Reviews For The New Guy
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Reviewer: ThePinkButterfly Signed [Report This]
Date: April 07, 2021 07:31 pm Title: Closure

Awww, warrior! I love how you included the diner scene with Pam and Roy. Perfect way to Roy to ask if she's going to date Halpert now. Great callback to canon. And I also love how Jim is babysitting his niece and nephew. He seems like he would be a fun babysitter. That being said, hope we get a JAM date soon now that Roy is gone! :)

Author's Response: Thanks TPB. The diner scene I think was a great way for Pam and Roy to get closure in canon so I figured it would work here too. Slightly modified of course. I think Jim would be the fun uncle. I have this headcanon that he gives his niece's and nephews ideas to drive his brothers insane as payback for how they might have treated him growing up. Hmmm, I may have to expand on that idea now. Future JAM should be a lot of fun going forward. Glad you liked this one.

Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed [Report This]
Date: April 07, 2021 03:27 pm Title: Closure

Ha ha -Toby is so excited that Pam is no longer dating Roy but poor Toby, little does he realize she is already "off the market" even if she doesn't completely know it yet.

I like the way you had Darryl be the voice of reason (I've always been a big Darryl fan) and how fitting that he talks in sports metaphors and comparisons - he knows how to read his audience and speak in a way they can get some foreshadowing to his future job.

Appreciate that he was able to reach Roy and make such an impact that he could let Pam go without too much ugliness. Nice 'Closure' you put down here.

Yahoo, Uncle Jim is babysitting - you know how much I love that. Wish he would have invited Pam to come along.

Oh and how responsible of Pam to put her phone on silent and bury it in her purse. Wish more people would do that. Roads would be a lot safer...but I digress.

Hey, can I borrow that lucky pen sometime.

Author's Response: I could see how you'd read into that with Toby. You're right though, he won't really have a chance. Glad you liked Darryl. If there was anyone at Dunder-Mifflin Roy would listen to it would be Darryl. Guy's got a good head on his shoulders. Roy's not all bad, he's just stuck. Thus the man-to-man talk helps him to realize some of his shortcomings so he can grow. Nice to bring that out. 

Yup, Jim's babysitting. Showing Pam family matters to him and all that. As much fun as it would be for him to invite her along, it's also fairly new into their relationship and he's still got his cousin's advice to not push her bouncing around in his mind. The pen was also fun to bring in there too. Glad you liked it all.

Reviewer: Merria Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: April 07, 2021 01:39 pm Title: Closure

So glad you picked up this story again. I like that Roy finally got a clue and is backing off. I can’t wait to read what happens with Jim, now that Pam’s free.

Author's Response: Thanks Merria. It was fun to get back into this one. Roy needed a wake up call and a good man-to-man talk. It should be a lot of fun from here on out with Jim and Pam. Glad you liked it.

Reviewer: Dernhelm Signed [Report This]
Date: April 07, 2021 07:47 am Title: Closure

That was sweet and a little sad. Maybe, it's always sad when something ends, especially if that something contained good things too. Of course, Roy deserved being dumped and everything else too (honestly, a hard talk from Darryl was slightly uncomfortable to read, though he really had to hear every single word), but, in the end, I'm glad he and Pam had a peaceful goodbye.
Curious to see what Jim will do about Pam's newly single status!

Author's Response: Thanks. Roy did need to hear all that. I figured coming from Darryl it would stick some more. In the show Pam and Roy did ultimatly have a peaceful closure to their relationship so I wanted to bring that out too. It'll be a lot of fun to see where Jim and Pam go from here to be sure.

Reviewer: Dernhelm Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: March 01, 2021 10:53 am Title: Good Taste

That was a fun chapter! I couldn't help but felt a little awkward at first, but that was fine (and I still believe that Izzy was evil! but, for Pam's sake, her teasing and observations were for the better).
"Looks like we're getting close," I bet! And I can't get rid of an impression that not only the dish was meant here...
And... okay, I both like and hate cliffhangers, and I'm anticipating so much to see that happens next. Thank you for writing!
Also, I might need some snacks right now. Reading about delicious food makes me so hungry...

