Date: August 16, 2008 08:07 pm Title: Hot Girl
lmao quidich - nuff said
Date: September 27, 2007 01:13 pm Title: Hot Girl
Its random mention time - but I like how you have them talk in lower case sometimes, and well, in general, its very chat speak - not the annoying how r u, im gr8, annoying stuff, but I am generally pretty lazy about capitalizing words and using punctuation, and so this feels really natural.
"jimhalpert: I don't even want to imagine a situation where he would possibly need to know that"
and i agree with Jim here.
and i am not a curling fan, i am with pam. it has to be a joke (even though i have seen it with my own eyes).
Date: August 13, 2007 10:21 am Title: Hot Girl
Perfect, perfect banter, with a touch of jealousy. Really good chapter.
Author's Response: Thanks, that's what I was going for . . . a touch of jealousy from Pam.
Date: August 10, 2007 12:02 am Title: Hot Girl
Everyone knows curling fans are imaginary.
Author's Response: Hey now, I didn't say that ;)
Date: August 09, 2007 09:35 pm Title: Hot Girl
ah this is so them
Date: August 09, 2007 08:07 pm Title: Hot Girl
Nice. I especially liked the part about cycles. So Michael to ask, and it's wonderful how Pam made things clear.
Author's Response: If Jan's going to be living with Michael next season, then maybe we'll actually see him ask about cycles :)
Date: August 09, 2007 02:36 pm Title: Hot Girl
Oh how I'd love to go on a date with Jim Halpert. Curling and metal detectors. Perfection!
Nice work, ladama!
Author's Response: Yup, it would be perfection. I want to at least hear about some cute Jim Halpert style dates in S4. Thanks.
Date: August 09, 2007 09:56 am Title: Hot Girl
I love the banter and the tone you use here, and throughout. Of course, I imagine that Pam is an Olympics geek like me, so of course she knows what curling is! (It's surprisingly fun, too!). Also, I can totally imagine Michael asking Pam about cycles. Hee.
Author's Response:
Well, on the one hand she does have general Olympic knowledge, but on the other hand she doesn't seem to be into sports of any kind, so I could go either way. Or she was just teasing to see what Jim would say.
And yes, I'm 99% sure Michael asked someone in the office about "cycles" :D Thanks for the comment.