"They'd be good together, like PB&J."
Summary: It's Valentine's Day at Dunder Mifflin
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Fluff
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2241 Read Count: 2423 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: February 04, 2007 Updated: February 04, 2007
Summary: It’s Pam’s birthday, and somebody special has an extra special present for her. AU post- A Benihana Christmas.

Pure and utter fluff. Enjoy.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Future, Alternate Universe
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Fluff, Humor
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1268 Read Count: 3367 ePub Downloads: 1
[Report This] Published: February 04, 2007 Updated: February 04, 2007
Summary: Jim and Pam are finally together, and it's coming up to a year since Casino Night. Pam has plans for its anniversary.....
Categories: Jim and Pam, Future
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Romance, Travel
Warnings: Moderate sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 7214 Read Count: 4421 ePub Downloads: 2
[Report This] Published: February 04, 2007 Updated: February 04, 2007
Sweet Revenge by BeckySue Rated: K [Reviews - 4] 4
Summary: It's Valentines Day again at Dunder Mifflin. Pam decides to prank Jim. Jim gets sweet revenge.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 4895 Read Count: 2839 ePub Downloads: 1
[Report This] Published: February 03, 2007 Updated: February 03, 2007
Turn My Head by sazey Rated: K+ [Reviews - 31] 7

This is my take on what happens when Pam finally says the words to Jim. For this story, the real problems happen following Pam's admission.

 Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: Jim/Pam, Karen
Genres: Angst, Romance
Warnings: Adult language, Mild sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 4830 Read Count: 8798 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: January 12, 2007 Updated: February 03, 2007

A special person in Jim's life visits at the office.

First Office Fic Ever. It sucks. Honestly, not my best work. Now you have fair warning 

Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: Dwight, Jim, Jim/Pam, Michael, Other, Pam
Genres: Fluff, Romance, Weekend, Workdays
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2046 Read Count: 6705 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: February 03, 2007 Updated: February 03, 2007

Five Things, One Shot.

Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: Jim/Pam, Karen
Genres: Humor, Oneshot
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1277 Read Count: 2949 ePub Downloads: 1
[Report This] Published: February 02, 2007 Updated: February 02, 2007
Flawless by SixFlightsUp Rated: K [Reviews - 13] 4
Summary: All of a sudden the sky was violet and the grass was red. Dwight was pleasant and you knew nothing.
Categories: Present, Jim and Pam
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Inner Monologue
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 492 Read Count: 1991 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: February 02, 2007 Updated: February 02, 2007
Summary: Past Featured StoryThe sun is too bright when he opens his eyes.

Categories: Jim and Pam, Present, Past, Future
Characters: Jim, Jim/Pam, Karen, Pam
Genres: Angst, Fluff, In Stamford, Oneshot, Romance
Warnings: Adult language
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1085 Read Count: 5783 ePub Downloads: 2
[Report This] Published: February 02, 2007 Updated: February 02, 2007

Jim and Pam from around the time of The Return. She asks him to come over to help her move furniture. Starts out slow and sweet but builds to deserve the MA rating.

All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended

Categories: Present, Jim and Pam
Characters: Jim/Pam, Karen, Katy, Kelly, Kevin, Phyllis, Ryan, Toby
Genres: Angst, Inner Monologue, Workdays
Warnings: Explicit sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 16155 Read Count: 85963 ePub Downloads: 13
[Report This] Published: December 09, 2006 Updated: February 02, 2007
Summary: See title. Goes AU just before the Merger.
Categories: Present, Jim and Pam
Characters: Jim/Pam, Pam
Genres: Angst, In Stamford, Oneshot, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1180 Read Count: 4108 ePub Downloads: 2
[Report This] Published: February 02, 2007 Updated: February 02, 2007
Summary: Pam's inner monologue during "Ben Franklin".
Categories: Jim and Pam, Episode Related
Characters: Jim, Jim/Pam, Pam
Genres: Angst, Inner Monologue, Oneshot
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 501 Read Count: 2358 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: February 02, 2007 Updated: February 02, 2007

Pam has never really taken the time to look at her engagement ring.

Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Humor
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 718 Read Count: 1718 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: February 01, 2007 Updated: February 01, 2007

Valentine's Day comes and goes at Dunder Mifflin. Pam is conflicted. Spoilers up to The Return.

