Reviews For Twelve Days
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Reviewer: Jen74 Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 07:54 pm Title: Five: Golden Rings

Oh. My. God.  Type woman.  I can't wait for the next chapter. 

Author's Response:

Typing...typing.... :)

Thanks Jen!

Reviewer: shannanagin Signed [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 07:53 pm Title: Five: Golden Rings

Wow. Five. Best. Rings. Ever.

This chapter was awesome. It made me giddy. Seriously. Please tell me that you're not going to make us wait too long for calling birds.

Author's Response:

HA!  Don't know when there's been another 5 rings - but I'll gladly take the compliment.

Not too long.  I promise!!

Reviewer: girl7 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 07:11 pm Title: Five: Golden Rings

Ahhh!  Okay, first off: the last line?  Brilliant.  Second: Damn you for getting me all worked up when I wanted to just have a quiet night with lots of sleep!!! 

Love passionate!Jim - it's easy to write him as so sensitive that it eclipses his masculinity at times (I am sooo guilty of doing that), but you've really written him well here.  Love it that he's sexy and frustrated and fed up and determined and.... sigh.

I said it in a previous review, but I'll say it again: Reading this chapter reminds me so much of the aftermath of Casino Night, because that next morning, I swear I woke up with butterflies in my stomach, like Jim Halpert had confessed to me or something.  (And I hadn't discovered TWoP back then, so I walked around feeling like a freak for weeks...) Anyhoo, I'm so giddy now - can't wait for the next chapter!  And yeah, evil cliffhanger here, but I trust you to make it up to your faithful readers.  Right?  Right???

Author's Response:

The two of them are currently wound up so tight you know when they let go it's going to be explosive.  And I loved the idea of him being all annoyed.  I'm so glad it worked for you.

I remember pre CN - when I didn't read spoilers and also had no idea there were all these other crazies hanging out on a message board.   I just started writing stories to amuse myself and was beckoned.  So glad I was!

Next chapter will come as quickly as my fingers can type!  Thankfully my words per minute count rivals Pam's - not Jim's. ;)

Reviewer: girl7 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 07:01 pm Title: Six: Geese a Laying

First: I should get a cookie (and ew, not a Dwight/Angela one) for taking the time to review this instead of tearing into the next chapter!!!!!!!!

All I can say about this chapter is this: I am stunned that you could possibly think this would come off as filler or need some sort of justification - seriously.  And I hate it that you think that, because I know the feeling; I posted a chapter just yesterday that I was sure would have people rolling their eyes - and it probably did, actually. :o)  But this...?  I can't find one thing about it that's boring or fillerish or contrived.  The duck-duck-goose metaphor is simply brilliant; the descriptions here - her increasing boldness, his ineffectual attempts at hiding from what he feels only to just let go in the end...?  Wow.  And I think the greatest testament to how wonderful this chapter is is the fact that reading it reminded me - honestly - of watching Casino Night for the first time: sitting there holding my breath without realizing it; then when I realized she was going to kiss him (and aghh, when she said it was her turn now - killer! brilliant!), i actually raised a fist to my mouth and kept it there till the end of the story.  My only complaint is that this so makes Benihana Christmas pale in comparison.  You rock!

Author's Response:

It was the goose - girl7 - I mean really.  How do you make a freaking GOOSE romantic?   I did my best with what I had to work with.

I'm trying to be careful with the pacing - there's some much left to work through. 

The fact that you are reminded of Casino Night by this??  And that you think it overshadows ABC?  Well - that just far too much.

I'm not worthy.  Truly.

Reviewer: DunderSnob Signed [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 06:50 pm Title: Five: Golden Rings

And? And? ......For the love of God, let us know what happens!!!!!

Author's Response:

And...and...she slams the door in his face.

Kidding. :)  You'll see what happens soon. PROMISE!

Reviewer: girl7 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 06:46 pm Title: Seven: Swans a Swimming

Wow...just wow. I was so blue tonight, and I tell you, reading this chapter honestly just made me feel so much better.  As soon as I read in your author's notes that it would involve Sasha, I got a big smile, and I don't think I stopped smiling until the story ended.  (That's not true, actually, because I'm still sitting here smiling.)  Love, love, love the skating metaphor - so well done and so perfectly apt.  You really articulated their surprise and delight at suddenly getting to spend the day together; I've had moments like that before, and this story rang so true that I was remembering them.  Such a great job.  I'm glad I saved this, because let me tell you, I'd be one unhappy camper if there were no more chapters to read! 