Author's Response: You're not the only one who has said this chapter has made them hungry. In that regard, mission accomplished. Yeah it does feel like things are getting better with Jim and Pam. It's always fun to write them being cute together. As for the cliffhanger? Should be interesting to see it reslove, that's for sure. Thanks for the review.

Reviewer: Basscop69 Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: February 28, 2021 03:37 am Title: Good Taste

I've been slow at getting to this - but I love it!! I really like the idea of a couple of small things changing Pam's course (especially with all the moments in the show where it felt like if one have them had just said the right thing/been in the right place at the right time, it might have changed). I'm really enjoying the introduction of Jonathon in this, and Isabel obviously - this might have been one of my favourite bits: “Look out world ‘cuz old Pammy’s going to get what she wants,” Izzy teased as they walked out the door.
“You know it,” Pam replied. “But don’t call me Pammy.” And them cooking together, and the prank with the expired yoghurt in this chapter, was just perfect. (I also loved the insight into how Roy sees everyone else in the office at the start of this fic, and the Dwight/Roy interaction really cracked me up). I'm hooked!

Author's Response: Thank you. It's been a fun story to work on, exploring what the implications of a single changed decision could have been. There's probably more than a few changed decisions here but the concept is the same. I'm glad you enjoyed all those bits. It's always kind of fun to take lines from the show and give them a bit of a twist. Happy to have you here.

Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed [Report This]
Date: February 27, 2021 08:14 am Title: Good Taste

Another great update. Starting from the end and working back up.

Roy are you really so daft? Guess so. It's am interesting approach here. I'm intrigued.

That was a fun twist on the expired yogurt line. A little prank on her. Well that seems to be just like him and sets the stage for their banter moving forward.

Always love how you manipulate the lines. Having izzy be the one to say look out world. But don't call her Pammy.

I am a big fan of Betsy here. She did a good job teaching him. And my stomach was rumbling the whole time I read the earliest part and not just because I didn't have a proper breakfast. meal sounded yummy. I might like to try it. Wish Jim could make it for me too.

All your descriptions enhanced the story so well. I could hear the click click of the gas oven and practically smell the garlic.

always love to read your stuff.

Author's Response:

Roy needs a chance to grow. He's getting that chance forced on him and he's not ready for it at least that's how I'm trying to write it. We'll see more from him going forward.

Really glad you caught on the twists of the canon lines. It's always fun to give them a shift for a new meaning.

Yeah Betsy was going to make sure her kids were ready to take care of themselves as best she could. I can send you the recipie if you'd like it.

Glad everything brought you into the story. Always fun to hear when writing connects with a ready. Always love to read your reviews. Thank you. 

Reviewer: New Hogfan Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: February 26, 2021 09:33 pm Title: Good Taste

This chapter made me hungry.
Roy must have a screw loose.
For him to think that he and Pam are still
together, and that everything is fine between
them, and his bad temper, just shows
us how dangerous he could become.
Please update this very soon!

Author's Response: Mission accomplished with the cooking part then. Glad you liked it. Yeah, Roy's not the best. Yes he's had a temper thus far. It's my view that Roy is basically an overgrown high schooler at this point in his life. He needs a chance to grow as well and he may have that chance now. Thanks for the review.

Reviewer: ThePinkButterfly Signed [Report This]
Date: February 26, 2021 09:04 pm Title: Good Taste

This was such a delightful continuation of Cooking with Jim. I’m not sure if I would rather be Jim, Pam, or Isabel in this situation, all I know is that the scene was so fun to read.

I was *not* expecting that ending, and I actually gasped out loud when I read it. I’m excited for your next update!

Author's Response: Thank you. It was a lot of fun to write the cooking scene. Really glad you liked it. As for the end, did we really expect Roy to just give up like that? It should be a fun ride from here on out. Thanks so much for the support.