Categories: Jim and Pam, Future
Characters: Jim/Pam, Michael
Genres: Fluff, Inner Monologue, Oneshot
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 783 Read Count: 2989 ePub Downloads: 1
[Report This] Published: February 01, 2007 Updated: February 01, 2007
Camping Trip by goodmatch Rated: K [Reviews - 4] 2
Summary: My idea for an epsiode, I was thinking about writing it in script form, but then realized it was annoying to read...So that's why it's told mainly from third person limited, in case you were wondering. ENJOY!
Categories: Present, Other
Characters: Angela, Creed, Dwight, Ensemble, Jim, Jim/Pam, Karen, Kelly, Kevin, Meredith, Michael, Pam, Phyllis, Ryan, Stanley, Toby
Genres: Humor, Travel, Workdays
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 2882 Read Count: 4396 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: January 31, 2007 Updated: February 01, 2007

She points toward the coffee pot, almost reassuring him that it's safe to take, no chance of hands crashing into each other, no touching involved.  Like the coast is clear, and she's telling him to go for it.

Spoilers through The Return.

Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: Jim, Jim/Pam, Pam
Genres: Oneshot
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1566 Read Count: 3594 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: February 01, 2007 Updated: February 01, 2007
Summary: With another Stamfordite jumping ship, Jim has to finalize the transfer request and face the truth about what he wants.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: Jim/Pam, Karen, Michael
Genres: Angst, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 7901 Read Count: 15082 ePub Downloads: 4
[Report This] Published: January 03, 2007 Updated: February 01, 2007
Summary: Jim and Pam celebrate their new house and its fireplace. Marshmallows are involved.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Future
Characters: Jim, Jim/Pam, Pam
Genres: Fluff, Married, Oneshot, Romance, Weekend
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 888 Read Count: 3462 ePub Downloads: 1
[Report This] Published: February 01, 2007 Updated: February 01, 2007
Summary: Five times Jim almost loses Pam. Just a little addition to the very old Five Things challenge.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Past, Future, Alternate Universe
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Angst, Fluff, Inner Monologue, Married, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Adult language
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3178 Read Count: 4473 ePub Downloads: 2
[Report This] Published: January 31, 2007 Updated: January 31, 2007
Peeps by FNB Rated: K [Reviews - 15] 6
Summary: This was inspired by the marshmellow prompt on TWoP yesterday. Just a little Jim and Pam prank.
Categories: Present, Jim and Pam
Characters: Dwight, Jim/Pam
Genres: Fluff, Oneshot
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 919 Read Count: 3976 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: January 31, 2007 Updated: January 31, 2007
Summary: He nodded once, apologized for misinterpreting
Misinterpreting what he thought was mutual
And it was, but how could I admit that?

Based on the events of Casino Night, Pam's thoughts in poetry format.

Spoilers for Casino Night and Gay Witch Hunt.

Categories: Jim and Pam, Episode Related
Characters: Jim, Jim/Pam, Pam
Genres: Drabble, Inner Monologue, Poetry, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 490 Read Count: 2037 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: January 31, 2007 Updated: January 31, 2007
Summary: Past Featured StoryUnlike the others, which are various fantasies and wishes and ifs, this kiss is a when....
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: Jim/Pam, Pam
Genres: Dream/Fantasy, Inner Monologue, Oneshot
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1216 Read Count: 3990 ePub Downloads: 2
[Report This] Published: January 31, 2007 Updated: January 31, 2007
Locked In by TearCatcher Rated: T [Reviews - 7] 5

Jim and Pam get locked in the breakroom over night. Pure fluff,im sorry ;)

Spoilers up to the Return

Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Fluff
Warnings: Adult language
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 915 Read Count: 2693 ePub Downloads: 1
[Report This] Published: January 30, 2007 Updated: January 30, 2007
Body Parts by goodmatch Rated: T [Reviews - 18] 6
Summary: Pam has Jim pose for her for a drawing.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Fluff
Warnings: Adult language
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1450 Read Count: 2760 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: January 30, 2007 Updated: January 30, 2007

Kelly's determined to bring out Pam's innate hotness, as Jim watches on....

Takes place between Traveling Salesmen and The Return.

Categories: Present, Jim and Pam
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Angst, Fluff, Oneshot
Warnings: Mild sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 5530 Read Count: 10922 ePub Downloads: 5
[Report This] Published: January 27, 2007 Updated: January 30, 2007