Author's Response: Awww.  A six year old can do that for you.  Sorry to hear you were blue :( but so glad I could help!

Reviewer: girl7 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 06:28 pm Title: Eight: Maids a Milking

This was the most painfully real scenario of these two/three that I have ever read - and you know what a compliment that is, given the brilliant stuff that's out there.  But seriously - from the chips to Pam's comment about the second time she was in love....just so heartbreaking. BUT I have faith in you - you'll give 'em a happy ending, I know. ;o) (TWSS!)  Oh, and when I read Jim's "What did you do?" I immediately thought of JK and the Kristen interview we all love so much.  :o)

Author's Response: WOW.  Thanks girl7  I'm so glad you liked it.  And you caught me.  Jim's line TOTALLY came from that interview.  :)

Reviewer: Rachel Anonymous 9 [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 06:15 pm Title: Five: Golden Rings

OH MY!  That is my favorite chapter brought me out of lurking to give you props.  You nailed *frustrated* Jim and *bratty* Pam!!  Fantastic.  I would disagree about it being short - I kept expecting it to end sooner than it did and was wonderfully surprised with the ending.  Even though I don't think I can stand the wait until the next chapter!!!

Author's Response:

YAY Rachel for delurking!!!  To me that is the ultimate compliment.  That you were moved enough to take the time to come out of hiding?  Awesome.

Hang in there.  Trust me.  I'm as anxious to see the next chapter posted as all of you.

Reviewer: Amalia Kensington Signed [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 06:10 pm Title: Five: Golden Rings

*falls off the edge of her chair*
you're killing me!!! Hee, and I like the word play with the title of the chapter. And the image of Stalker!Jim. Scaling the fire escape indeed.

Author's Response:

Can you just see him?  He would have too - if she hadn't cut him a break.

Hope you didn't hurt yourself in the fall.  :)  Thanks Lex!

Reviewer: time4moxie Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 05:39 pm Title: Five: Golden Rings

Oh you are truly evil, woman.  You can't leave us like this!!!!


Author's Response:

Right back at you Moxie.  Somehow I don't think Pam and Jim are just up in his room drinking Cokes.  And ummm...HELLO????  Whipped cream and strawberries??!?!

If I'm evil - you're my twin. :)

Reviewer: Semby Signed 9 [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 05:39 pm Title: Five: Golden Rings

I'm incredibly slow and it took me till the last ring to figure out how the hell "five golden rings" were being factored into this, heh. Pam was a little evil, leaving him hanging like that! But very much looking forward to the results now that he's got her face to face again...

Author's Response:

HA!  There were a few of these chapters I knew from the get go - and this was one of them.  I always knew the 5 rings would be actual sounds - not bands of gold.  Sasha sort of sneaked in - and the goose thing?  Totally took on a life of it's own.  But Jim frantically chasing after her was always the goal.

So glad you're liking it!

Reviewer: Raina Anonymous [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 05:22 pm Title: Five: Golden Rings


Author's Response: :(  SORRY.

Reviewer: pennylane83 Signed [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 05:10 pm Title: Five: Golden Rings

Why must you torture us with the cliffhangers?? This was another great chapter. I really felt Pam's anticipation and giddiness (is that a word?) building throughout. And seriously with Jim's voice on the answering machine- I'd never erase that message! Ahh- don't go to a party, you have to finish the next chapter!

Author's Response:

I'm sorry. :(  I'm so glad you could feel it.  I know it's all wish fulfillment but I can't help myself. 

I wouldn't erase that message either!!

Even though I ducked out of the party early - I've only got half of the next chapter done.  Check back tomorrow!

Reviewer: Luna Mystik Signed [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 03:31 pm Title: Five: Golden Rings

Argh on you finishing the chapter there! But I guess it means that there's good stuff to come, right? Loved Teasing!Pam. Poor Jim. He doesn't stand a chance.

Author's Response:

I know.  I know.  LOL!  Yes.  I promise.  There is good stuff to come.

And oh yeah.  He's a goner. ;)

Reviewer: Colette Signed [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 03:29 pm Title: Five: Golden Rings

I'm on pins and needles.  You made Jim's sense of urgency (oh, my) and Pam's sense of mischeivousness/giddy anticipation of his arrival SO vivid. Jim in hot pursuit? And I do mean, HOT! I seriously cannot wait for the update...'Calling Birds'? Perhaps the ones outside her window that awaken them the, ahem, morning after? I know you've got this going at 'T', but really...when you make Jim that driven to get to her, it has to go 'M', no? (Or, would that be if I were writing it?) No matter, you have me in your (their) thrall. 

