Date: November 28, 2006 01:07 pm Title: Chapter 1
God, why did I not read this earlier? This is, as always, just beautiful - heartbreaking, nuanced...poetry. I always say that about your stuff, but it's the best way I can think of to describe it. And the following line actually brought tears to my eyes, because it just articulates that ache we all feel for Jim so, so well:
He’s told his mother the abridged version; one look and she knew the rest. Such a beautiful boy. Capable of love with rare depth. She wonders how anyone could turn down that gift.
Author's Response: Thanks, girl7. It was kind of fun to write a drabble - didn't think it would be my thing, but I liked how precise it forces you to be. Kind of like doing a little puzzle! Sorry to make you cry but, lord, that Jim-ache is just a powerful thing, isn't it? Show is still funny as hell, but the ache:laugh ratio is getting a bit disproportionate, if you ask me. Anyway, thanks again and glad you found this!
Date: November 25, 2006 12:09 pm Title: Chapter 1
Yay, Colette! Love the spareness.
She wonders how anyone could turn down that gift.
No kidding.
Author's Response: Yay, back at you, nomadshan! That's a great thing to hear - spare and precise is exactly what I hoped would come through. Thanks much!
Date: November 25, 2006 11:54 am Title: Chapter 1
Happy Thanksgiving! This is wonderful:
She says: when you were little, you wore a pilgrim’s costume; you were convincing as someone brave. If you think you are, you are. Love doesn’t just disappear.
Author's Response: Thanks, Annabel. I liked the idea of Pam finding the bravery to cross the big divide for what she really wants. Fingers crossed some version of her really taking the risk will occur on the show..and that Jim will understand. (Those two knuckleheads!)
Date: November 25, 2006 11:38 am Title: Chapter 1
Awesome. Just Awesome! Happy Thanksgiving, Colette!
Author's Response: Thanks, Moxie. BTW, just read your newest and loved it. (These drabbles are kind of addictive, aren't they?) Happy Saturday after T-giving back at you!
Date: November 24, 2006 10:22 pm Title: Chapter 1
Love it! I have to say, my most most most favorite line is this: "you were convincing as someone brave." For some reason, that line just sings to me. I literally keep saying it out loud to myself over and over again because I love the way it sticks in my ears and stays in my brain.
Author's Response:
Very interesting you should say that Melodywenn - when the pilgrim metaphor popped into my head (well, it was T-giving, after all!) that was the first line I thought kind of drove the whole piece. So glad it resonated with you too...thanks for the great review!
Date: November 24, 2006 04:23 pm Title: Chapter 1
Wow, so beautifu. I loved how you say so much in so few words, and how the two of these were tied together wih a happy ending!
This line made me tear up: Such a beautiful boy. Capable of love with rare depth. She wonders how anyone could turn down that gift.
Author's Response: Thank you Puffing Noise. That boy just makes me tear up...had to end it happily - after all, it was T-giving and I'm not nearly as tough as the writers on the show!
Date: November 24, 2006 02:48 pm Title: Chapter 1
I love how each drabble parallels the other by mentioning the same thing in the same part.
She is a pilgrim. And I love that. It's great how one little sentence can summarize the whole thing.
Author's Response: Glad you liked the pilgrim metaphor. It was interesting writing a drabble (my first!) because it's not a poem, but I found myself being really careful with the structure and word choice as if it was. Anyway, I'm glad if that came across for you! Thanks, Penguin!
Date: November 23, 2006 04:48 pm Title: Chapter 1
Such a beautiful boy. Capable of love with rare depth. She wonders how anyone could turn down that gift.
I've often wondered this myself! And the last line...I was so thankful for that too!
Author's Response: I think we've all been wondering. Thanks alot!
Date: November 23, 2006 02:46 pm Title: Chapter 1
If only, Colette, if only... The part from Jim's mom was so sad, but the end of Pam's drabble made up for it. Happy Thanksgiving!
Author's Response: Yeah, another one from the land of 'If Only.' Thanks and happy T-giving back at you!
Date: November 23, 2006 02:21 pm Title: Chapter 1
Such a beautiful boy. Capable of love with rare depth. She wonders how anyone could turn down that gift.
That right there? Made me cry. It just made me feel so sad for Jim; and for his mom, having to see her child so heartbroken and not being able to fix it. *sniff* Thank god Pam decided to make her pilgrimage and chose not to turn down his gift after all.
This was lovely. Loved getting the moms' perspective. Moms know.
Author's Response: Seriously. What could be more painful for a mom? Now I'm going to make myself cry. Damn me. Anyway, I'm happy you liked it and that the ending was a relief. Thanks, Shroom. (And mom's do know.)
Date: November 23, 2006 01:34 pm Title: Chapter 1
Such a beautiful boy. Capable of love with rare depth. She wonders how anyone could turn down that gift.
The rest of her sex wonders the same damn thing.
Loved this. Thanks.
Author's Response: Lord knows I don't get it. Well...I do, but I don't. Glad you enjoyed, nej. Thanks!
Date: November 23, 2006 11:28 am Title: Chapter 1
I thought I reviewed this, but it seems to be gone? If I'm repeating myself, I apologize. This is really great. My favourite part was:
If you think you are, you are. Love doesn’t just disappear.
Pam's mom needs to come by and have a chat with Jim. Everything would get sorted out in no time!
Author's Response: Nope, no repeat. But I'll say thanks twice anyway. Wouldn't it be nice if Mrs. Beesly would do that? Okay, here's the second thanks!
Date: November 23, 2006 09:14 am Title: Chapter 1
What a nice gift for Thanksgiving.
I raise my drumstick to you, Colette!
Author's Response: Thanks! And if I could move after eating so much, I'd raise one back at you.
Date: November 23, 2006 08:24 am Title: Chapter 1
Mother knows best - trying to prove a point to your kids today?! No, seriously, Colette, thanks for this holiday gift. Pam taking a pilgrimage to him and he, trying so hard to accept things. And he is such a beautiful boy. Fabulous drabbles. Have a great day! ;)
Author's Response:
You know me too well. My kids do too, that's the problem!
She is kind of going to new territory, isn't she? Taking a risk for what she wants/believes and all that Thanksgiving stuff. And, moms really do know where their kids' heads are at, regardless of what they say...and the notion of someone not appreciating the wonder that is your child is...ok, is my holiday mother-overdrive showing much? Anyway, thanks back at you - and have a great day too!
Date: November 23, 2006 07:53 am Title: Chapter 1
That was just lovely. I loved this - "Capable of love with rare depth. She wonders how anyone could turn down that gift."
Author's Response: Seriously, how could she? She'll come around (please?) Meanwhile, thanks Kaystar.