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Same disclaimer- I own nothing.


II. David

David Dell hated Ryan Howard. He hated him. He'd never actually hated anyone before, but this? This was hatred. Pure, all-encompassing hatred. He hated Ryan's stiff little suits and his carefully overstyled hair and his smug, smug face. For those few minutes each day when he was trapped in the confessional office taping Ryan's talking head interviews, David knew what it was like to do murder in his heart. He wanted to punch him. No, strangle him. No, shoot him. In the stomach. If the arrogant little punk hated this job so much, why didn't he quit? If he was too good for this place, why didn't he just go away?

Every day, David managed not to erupt into violence, but every day he knew he was getting closer. If that asshole was dismissive of Kelly one. more. time....Kelly, who was beautiful and sweet and funny and who looked so, so gorgeous through David's camera, who just wanted Ryan to cherish her as she so deserved to be cherished...one more mean word about Kelly, and David was going to smash Ryan's face in.

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