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also, while i'm begging for fic recs, any good AUs for season 2? like where jim confesses at a different time, or if maybe pam follows jim to stamford?
Sep 11, 2020 02:07 pm [Delete] [Edit]

i'd read most of those hospital fics, but @darjeerlingandcoke, thank you sooo much for living in color, it's amazing :)
Sep 11, 2020 01:04 pm [Delete] [Edit]

JHalpert, click on My Account above and you should see the link.
Sep 11, 2020 12:53 pm [Delete] [Edit]

@warrior4 whats discord and how do i get on it to chat--im super interested!
Sep 11, 2020 11:52 am [Delete] [Edit]

For anyone interested I just published a hospital fic "Humble and Kind" today--haven't been here since 2010!
Sep 11, 2020 11:51 am [Delete] [Edit]

To all the new members, we generally have Friday night live chat on Discord starting around 8pm US Eastern. All are welcome to join.
Sep 11, 2020 08:35 am [Delete] [Edit]

Anne Hedonia
Still looking for favorite crossover fic recs if anyone’s so motivated. Sorry, my sleeping hours are all screwy and I’m never on here when anyone else is .
Sep 11, 2020 02:48 am [Delete] [Edit]

(Also! Depending on how strictly you're defining hospital fic, the tragically unfinished Cardiac Care is always worth a read.)
Sep 10, 2020 05:04 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Strong recc for Living in Color for hospital fics. Also worth browsing through the Sick Jim/Pam genre tag.
Sep 10, 2020 05:03 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Restart is a fantastic hospital fic.
Sep 10, 2020 04:11 pm [Delete] [Edit]

"Tomorrow's Gonna Be a Brighter Day," is another great hospital fic.
Sep 10, 2020 03:43 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Terra Incognita is a great hospital story!
Sep 10, 2020 03:10 pm [Delete] [Edit]

hey i'd love some recs for fics where either pam or jim go to the hospital and then... ;) hmu!
Sep 10, 2020 02:06 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Anne Hedonia
Thanks for the rec, Warrior!
Sep 10, 2020 06:46 am [Delete] [Edit]

Anne Hedonia
Ugh, sorry I reloaded the page and resent my last message. I keep doing that.
Sep 10, 2020 06:46 am [Delete] [Edit]

Anne Hedonia
Anyone want to chime in with their favorite Office crossover fics? I just reread “House Call” and I’m in the mood. I’ve also read the M*A*S*H and Princess Bride redos here. What else? :)
Sep 10, 2020 06:45 am [Delete] [Edit]

You Can't Take the Sky From Me, is a fun Firefly crossover fic.
Sep 10, 2020 02:59 am [Delete] [Edit]

Anne Hedonia
Anyone want to chime in with their favorite Office crossover fics? I just reread “House Call” and I’m in the mood. I’ve also read the M*A*S*H and Princess Bride redos here. What else? :)
Sep 10, 2020 02:28 am [Delete] [Edit]

I *promise* it won't be too long. ;)
Sep 8, 2020 08:23 am [Delete] [Edit]

Hah, sound fun! Maybe being too busy to read with coursework is a boon right now!
Sep 8, 2020 05:21 am [Delete] [Edit]

BORED! Please don't you dare leave us hanging to long after that cliffhanger in Virtus.
Sep 7, 2020 06:55 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Can’t wait to go through them!
Sep 6, 2020 08:48 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Can’t wait to go through them!
Sep 6, 2020 08:44 am [Delete] [Edit]

Bang up job on the featured list, some really great stories there!
Sep 5, 2020 08:39 pm [Delete] [Edit]

Thank you for sending in suggestions for the featured section, now we have a fresh list of stories so everyone check them out and dole out those jellybeans!
Sep 5, 2020 08:04 pm [Delete] [Edit]