Date: March 13, 2011 05:49 pm Title: Research - I can help with that
I have long loved this little snippet. Then again, you're one of my favorite authors. This is just...exactly what it needs to be.
::fans self::
Date: September 20, 2008 08:10 pm Title: Research - I can help with that
HOT. Shame you didn't continue this :)
Date: February 03, 2008 08:44 pm Title: Research - I can help with that
His hands are in her hair and she knows that he's lost himself and if only, oh, if only they weren't at work, she'd ease up, slow down, whisper to him, ask him questions she knows the answer to, use her tongue and lips to make it last as long as she wants, until he's pleading her name over and over.
Oh. My. God. *thud* Sooo good, so sweet yet hot at the same time, and soo well-written! Just perfect. =)
Author's Response: How fun it is to read this after all this time, FinerThings! I love when folks quote their favorite lines and when I read this, I remembered struggling over that bit - so that just makes this even better! Thanks so much for reading and commenting!
Date: September 30, 2007 06:10 am Title: Research - I can help with that
Oh sweet jeezus. Am I the new Patroness of Smut? I'm soooo pleased that Happy!Jam (who are doin' it like bunnies)are providing plenty of inspiration.
Love Pam's naughty IM'ing. 'The things I could do to you right now!'
Best part -- the way you describe how FNB is spurred on by having Jim in her life: Now that he's along for the ride, she's moving quickly, fearless. She takes a step and brings him along. This makes me positively giddy: there's a moment when the look they share says this is better than she ever thought it could be. Better than he ever imagined it would be.
Author's Response: You are the Patron Saint of fanfic writers, lisahoo. How I love everything you choose to be as a reader and reviewer!
Date: September 30, 2007 05:22 am Title: Research - I can help with that
Oh my God, WOW! Glad you broke your self-imposed ban. Fancy New Sweatpea! ha ha
Very sexy and very real to the characters. Love this part, it takes it beyond the smut level, "there's a moment when the look they share says this is better than she ever thought it could be. Better than he ever imagined it would be." Great Job!
Author's Response:
I love to see favorite lines, sweetchariots, especially when they're my favorites, too. So glad you liked it and thanks for the review.
Date: September 30, 2007 04:41 am Title: Research - I can help with that
Naughty and nice Pam is one of my favorite Pams. And I love that much as Jim is loving the sexage (and boy, oh boy, is he) he's just as thrilled to see her self-confidence and joy. Exactly as I imagine he would be.
I know there's some debate over whether there actually is a supply closet at DM...but stories like this confirm my belief that it doesn't matter - the supply closet is a state of mind. ;-)
Author's Response: I *love* the "supply closet is a state of mind" idea! Three weeks into the season now, I think the whole office is a supply closet! Thank you for the sweet words, Colette!
Date: September 29, 2007 08:12 pm Title: Research - I can help with that
No bans on le smut allowed missy! This was perfectly done, loved the loving, but it was the stuff after that I was really touched by:
He likes to think he has a little something to do with her glowing face and how often she smiles, but he knows she started down this road without him. Now that he's along for the ride, she's moving quickly, fearless. She takes a step and brings him along.
I know some people want quiet, mousy Pam back, why, I don't know. I'm loving FNB more with every episode. She not a bitch, she's still as loving and caring and sweet as ever, but now she's added a pinch of assertiveness and self esteem to the mix. Add in some Halpert love and no wonder the girl is glowing.
Thanks for this, sweetpea.
Author's Response: Oh, EH, those are my feelings about her exactly! I love seeing her so happy and confident, I never want to see that mousy little girl who let Michael say such awful things to her come back. This thing was really, really hard for me (don't say it) and I'm still not happy with it. I've been tinkering with some form of this for a long time. It was originally going to be part of Classical Conditioning, but I pulled that bit out and posted it separately. Thank you for the review (and peer pressure, dammit!) and for reading along.
Date: September 29, 2007 03:11 pm Title: Research - I can help with that
Author's Response: LOL! Thanks, Shassafrass!
Date: September 29, 2007 09:41 am Title: Research - I can help with that
You are very productive in your post Fun Run days. I like that. Another good story. I do like Jim/Pam being a little naughty. This hadme giggling:
"Wow. I think I'm done for the day. Tell Michael I went home."
"Jim, to go home, you have to get out of here."
"No, I'm good. I'll just stay here until everyone leaves for the day."
Author's Response:
Morning Angel, I wish I could be as productive in other cleaning and laundry! I loved that little bit of worn out Jim, too, so I'm glad you mentioned it. Thank you for the review.
Date: September 29, 2007 09:24 am Title: Research - I can help with that
"Fancy meeting you here, Beesly."
I love this phrase!
And I'd like to believe that this happens before the part when Pam stares and then smirks to herself before Angeal talks to her. And she's reliving this moment when she is smiling at Jim. Yes....
And the last paragraph????? Whew.
And congrats on no food in a fic!!! Hahahha (i'm teasing) But this was so great sweetpea! So cute but hot. Lovely ;)
Author's Response:
LOL! I should have had Jim eating a donut or something when he walked into the supply closet! I love that smile from Pam! Such a sweet moment. Thanks so much for the review.