for company" .
Date: July 11, 2007 02:47 pm Title: we wait with faces squinched up, shoulders raised - for what?
This is just phenomenal…beatitiful and sad in the perfect ways
And of course Pam has keys to Michael’s condo…
This makes me want to write something again…
Just amazing, good job!!
Date: July 11, 2007 09:11 am Title: we wait with faces squinched up, shoulders raised - for what?
Very bittersweet story, but wonderful nonetheless. I like the idea of Pam having the strength to do things on her own, even if it means the end of JAM. It was aq nice change of pace. Also, I loved the shout-out to 'Oregon Trail'. I was addicted to that game in the 80s.
Author's Response:
Oregon Trail is the BEST. I downloaded it a few months ago, and even if it's not quite as exciting as it was when I was in elementary school, it's still a really good way to kill half an hour.
Thanks for the review!
Date: July 11, 2007 08:20 am Title: we wait with faces squinched up, shoulders raised - for what?
Words cannot even begin to describe how much I love this. I'm liiterally in tears as I type this. Yeah, I'm a die-hard JAMmer, but man, if the show chose to take this direction, i would have been just as happy. Bittersweet happy, but happy nonetheless. I love your way with words. I myself wrote a story with this same sentiment, but you just took it to a whole new level. Wow. Just, amazing.
Author's Response: Thank you so much - I'm glad you liked it!
Date: July 11, 2007 01:57 am Title: we wait with faces squinched up, shoulders raised - for what?
Okay, I'm conflicted. lol First of all, let me say you're a really good writer. And I like Pam's independence and her decision to quit and travel, but at the same time I'm torn on the Jim issue. I don't really see him ever totally giving up on her like that, or their connection ever really being broken.
I know that's not the point, or whatever, and I'm not complaining. lol See, that's what I meant when I said I was conflicted. ;) I hope to see more from you, I really enjoyed it.
Author's Response:
I don't see it as him giving up on her - it's more that Jim always assumes there'll be more time and isn't really willing to take the plunge, and Pam realizes that after spending so much of her life waiting for other people, she can't do it anymore and needs to do something for herself. I definitely agree, though, it's difficult to imagine them ever being permanently cut off from each other like this.
Thank you so much for the review!
Date: July 10, 2007 05:56 pm Title: we wait with faces squinched up, shoulders raised - for what?
This needs more reviews. It actually made me cry.
Author's Response: Thank you! It feels weird to be glad I made someone cry, but I'm taking it as the compliment it is.
Date: July 10, 2007 04:22 pm Title: we wait with faces squinched up, shoulders raised - for what?
This is something that I could truly see Pam doing, and as much as I worship the Jim/Pam love, I think if it DID happen, it'd be better for them both in the end.
Awesome job. I will definitely be adding it to my favorites.
Author's Response:
It was REALLY difficult not to give into temptation and have them end up together, but I agree - at the very least, this ending is a huge victory for Pam, and a much-needed kick in the pants for Jim. Thank you!
Date: July 10, 2007 11:47 am Title: we wait with faces squinched up, shoulders raised - for what?
Wow...this was really, really good! I mean, obviously the story is a little sad, and if this were to happen on the show there'd be a full-scale revolt, but still...
I love fics that give us glimpses into the character's thoughts as well as their actions. And within the context of this story, Pam's actions seem very natural and realistic, almost like an outgrowth of what had happened before. So, good job! And I hope to read more from you in the future.
Author's Response: Thank you! When I got the idea for this, it was the ending that I thought of - Pam quitting and driving west - so I'm glad the way I got her to that point felt natural.