Penname: AmeliaHalpert Real name: Amelia
Member Since: February 25, 2023


Just an aging therapist in need of creative outlets.  Never extensively written creatively before, but completely obsessed with Pam and Jim after finally watching The Office.  

[I know, come to the game late much? 😂] 

 In four decades on the planet, I have never written any fanfic (just an avid reader back in the day of Buffy/Angel and Twilight fanfic) and I am obsessed with this little Pennsylvania world. 

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Favorite Authors
1. Big Tuna
Hello!  I am relatively new to The Office (had been on the to-watch list a VERY long time) and of course I have become completely obsessed.  I then came and found this amazing fanfic site and fell in love with the world you created with The Unicorn.  I ended up spending the last three days writing more within that world.
2. BigTuna
Cannot wait to read the new one!!!!!!
3. brokenloon
Can’t wait to read more!
4. Donnamour1969
5. Duchess Cupcake
Can’t wait to read more!!
6. MrsKHalpert
Enjoy your stories very much!  New to watching (I know, I know, late to the game hahaha!) but now I am obsessed with the fanfic here too!
7. Robert Dunder
Late comer (no pun intended) to the fanfic of The Office and I thoroughly enjoyed Dandy Daddy Christmas :) 
8. WishYouWould
Very enjoyable pregnant Pam and Jim 😊