Author's Response:

There might be a ratings change in this story's future - but there's also a lot to deal with in the final 4 chapters.  Yeah.  There might be some steam in the next chapter though.  After all - Pam's got a teapot sitting out on the counter.

Hee hee.  OK.  Maybe I mean the other kind of steam.

Stay tuned. :)

Reviewer: Lenore Anonymous [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 03:08 pm Title: Five: Golden Rings

Okay... I'm going to need the next chapter of this story... ummm.  NOW.   Or SOON.  Or NOW.

In all seriousness (is that a word?) - nice cliffhanger.  And way to go Beesly - you little tease you!  LOVED IT.  Great work.

Author's Response:

Seriousness is a word as far as I'm concerned.

I wanted to write more - but 5 was all about the rings - and I needed to save something for next chapter.

I'm working on it.  It won't be long I promise!

Reviewer: NeverEnoughJam Signed 5 [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 03:01 pm Title: Five: Golden Rings

As the door slowly swings open, she comes face to face with her future.

AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! You MUST FINISH THIS. I have no fingernails left because I have gnawed them all to the quick. Very unsightly. All your fault. I love the Pam Voice in her head. I love AggressiveJim (oooo shiver). Can't wait for their next meeting. HURRY UP!! How dare you have a life? :D 

Author's Response:

Sorry about your nails.  Agressive!Jim makes me shiver as well.  I'll have the next tnstallment tomorrow I promise!!!! 

In direct contradiction to girl7 - I've had far too much Pinot Grigio to be coherent tonight. ;)

Reviewer: Kath Anonymous [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 02:47 pm Title: Twelve: Drummers Drumming

I'm not sure who is more cruel in this chapter, you or Pam!!!

Author's Response:

HA!  I think it's totally a tie!

I'll make up for it.  I promise!

Reviewer: Morning Angel Signed [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 02:35 pm Title: Five: Golden Rings

Wow, I must be psychic, because I sent you an email an hour ago asking about this chapter!  What a tease you and Pam are. ;)  I demand more now.

Author's Response:

Hmmmm.  That's funny.  I haven't gotten the email.

I guess it worked out for you anyway.  LOL! 

More soon.  I've got a party to go to tonight.  Maybe sometime tomorrow though.  We shall see. :)

Reviewer: JimPamFan Anonymous [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 02:30 pm Title: Five: Golden Rings

Wow!  This is the first chapter fic that I have followed AS it unfolds.  Please don't go away for the holidays and stop writing!  

Author's Response: No worries JimPamFan.  I'm actually off from work from Christmas to New Years - so there's no chance of me not finishing!!  Glad you're coming along for the ride!

Reviewer: lisahoo Signed [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 02:19 pm Title: Five: Golden Rings

Oh, sweet holy Jesus, I didn't think this chapter would end with an even bigger cliffhanger than the last one -- you are killing me here, xoxoxo!  I really hope you are taking some time off from paid work to work on the Calling Birds.

And Angry!Jim voice on Pam's answering machine is soooo hot!

Author's Response:

Eeeek!  I know!!! 

I'll have the Calling Birds posted as soon as I can manage.  And umm...yeah.  Gotta say writing that dialogue made my heart pitter patter more than a little. ;)

Reviewer: fireworkfiasco Anonymous 9 [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 02:10 pm Title: Five: Golden Rings


I'm going on strike until you fix this (and I'm praying for a heavenly chocolate mocha, HEAVY ON THE STEAM. ;D)

Author's Response:

I know.  It killed me - but it had to end with the doorbell. 

I'll make it up to you.  I promise.

Reviewer: mcmuffins Signed [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 02:09 pm Title: Five: Golden Rings

more! more! And so clever!

Author's Response: Soon!  Soon!  and thank you!  I'm trying!

Reviewer: kells8995 Signed [Report This]
Date: December 20, 2006 02:08 pm Title: Five: Golden Rings

I love this series!  I can't wait to read the next one!!

Author's Response: Thanks kells!!  I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Reviewer: ImDissertating Anonymous 8 [Report This]
Date: December 19, 2006 10:28 pm Title: Twelve: Drummers Drumming

Not filler at all - loved it, and it moved your plot along nicely.  Hooray for Pam laying down the challenge.

Author's Response:

YAY!!  I'm so glad you enjoyed it. 

Yep - Pam's issued a challenge and I think Jim just might take it. ;)

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