Reviewer: Dernhelm Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: February 10, 2021 12:36 am Title: First Cuts

Oh, I like this chapter! It's always nice to see these tender and sweet moments between them (but I hope that Jim will keep in mind Johnathan's advice...)
And Izzy is evil! I anticipate seeing how the dinner will go!
Thank you for writing!

Author's Response: Thanks Dernhelm. What can I say? I'm a sucker for fluff. Izzy showing up right then was just to much fun to not put in. Glad you liked it.

Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed [Report This]
Date: February 09, 2021 06:07 am Title: First Cuts

First off you are forgiven for the lapse -I get it. However I know feel a lot like I do when those 10 episode series come back after a year or more in that "wait, what happened at the end of last season" kind of way, that has me re-watching the whole series before I can dive in. But I enjoyed rereading Chapter 3.

I'm going to have find time to get into a old story and experience more of this wise Johnathan. He seemed to have good advice for Jim which I'm glad he seemed to take to heart. Just like in canon it seems Pam needs time between Roy and Jim to learn to love herself.

Isabel is a bit of a trip - forcing Jim to come make them dinner. Good choice to have it be a threesome (TWSS)not but really, Izzy is a good addition here.

So Jim is a man of many talents. I like Chef Halpert. And he is right about the the knives (even though my Shun and Henckles are probably about as dull as Pam's right now).

Ok so the knife scene with Jim and Pam kind of channeling Demi and Patrick was a really good vision until I pictured Meredith in The Fire episode. But seriously, that was a great bit. Who knew cutting a tomato could be so sensual.

Looking forward to the dinner.

Jim is a man of

Author's Response: Yeah, I need to do better about updating quicker. Things to work on, still thanks for still being here for this one. One of the best fics I've found with Brother Johnathan is "Distance Learning" by time4moxie. Be forewarned it's a long one, but REALLY good. There's a bunch of other great ones out there too. I'm having a lot of fun writing Izzy. The kind of no-nonsense friend Pam really needed. Glad you liked Chef Jim. Yeah there's a bit of similarity between this and Demi and Patrick, but it's also a fairly standard trope, but still fun. Thanks as always for your feedback. Glad you liked it.

Reviewer: darjeelingandcoke Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: February 08, 2021 09:17 pm Title: First Cuts

Yay! Nice to see this one updated!

I love the really clear contrasts between Jim and Roy here. Feels like it's popping up all over the place - the way he talks with Jonathan about Pam as opposed to the way Roy talks about her with Lonny and Darryl, their levels of attention to her, their excitement about doing something *with* her. You can't imagine Roy would've rolled with the punches quite so well (or at all) with Isabel changing up the evening on him, either. You can see why this guy might blow Pam way.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how their relationship grows now that you've recontextualized its early stages so much.

Author's Response: Yeah, Jim's pretty smitten with her here. So yeah he's in that phase of the relationship where it's new and exciting and you want to just be with the other person as much as you can. Thus Johnathan's advice to try and keep it in check. But there's not really a comparisson between Jim and Roy at this point.

Thanks as always.

Reviewer: ThePinkButterfly Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: February 08, 2021 07:33 pm Title: First Cuts

Okay, first of all. First Cuts? That is an *excellent* chapter title. Kudos on that.

The phone conversation between Jim and Isabel really made me laugh. There's something so uniquely scary and reassuring about trying to make a good impression on friends of the person you're interested in. But it seems to me that Jim shouldn't have much trouble with that. ;)

I loved reading about Jim showing off his kitchen skills! And anything that involves Jim teaching something is a fun read. You combined the two superbly.

Part of me wants to hope we get some dessert along with dinner in the next update, but we all know Jim will be as patient as ever until Pam is ready to move on. Thanks for such a fun chapter!

Author's Response: Thanks TPB. I had a lot of fun writing this one, even if it sat in limbo for a while on my hardrive. Glad you liked the conversation between Jim and Isabel. She's turning into a fun character to write. Kitchen skills are a lot of fun to write, especially with a lot of the knowledge I've gained doing a lot of cooking recently.

