Date: May 26, 2008 07:12 pm Title: Chapter 1
If only..... thanks for showing us what could have been - what should have been!
Date: May 22, 2008 09:19 am Title: Chapter 1
Yep, much as I respect Greg Daniels & Co., I think I like your ending better....
Date: May 20, 2008 10:48 am Title: Chapter 1
I think that's how it should have gone down!!! It was perfectly them, in the midst of the crazy that is the office, with Angela and Andy, it would have been memorable and fitting.
Date: May 16, 2008 06:29 pm Title: Chapter 1
You were SO close....well, at least, this is what I remember! :) Great job!
Date: May 16, 2008 12:29 pm Title: Chapter 1
Aw, Larry, this was great. I don't think Jim would let anything stand in his way. She is his density, after all. Nice one :-)
Date: May 16, 2008 11:05 am Title: Chapter 1
"Come on, Tuna!" YES!
Thank gawd for fanfic -- it keeps me off the ledge. So do you, Larry.
Date: May 16, 2008 06:36 am Title: Chapter 1
Now THIS is how it should have ended! I love Andy shouting at the end, because that's so perfectly Andy.
I'm just going to pretend that this is how it happened for real.
Date: May 16, 2008 04:11 am Title: Chapter 1
Larry, this is the way it should have happened. I'm going to pretend your version is the real version. It makes me feel better.
Author's Response: It makes me feel better, too! Thanks for the review.
Date: May 16, 2008 01:45 am Title: Chapter 1
hahaha great ending :) I'm hoping we get a flashback sequence in september of something remotely similar to this... oh, and if you haven't already been told, go watch the very very end!
Author's Response: The flashback is a must! It's really the only way to salvage the situation, IMO.
Date: May 16, 2008 12:28 am Title: Chapter 1
Thank you kind sir. You are a gentleman and a scholar.
Author's Response: Awww, thanks!
Date: May 15, 2008 10:26 pm Title: Chapter 1
I'm almost positive this is exactly what happened.
Author's Response: Good to know! Thanks for reviewing.
Date: May 15, 2008 10:25 pm Title: Chapter 1
You know, even though I did in fact like the ep larry, I have to say this rocks ten million times more.
And the end? Oh-so-perfect. Andy yelling with frustration and Pam not even letting Jim finish his sentence definitely feels more them. ;) Love it.
Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!
Date: May 15, 2008 10:05 pm Title: Chapter 1
well, you weren't kidding about revising the finale's ending, were you?
hahaha oh, i wish.
this was perfect.
Author's Response: Thanks for the review!
Date: May 15, 2008 10:04 pm Title: Chapter 1
Yes, this is the version they should have gone with.
Why, Greg, why? :-/
Great job as always, Larry. (dork) :D
Author's Response:
You mean it's not the one they went with? Damn them!
Thanks for the review!
Date: May 15, 2008 10:03 pm Title: Chapter 1
Yes, Larry, that's exactly how the last 10 minutes went. You must have fallen asleep, but your mind registered the whole thing.
I agree. :)
Author's Response: Oh, that's so good to know! Someone else gave me a horrifying scenario of what actually happened, but I knew they were just messing with me. Thanks, TLK!