Date: November 21, 2008 06:00 pm Title: Preparations
This was funny and sweet. Michael Scott and his zany ideas. Maybe Pam could partner with Dwight and Kevin and re-enact the infamous scene where Bobby and Peter accidently beam Marcia in the nose with a football: "OH MY NOSE!!" Given the way Pam handles a football, maybe that's not a good idea, LOL. Meredith should probably steer clear.
I also loved how you wrote Pam's sense of frustration at Michael. Well done!
Author's Response:
Hee!! Maybe...we'll see.
I'm so glad you liked it. Stay tuned for more!
Date: November 21, 2008 03:42 pm Title: Preparations
Oh this is going to be good, you certainly "know" these characters.
"Question." Jim raised his hand. "Who will you be Michael? Wait. Don't tell me. You're one of the Village People."
This made me laugh out loud.
I loved how Jim was sympathetic to Michael missing Holly, and it made me realize that Pam pretty much missed the whole "Holly" thing.
I'm anxious to read more.
Author's Response: Thank you so much! Pam missed it but she'll understand more soon enough. So glad you're liking it so far!
Date: November 21, 2008 02:36 pm Title: Preparations
Yay for Thanksgiving fic '08! As usual, everyone sounds perfect and true to form, and fluff is always welcome from you. Phyllis=Alice, Kelly=Pocahontas, ha. Of course Jim and Pam are the two "hot" kids. I loved the Brady Bunch growing up and I just laughed at Michael's idea of doing a Thanksgiving skit.
Looking forward to more of this, Hugs!
Author's Response: I'm not sure how Brady it's actually going to be when all is said and done but OF COURSE those are the roles Michael would asign to our fair couple. I'm preparing the rest of this tasty treat as we speak. Stay tuned!! And thanks so much for the sweet review.
Date: November 21, 2008 02:26 pm Title: Preparations
Now, see, if they'd done THIS on the show... :D (I know, I know...I just need to lighten up.)
Just so you know, "feel free to improvise" caused an audible snort over here. Good thing nobody was around to hear it. :)
Author's Response:
Is a snort audible if no one is around to hear it? LOL! Glad you liked it. More to come soon. :)
Date: November 21, 2008 01:36 pm Title: Preparations
So glad to see this is not complete. Pitch perfect phrasing and characterization for each character here. Everything from FNB being just slightly demanding in her "kiss me now" (who wouldn't be demanding of that from our lovely Jim?) all the way to Michael's "type casting". I can't wait for the rest of your very Brady-very Office Thanksgiving.
Author's Response: So glad you're glad. :) It should be finished rather quickly. This won't exactly be an epic tale. Thanks so much for the review!
Date: November 21, 2008 11:40 am Title: Preparations
Yeah, Casa de Halpert 1.0 did have a Very Brady vibe going, didn't it? I hope we get to see something like that kitchen scene this season. Nicely done, xo. I had the idea for the fic before the house but it worked quite nicely. And re: the kitchen scene - me too. Thanks Ms. Hoo. Without your banner making skills this may never have seen the light of day. :)
Author's Response:
Date: November 21, 2008 11:10 am Title: Preparations
Oh, hijinx are sure to ensue. Yay!
Author's Response: Indeed. Wait and see. :)
Date: November 21, 2008 11:05 am Title: Preparations
That's right! Pam never experienced the Michael-Holly love first hand! How crazy is that. She missed her boss being the most normal he ever has been.
And darn. I want more. Write faster please. I may also have to go watch some Brady Bunch. All I know about it is "Marcia Marcia Marcia!"
Author's Response:
I KNOW. So weird.
Writing as fast as I can.
And way to rub your age in my face Em. :P Whippersnapper. LOL! Not that I ever watched The Brady Bunch in first-run episodes either.
Date: November 21, 2008 11:02 am Title: Preparations
Yay! You're a woman of your word, xoxoxo. First off, NEVER apologize for JAM fluffiness. It is always welcomed and appreciated. I don't think I'm alone in that opinion ; )
So many great things about this story. Your voices are really perfect IMHO.
"No. Don't be silly." Michael explained. "Meredith is Cindy. You'll be Pocahontas. And Oscar? You can play...Pocahontas' brother." How much do I love? A lot!
"I missed all that. They were really great together huh?"
"A match made in...well...not heaven exactly but yeah." Jim shrugged. "He misses her. I can't help but be a bit sympathetic to the guy." Guh. So sweet.
I'll just go start making the turkey. You write some more, OK?
Author's Response:
Thanks Nan! Telling me my voices work is what I consider the highest of compliments. I'm not sure the whole Brady thing will work out the way Michael planned but it should be fun in any event.
Save me some white meat and potatoes while I slave away over here m'ok? ;)