I completely forgot about any kind of dessert. I shall have to remedy that. Thanks again, glad you liked it.

Reviewer: Sam Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: December 02, 2020 12:00 pm Title: Fancy Dinner

Lots more evidence of Roy's oafishness...
It's good to see him dispatched!
Really looking forward to seeing what you do with this.

Author's Response: Thanks. It's been fun to write this one. I'm glad you like it so much.

Reviewer: Sam Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: December 02, 2020 11:43 am Title: Wine, Coins, and Crayons

So... in my last review I mentioned Roy's pathetic attempt to please her with dinner as the thing that pushed her into taking a stand. It's clear now that the food fiasco probably only pushed her over the edge because she's seen over the fence.
I can see how Pam's conflict avoidance would play a big part in them still being together, in spite of him being a less than stellar boyfriend. And I like that Pam is realising this.
And it was great to meet Izzy; I really liked their conversation, and Izzy's insight into her friend's relationship and behaviour.
Many thanks!

Author's Response: I've often thought that maybe one of the reasons Pam stayed with Roy so long is she didn't really have a good sounding board for his foibles. It's usually read that Pam and Roy started living together fairly quickly so Pam wouldn't have really known any different. Being a naive high school can really only last so long and that's what we're starting to strip here.

Glad you liked Izzy. I find it a lot of fun to add in secondary characters like her to give a lot more outsider perspective.

Reviewer: Sam Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: December 02, 2020 11:23 am Title: Faded Star

Well, not liking this Roy is going to be straightforward! You've made a great job of depicting a lame, complacent, inadequate man-child who can't let go of that (short) time in his life when he was a success.
I like that Pam has had enough, and it's kind of fitting that it's a crappy attempt at a gesture that's meant to persuade her that he's a catch that finally pushes her over the edge.
And the end paragraph with Jim is delicious.

Author's Response: Thanks Sam. If you got a kick out of Roy in this opening chapter I can't wait to hear what you think of him later on. It's been kind of fun to explore this scenario. Thanks for the review.

Reviewer: 3vasectomies Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: December 01, 2020 09:58 pm Title: Fancy Dinner

I've been following this for a bit and I like the concept! Pam has always been one who's had difficulties being assertive so I like how you're taking that and flipping it on its head; having it before the cameras arrive is interesting as well.

What I appreciate is that you didn't make Darryl and Lonny jackasses, since that could have easily been done given how they were written (Darryl less so, but he develops a lot as a character). As blunt and unfiltered as they are, they're right: Pam's a catch, and them seeing Jim hanging out with her proves that Roy should stop screwin' around, get off his ass, and prove his worth before she runs off with Jim.

I can relate to Roy on a tangental level in that I'm a simple guy who's content with being at home and eating TV dinners (then again I've been single all my life). But putting in some effort once in a while in a relationship is a given, and Roy's attempts to show Pam his love are severely lacking, especially with the proposal. It's as if putting in any type of effort is strenuous, when it really isn't. While Pam's complaints could come off as nagging to some, it's actually her pointing out not his flaws, necessarily, but his insecurities: he resists trying because he feels as if he doesn't need to (calling it gay for good measure), he feels threatened by Pam interacting with another male, and lastly he acts just like he did in high school. Her pulling out his old nickname (*brutal*, by the way) proves there's a refusal to move forward; if he can't move on from his 'glory days', neither can their relationship. That's where the cracks form and that's what she refuses to tolerate any longer.

Despite its title, I appreciate the fact that Jim hasn't had a major role yet. This seems like Pam's story so far, her accepting that she wants more out of life in general, not just Roy. Though Izzy eggs it on, Pam doesn't believe her interest in Jim is romantic yet. I mean, of course, it is, but what shakes her is that she's had Roy for so long that she always assumed he's what a romantic partner is like, which is immediately challenged when Jim walks in with his Halpert charm and takes her breath away. Their genuine connection is a strong foundation of their relationship and it's apparent in these chapters. An added bonus is, with Pam's sudden burst of confidence, she won't have a need to hide how she feels, and he wouldn't have to either. Steamrolls over all the angst.

