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Reviewer: Casinos and Coal Walks Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: October 05, 2009 06:10 am Title: Chapter 1

Haha! You got everyone characters, but Dwight's reaction was priceless. Telling Pam he's illegaly looked up peoples personal files, and making it seem normal? So Dwight. Keep up the good work!

Reviewer: Luna Mystik Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: October 28, 2006 11:31 am Title: Chapter 1

I laughed out loud at the last line...

I applaud you for taking Jonathan, a fictious character in a fandom filled with fictious characters, and keeping him fake. And to have him save Pam's life on jetskis...well, I'm speechless.

Author's Response: Heh.  I have actually no idea how that could happen, but that's kind of the point. 

Reviewer: jandjsalmon Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: October 24, 2006 08:06 pm Title: Chapter 1

AHGHG! This was brilliant! I think my favorite parts were Jim just KNOWING and going along with whatever she had up her sleeve and then Michael and Dwight. They are classic! Great Great job!

Author's Response:


Maybe I should have written some more about Jim playing along with it but I was so keen to get to the Dwight scene ...

Reviewer: kaystar Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: October 24, 2006 07:53 pm Title: Chapter 1

The last line was so funny!!!

Author's Response: Thanks!  Glad you got it.

Reviewer: Morning Angel Signed 9 [Report This]
Date: October 24, 2006 02:33 pm Title: Chapter 1

Hee.  That was very funny!  Good job! :)

Reviewer: gotkona Signed 8 [Report This]
Date: October 24, 2006 12:23 pm Title: Chapter 1

very funny

Reviewer: time4moxie Signed 9 [Report This]
Date: October 24, 2006 11:10 am Title: Chapter 1

nicely written - but we all know Jonathan's real!!!!  ;-)

Author's Response: Well, I'd like to point out that at no time does anyone in the story say that he isn't!  It's possible that there is a Jonathan, he's just not dating Pam ... ;-)

Author's Response: Oh, um, that is unless you count Dwight.  But he was obviously bluffing, because I'm sure that they don't really let volunteers look at state birth registration records, do they?

Reviewer: tizzy Anonymous 10 [Report This]
Date: October 24, 2006 10:27 am Title: Chapter 1

oh my god! loved this! this is exactly what the fanfic worlsd needed because as cool as jonathan is, i'm kinda getting a little annoyed with how involved he is in the fanfic world...and i've been thinking about wiriting this sort of fic myself but i just don't have the time! ah bravo! i espeacially like all the talk about how perfect he is and how he has no life but to help his little brother...i'm not saying i don't like the character of jonathan halpert i'm just saying that maybe those in the fic community need to back a oof a bit...explore other jim's right hand man options...sorry for the tangent! I just realized i went a little overboard....anyway yeah loved you're fic!

Author's Response: Thanks for the kind words!  I'm new to this fandom though so I'm not really trying to make a point or anything.  The Jonathan stories mostly really stood out to me because I'm not sure who Scott Foley is - he's not famous over here, I've googled to see what he looks like but am not familiar with his work, so I couldn't really get my head around it all ...

Reviewer: anon Anonymous [Report This]
Date: October 24, 2006 09:54 am Title: Chapter 1

"“Oh no,” explained Pam.  “They’re super close.  Jonathan is always ready to come and help Jim with his – with his love life or any problems he might have.  He’s basically at his beck and call whenever he needs him.  He’s just so great that way,” "

Ahahahaha. Je t'aime.

Reviewer: nqllisi Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: October 24, 2006 09:17 am Title: Chapter 1

Ha! I love it. Jonathan really is almost too good to be true, although I really think he's a wonderful, fully realized character in the hands of some of our fabulously talented authors!

Author's Response: I'm absolutely not intending to knock anyone else's fine work, I just couldn't resist a little tease - like Pam!

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