Date: January 14, 2008 08:57 pm Title: "You the man."
I really like the idea and the story, but in this chapter you've written Jim a little harsher than I see him. But I do want to see what you have in mind for the next 5 chapters.
Author's Response:
I meant him to be teasing Mark and playing with Pam. It's good to know how it comes off, though. Thank you for the input! :)
Date: January 14, 2008 06:05 pm Title: "The kids just adore you."
This is really nice, recept! I like how you bring little pieces of the show's events into it and I do so like how Pam is complimenting Jim. We seem to not see so much of that in fanficdom, but plenty the other way. Looking forward to the next installment.
Date: January 13, 2008 07:29 pm Title: "wow."
"JHalpert: just tell me when and where."
Wow is right! So sultry hot! I love that Jim thinks Pam would know where his tie is - just like a certain husband I know...
Date: January 13, 2008 04:08 pm Title: "Your arms are definitely looking bigger."
receptionist! How could I have missed this little JAM Therapy inspired jem?
This is lovely. I loved the "missing" dialogue from Fun Run and the shout out to Ontario (especially that Dwight knew the detailed info).
Looking forward to more!
Author's Response:
Bees, honestly, I've been wanting to add to this for so long but I had a lack of inspiration. And then... chat happened. LOL. Thanks for the comment! hopefully I'll be posting again soon!
Date: January 13, 2008 12:43 pm Title: "Your arms are definitely looking bigger."
Lol, "Let's do some good." I love that line.
Date: January 12, 2008 07:22 pm Title: "The kids just adore you."
A reference to our newest holiday! How exciting! Although I'm pretty sure I still have to go to class on that day (What's up with that? lol). This story is so sweet! And I'm glad to see you got the chance to update! I hope we get to see more soon!
Date: November 30, 2007 12:16 pm Title: "Cute feet."
As a big-footed one myself, I appreciate this. I can SEE Michael throwing this party (LOL) and it is great how you set up why they were there in the first place.
Date: November 30, 2007 12:15 pm Title: "wow."
This is a great interaction. I feel like they would do more of this to escape the camera and the "wow" well placed.
Date: November 30, 2007 12:15 pm Title: "Your arms are definitely looking bigger."
I have decided - one review for each compliment if it provides fuel to your idea!
I was wondering how you were going to do Your arms are deifnitely looking bigger and make it work. You did. Great fluff, and nice intertwining with the series.
Date: November 11, 2007 05:17 pm Title: "Cute feet."
:DDDD gahhhh!!!!!!!! this made me melt! you captured them really great and michals a dork =] def hearts!
Date: November 11, 2007 05:15 pm Title: "wow."
:D this made me def blush and feel defitatly warm =] nice work! *air five*
Date: October 02, 2007 03:06 pm Title: "Cute feet."
I love fluff! This is great!
Date: October 02, 2007 06:05 am Title: "Cute feet."
Size 11 can be cute. I'm married to a size 13 and even his feet can be cute, at times. ;)
Date: October 02, 2007 06:01 am Title: "wow."
Loved the interchange, espcially the WOW
Date: October 02, 2007 05:00 am Title: "Cute feet."
I know how Jim feels. 16 years old, and size 10 feet. I hate taking off my shoes. I'm loving this story, keep it going :D
Date: October 01, 2007 10:11 pm Title: "Cute feet."
i seriously love this story.
Date: October 01, 2007 08:06 pm Title: "Cute feet."
Big feet, big hands - lucky Pam.
Date: October 01, 2007 07:50 pm Title: "Cute feet."
Is there anything NOT to love about this? Its got crazy Jan, Oscar-Kevin interaction (which ALWAYS makes me laugh), and Jim with one less item of clothing. I love little one shots like this. They make the day brighter.
Date: October 01, 2007 06:27 pm Title: "wow."
Very nice little vignette receptionist. I'd like to see a similar exchange someday.
Date: October 01, 2007 05:06 pm Title: "Your arms are definitely looking bigger."
I love the happy banter between the two of them and how you tied it into the fun run, or more precisely, happy walk!
Date: October 01, 2007 08:07 am Title: "Your arms are definitely looking bigger."
I am looking forward to the next 9 compliments.
Date: October 01, 2007 06:37 am Title: "Your arms are definitely looking bigger."
so great. i still have to pinch myself sometimes. Jam are dating! haha. You captured their easy very well, I am excited for more.
Date: September 30, 2007 11:41 pm Title: "Your arms are definitely looking bigger."
I love how you filled that scene in between the scenes that we saw. Great job!
Date: September 30, 2007 10:21 pm Title: "Your arms are definitely looking bigger."
Oh, I love it! Sometimes you need light, fluffy Jim/Pam banter. And this is precisely that!