Also, I initially thought that the manager would be another figure from her past but nope. 'Nother Halpert. Turns out that charm I mentioned is hereditary. Wonder how he'll play all this. A friends-and-family discount for JAM's first real date is my current working theory.

Finally, the dress? Blink-and-you'll-miss-it Casino Night nod? Nice touch.

Can't wait to see where this goes!

Author's Response:

Ok first off, wow, epic review 3V. Thank you. Yup you're picking up on just about everything I'm going for with all this. Roy is stuck in the past, can't move on, and feels threatened by any percived threat to his masculinity. Thus he lashes out. Pam does want to grow and experience new things. I once heard a concept that sometimes when one changes the course of their life even by 1 degree, eventually down the road, they'll be in a place they never thought they'd find themselves. This is a bit more than 1 degree for Pam, but the concept still fits. Make even a small change, like not put up with Roy, and the difference could be big.

I do like writing fiesty assertive Pam. She proves with Jim she's quick witted and smart. Thus can recall the old nicknames and the like. 

Also glad you like how I've been writing Jim so far. This has been primarity about Pam and Roy, but we'll start to hear more from Jim going forward. Maybe Halpert charm skips a sibling or two. Tom and Pete in canon don't often come across as charming to me. But a fanon character who is often seen as the wise older brother kind fo guy, yeah, we'll go all in on charm with him. And don't worry I've got some good plans for Johnathan. 

Well done on picking up on some of the quicker details, like the dress and everything. Thanks for such a great review. I'm glad you've liked everything so far. 

Reviewer: Maxine Abbott Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: December 01, 2020 06:42 pm Title: Fancy Dinner

So first off, and forgive me for referencing this first but OMG is this a mini cross-over? How excited was I to see a waitress named Beth. It was such a surprise and brought the hugest smile to my face. And you wrote her so well. The skill with the corkscrew, that attention to detail. She absolutely knew what Pam was looking for in her fancy night out, even if it was Olive Garden.

Obviously this tale takes a very different turn and I am really loving this turn.

This Pam, this feisty version is such a thrill to read. It's like the witty, smart, confident Pam of season 4.5-9 came to play a little earlier and I love getting to see her sticking it to the oaf she outgrew long time ago.

Speaking of the oaf- wow you really painted him as a buffoon. But the descriptions of his clothes, his overdoing it on the axe, his beer-crushing and his wandering eyes - all made me want to cheer first when she called him Two Pump Chump (now that was a good one) and when she kicked his ass to the curb figuratively and then when he almost got it literally done.

OK -so is Jonathan another cross-over? I'm still new here and catching up so forgive but I feel like he's important. However, what a juxtapositioning here, Jim takes a minute to greet his cousin and he immediately realizes and apologizes. Roy walks halfway across the restaurant to the bar and doesn't even notice she's not with him. Pam you were so right to get rid of him. He may be the new guy but in a few weeks you've already created much happier, better and way more meaningful memories with him than in all the time with Roy.

Really enjoyed this - and can't wait to see what comes next.

Author's Response:

Oh good you did catch that reference with Beth. Surprise! Yes, the name is in honor of your waitress character. My little way of saying thank you for being a great reviewer for my stories. 

I like writing Pam like this too. She's not just willing to let go of Roy's foilbles. She's given him another chance and he blew it. So yeah, to the curb he goes.

When Roy gets upset he tends to revert to puffing out his chest and tries to throw his weight around. But sadly when a man-child does that to an actual man, the man comes out on top. In this case Cousin Johnathan.

Back in the early days of MTT, when the show was still on the air and before the canon characters of Tom and Pete were introduced, there were a lot of fics with Jim having a brother Johnathan. Usually an older brother who tends to look out for Jim. In homage of all those great fics, I re-cast him as a cousin. It's a lot of fun to bring that kind of vibe in. 

