Date: September 08, 2021 06:16 pm Title: The Fire
Oh, Pam. So subtle. You can practically feel the waves of relief off of her when Jim says that it's not serious. Wonder how long she's been waiting for an excuse to ask.
Vampiric Blood more or less convinced me that it was Groundhog Day. I'm *extremely* grumpy that they declined to pick one on OLP. But given the other movies on her list, I think Dirty Dancing is highly possible. (I feel like When Harry Met Sally would be WAY too on the nose.)
Date: August 16, 2008 08:14 pm Title: The Fire
you're so good at this.
Date: September 27, 2007 01:23 pm Title: The Fire
"pambeesly: it's not anyone sang a song or anything"
LOVE THIS. I love it so much my fingers were off in typing and I almost typed :PBR this.
I have no idea what Pam's favorite movie is, but I think that is a legitimate reason to pull a fire alarm. In fact, next time I am in the same room as my crush I will. Except, wait. He works as EMS and works with fire people so that probably wouldn't be the best idea.... sucky.
Date: September 06, 2007 12:30 am Title: The Fire
Pam's all-time favorite movie is either Office Space or Pirates of Penzance. Yep, it's definitely between those two. Or Sense and Sensibility, but she'd never admit that to Jim, so I'm saying she'd go with Office Space. Or Muppets Take Manhattan. But it's totally one of those three or four movies.
Or it could be Joe Versus the Volcano. Hard to say.
Author's Response: Hmm, interesting, maybe it is Office Space. . .
Date: August 21, 2007 09:29 am Title: The Fire
Hmm. Something old and romantic like "Roman Holiday"? These vignettes continue to make me nostalgic for the old episodes, and excited for what is new!
Date: August 16, 2007 10:51 am Title: The Fire
Ha! Ask at any fire station. Getting out of work is a perfectly legitimate reason for a false alarm. Well, maybe not...
Date: August 13, 2007 10:53 pm Title: The Fire
okay, this is sick...reading these little conversations makes me seriously happy while i'm sitting at my own desk...i kind of want you to keep doing them...a lot. forever. haha. jk.
kind of.
Author's Response: Ah, no pressure there ;) I plan to have all three seasons by the premiere, and who knows, after a few S4 episodes I might start again. Glad you enjoy them!

Date: August 13, 2007 09:49 pm Title: The Fire
I always imagine Pam's all time favorite as being Say Anything (before I saw the deleted scenes with Toby's list, even!). As I said before, I adore these convos. So much more can be said in IM than face to face.
Author's Response: Yeah, I could see something like "Say Anything" being her fave. I wonder if they ever decided on Pam's favorite movie, I bet Jenna knows . . .
Date: August 13, 2007 01:06 pm Title: The Fire
I would say that Jim's favorite movie is Ferris Bueller's Day Off, but Pam's is probably something like...Roman Holiday? Anyway, I'm really enjoying your "after hours" take on each episode ;)
Date: August 13, 2007 11:29 am Title: The Fire
Jealous Pam wanting some info on Katy... I like it. But I wanted to know Pam's top movie, too!
Very fun!
Date: August 13, 2007 10:28 am Title: The Fire
I just can't get enough of this stuff!
My fave part was:
jimhalpert: hmmm, does the fire department accept Desert Island Movies as a legitimate reason to pull the alarm?
pambeesly: um . . . no
jimhalpert: damn
How many more do you plan on doing?
Author's Response: Hee, thanks, I thought that was a good way to end the chapter. I'm planning to have one for all the episodes so that means there's, what, 40 to go? I want to finish before the premiere, so keep checking back daily.