Date: April 14, 2021 05:45 pm Title: Dwight's Speech
I have flown through this. Loving every second. This one in particular made my heart hurt, oof.
Author's Response:
Yes I remember agonizing over this one, what would sounds like something they would say, how would Pam confront Jim without it getting to The Reason Jim couldn’t go to her wedding. I think the result works but yes it hurts T_T
and this is this stories 500th review! Thanks so much!
Date: August 16, 2008 08:41 pm Title: Dwight's Speech
I totally agree with you, Pam would do this when there is no face to face contact for a few days :)

Date: September 27, 2007 03:33 pm Title: Dwight's Speech
that notification while typing... i love and hate it. Becuase sitations like this arise.
And Pam calls Jim out on the date.
I think this could happen. It did seem very Pamish, it wasn't direct, Jim made her tell, and yeah. I like it (um, yeah, should be obvious by the insane amount of reviews I am leaving).
Date: September 25, 2007 09:08 am Title: Dwight's Speech
So sad that Pam thinks she'd notice Jim and Jim thinks she wouldn't miss him. Awww.
Date: September 04, 2007 06:06 pm Title: Dwight's Speech
I can't help but thinking that this being Jim would have suggested getting a big cardboard cutout of himself to have at Pam's wedding in an attempt to deflect the conversation.
Author's Response: Hmm, maybe, I don't know if he was in a joking mood right then . . .
Date: September 03, 2007 07:46 pm Title: Dwight's Speech
This was perfect. I can totally see Pam calling him on that through IM. He wouldn't give her an inch, though. Perfect.
Author's Response: Thank you, I was worried about this chapter, but I'm glad it believable.
Date: September 03, 2007 03:34 pm Title: Dwight's Speech
Ooh, an angsty one. And I don't actually find this conversation particularly unlikely. That would be a *very* big coincidence if it was just a coincidence, and it would be a crappy thing for him to do if he actually were just a friend and his mind slipped on what should supposedly be the biggest day of his friend's life. I think something like that would cause Pam to be hurt enough to find out why he would do that, but her backing down after his feeble excuse is very in character for Pam as well.
Author's Response: Thank you, you're comments always make me feel good for some reason, you explain things much better than I do.
Date: September 03, 2007 11:56 am Title: Dwight's Speech
these are making the summer bearable.. thanks :)
Date: September 03, 2007 07:59 am Title: Dwight's Speech
Hmmmm, I think it's interesting that there is still some bitterness at the end of this chapter. Or at least I sense bitterness (and avoidance). I'm glad Pam worked up a little of that courage. She was always just a little stronger with Jim than she was with everyone else . She would stand up to him (I'm fine with my choices), even though it was for the wrong reasons. So, I do actually find this a little believable.
Author's Response: Yep, always plenty of avoidance with Pam . . .
Date: September 03, 2007 07:52 am Title: Dwight's Speech
This is only 24 chapters overdue, but like Pam, I'm trying to be more open and honest. I love these IMs. They give each episode a little different perspective and round out the relationship more.
This last one is totally believable to me - I can see Pam having the guts to do this over IM, especially being at home instead of at work.
Love them all and I'm always excited to see an update.
Author's Response: Thank you, "rounding out" is kind of what I'm hoping to do here. I'm glad you felt this was believable. I'm always happy to update, so I'm happy you want to see them ;)
Date: September 03, 2007 06:29 am Title: Dwight's Speech
Hey ladama,
This is wonderful of you to continue this series even though you're away in Asia with sporadic internet access. I love how you add little moments to the stories that are connected to events on the show, such as the mutual decision that Pam was going to take an art class in the summer. It must have been so sad for her not to be able to share this with Jim.
Keep up the great work!
Author's Response: Well, it's Japan, so it's not like internet is too hard to come by, but still, I'm glad you're still enjoying it

Date: September 02, 2007 09:01 pm Title: Dwight's Speech
Loving this! Good luck keeping up and thanks for your persistence!
Author's Response: I'm at an internet cafe in Japan just for your guys . . . so yeah, thanks for appreciating my persistence.
Date: September 02, 2007 08:39 pm Title: Dwight's Speech
my heart hurts from this one. i don't find it a completely unlikely conversation. i have this feeling that jim and pam do/did talk more than we know about (away from the cameras)...it's the only way i can really believe the "best friend" comments they always made.
i don't always get/remember to review, but i've read every one, and i almost always squee a tiny bit when i see you've posted again. keep them up! :-)
Author's Response: Ah, good, I like to hear about the squeeing. And I agree that Jim and Pam were a bit restrained with the camera's around.
Date: September 02, 2007 08:05 pm Title: Dwight's Speech
aw this one was a little sad. But I have to say, you totally...ack I'm spacing on words...what's the opposite of "ruined"? Well you, the opposite of ruined Valentines Day and Boys and Girls for me. Especially Valentine's Day; I have always been sad that Jim didn't get Pam anything--now I just have to figure out what he got her. :P
Author's Response: Salvaged maybe? But yeah, thats a pretty sad run, from B&G to Take your daughter to work day, so it felt good to add a more positive spin to it.
Date: September 02, 2007 07:49 pm Title: Dwight's Speech
No, I could see this conversation happening, especially since she typed and then didn't ask, and he pushed it...I kind of like that she really did ask, then, and didn't make something up, like "oh, I was just going to ask you to get me something!"
Author's Response: yeah, I imagine since they weren't face to face it was easier for her to actually ask.
Date: September 02, 2007 07:43 pm Title: Dwight's Speech
Okay, so I don't know if I've commented on this story before, but I know I did start reading it at some point. Anyway, I just read through all of it (again) and I must say that I love it! It totally captures the innocence and simplicity of Jim and Pam's friendship, but also cuts to the core of the dilemma presented in each episode. (I hope that made sense, if not, just disregard all of it). Anyway, bottom line is that I love it!
Author's Response: It makes sense, thank you very much :-)