And yes as Roy becomes worse, Jim becomes better. There's still room for Jim to improve, but we'll get there.

Thanks as always for your great reviews. 

Reviewer: darjeelingandcoke Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: December 01, 2020 10:54 am Title: Fancy Dinner

Well, you have written a delightfully hatable Roy here. He’s just totally unable to pick up on the clear signals Pam is sending that she’s fed up and so obviously aggravated at having to do even the minimal work to check the boxes she’s laid out for him – this is a portrait of a guy who has no idea how much his relationship is on thin ice in spite of all the big WARNING: THIN ICE signs around him. And he keeps revealing more and more about himself and the way he views the relationship, none of it flattering.

I particularly appreciated you throwing in the little moment of him not noticing she’s not with him at the bar – their last date has a lot of echoes of their first. You’ve done a good job of illustrating your point that Roy just hasn’t changed that much from the guy who once left her behind at a hockey game. (Bringing back Candace Keegan was a nice touch, too, and a fun show of Pam’s spirit.)

His quickness to default to physical intimidation, and especially that moment of grabbing the phone out of her hands when she’s trying to arrange to leave, makes me very happy that Pam is getting as far away from this guy as possible. This is very much the guy from the parking lot fight after the Dundies.

And you’ve laid out a clear contrast with Jim’s genuine interest, concern, willingness to drop everything and come get her and immediately noticing when he accidentally brushes her off couldn’t be sharper. Just like in the earlier chapters, the problem here is that Roy is a disaster of a significant other, but Jim’s actions put him in perspective and maybe give her something of a basis for comparison – which Roy explicitly ends up playing into.

Not going to lie, I was mildly worried for a second at the appearance of the handsome manager, although I appreciate you mentioning that Pam found him familiar – great to have a Jonathan sighting!

Author's Response: I love your in depth reviews. You always seem to pick out pretty much everything I'm going for. Especially with Roy here. Yup, he just can't really see the writing on the wall. Mainly because he's not really in the relationship to see what he can do for her, but rather what she can do for him along with not appearing weak in front of his buddies. And yes the contrast between Roy and Jim is very intentional. Jim is there for her regardless of anything. We'll look into that some more too.

Always fun to bring in Johnathan. I'm really glad eveyone's taken a shine to him.

Reviewer: bottomlesschampagne Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: December 01, 2020 10:35 am Title: Fancy Dinner

JONATHAN yayyy. Really looking forward to this!

Author's Response: Thanks bottomless. I'm looking forward to how this pans out too.

Reviewer: BigTuna Signed [Report This]
Date: December 01, 2020 10:12 am Title: Fancy Dinner

Wow, Johnathan! What a throwback to the old days.

I like that Pam is so assertive and willing to stand up for herself. That’s not an easy thing for a woman in a relationship with somebody like Roy to do. Roy here feels a lot different from how we saw him in the show in terms of his aggressiveness and his lack of attention to hygiene details like bandaids and showers. I wonder if Pam will offer any rationalization as to why he stayed with him so long. He had his moments of sweetness and being loving in the show, certainly, but doesn’t seem to have those here.

Also, any Olive Garden with a server that pulls double duty as a sommelier is way fancier than any Olive Garden I’ve been to! They train their waitstaff well in Scranton!

Author's Response: Thanks BT. Lovely to hear from you! Cousin Johnathan is a fun way to bring in a character that was a lot of fun in those old stories. Assertive Pam is one of the best Pam's and it's a treat to bring her out. I get what you're saying about Roy. However a lot of times in the show when Pam got assertive he wouldn't really be at his best either. The fight in the parking lot of Chili's, the brief clip of Pam and Roy arguing about the internship, and of course the final break up scene at Poor Richards. It's those moments I'm basing this on. So since Roy and Pam are clearly at odds, details might slip, such as the band-aid. I know I've forgotten things when I've been stressed, so that was me trying to add in some realism.

Glad you liked the bits with the wine. It's fun to add in some finer things like that.

Reviewer: Dernhelm Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: December 01, 2020 09:03 am Title: Fancy Dinner

Oh, that was such a chapter! Usually, I dislike fights, but this one was a (guilty) pleasure to witness (though I fear that this breakup would have consequences, as this Roy is just the worst here).
It's nice to meet Johnathan too! When Pam noticed the handsome manager, I was like, 'That's Jim's relative, right? Please, let it be Jim's relative!' — and then he appeared and introduced his cousin, I exclaimed 'Yay!' aloud.
I am looking forward to seeing where this story goes!
Also, it's fun to see what happens in different minds and look at things from Roy's perspective (and confirm every judgment about him). I was wondering, would you show us something from Jim's point of view?

Author's Response: Thanks Dernhelm! This was kind of a guilty pleasure to write too. I know sometimes Roy can be a steryotype and I didn't really do anything to change that here. As far as what else goes on with Roy, well, we'll just have to see.

Cousin Johnathan is always fun to bring in. A way to pay homage to all the great Brother Johnathan fics and add in a new character. And yeah, even though Pam notices the handsome manager, you know me. JAM all the way.

I've been intentionally not writing from Jim's POV thus far. Don't worry, we'll hear from him soon. Thanks for the review.

Reviewer: ThePinkButterfly Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: December 01, 2020 06:59 am Title: Fancy Dinner

Olive Garden. Yes, 100%, that is what Roy considers a fancy restaurant.

I appreciated all the details of their outfits, that was a nice touch. I also thought you nailed the conversation about why Roy thinks Jim would care about Pam’s drawing. That is very telling of the whole situation between the three of them. Definitely feels like something that would have happened on the show.

Oh the return of non-canon Johnathan Halpert! Great touch, that really took me back to reading the early stories on this site. Loved the chapter, as per usual.

Author's Response:

Glad you liked all of this TPB. Glad you liked everything with Roy's motivations. He really hasn't grown past high school jock, thus his views on everything. 

Johnathan should be a ton of fun to bring into this story. He's usually a great character and casting him as a cousin is often my way of paying homage to all those early brother Johnathan stores that are so great. Thanks for the review. 

Reviewer: beth9501 Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: December 01, 2020 06:19 am Title: Fancy Dinner

What a great way to get Roy out of this story! You did an awesome job at getting me to hate him so I was thrilled when they broke up. The piece with Johnathan was awesome. I'm sure he'll have a lot to say to Jim about Roy's actions!

Author's Response: Thanks beth. There's a time and place for being more sympathetic to Roy, but this isn't it. Glad you liked bringing Johnathan in. He's a fun character to use, and yes he'll have a lot to say about Roy. 

Reviewer: darjeelingandcoke Signed 1 [Report This]
Date: November 09, 2020 08:01 am Title: Wine, Coins, and Crayons

I always enjoy a good Isabel-as-the-voice-of-reason story - and this does a particularly good job illustrating how Pam could have benefited from having that perspective on her life during this time period. I love the use of the coin flip exercise - and the way Isabel ends up making her apply it to Jim, too.

This is a different sort of backstory for the beginning of Roy and Pam's relationship, too. Normally she's portrayed as this sort of Cinderella figure shocked that the King of Valley View High has noticed her... in some ways this feels more realistic to what we know of their relationship, that there were some distinct pros to it that didn't have to do with the relationship itself. Explains a little better why she would've gone out with him again after the the hockey game debacle.

And I think you've used Jim well so far. At this point, Jim is sort of this flashy new thing in her life, and Roy is an established institution. Jim might be the spark behind all this, but it makes a lot of sense that he's sort of a side character amidst the REAL major change in her life - dispensing with Roy.

Can't wait to read the next chapter!

Author's Response: Thanks for this very in depth review. Yup, you got basically everything I was going for in this chapter. Pam having more of a sounding board for Roy's foibles. A better grasp on their entire relationship. And the spark of something new and some perspective on that newness too. I'd love to talk more about everything, but it'll all come out as we move forwards. Thanks again for the great review.

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