Reviews For Hourglass
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Reviewer: uncgirl Signed [Report This]
Date: February 09, 2007 04:03 pm Title: Love unspoken is the loudest sound of all

"Even as she takes his hand and steps forward she can feel herself sliding backwards."  I love this, and the first chapter broke my heart but it was terrific.  I think it is so true to Pam and where she is in the show right now.  Also beautifully written.   

Author's Response:

Aww thanks uncgirl!  I'm so glad you liked it.  And I love it when people point out certain aspects that work for them.  As painful as it is - I do believe it's true to what's really going on.


Reviewer: pennylane83 Signed 8 [Report This]
Date: February 09, 2007 03:52 pm Title: Your first love is not always your truest love.

Ah, he vs. he- the classic debate ;). I abso-freaking-loved this, no matter how painful it is to read. Because while watching the episode you hold out a small glimmer of hope that "well, maybe he's just going to drive her home like a gentleman" in a small voice, but come on. Despite the debate going on in her mind, I love how you allow Pam to get swept up in the moment and forget for a while. I loved this line: In this moment, she gives in to the memory and goes back to the time when her life was filled with possibilities instead of doubts.

It's just so perfect to what Pam's going through right now. Okay, enough rambling from me. Oh, except I love the chapter title too! Okay NOW the gushing is over :)

Author's Response:

Thanks pennylane!  The shipper in me thinks maybe he just drove her home - the realist knows it's possible it was much more.  I didn't follow them any further because a) my heart can't take it and b) if she didn't sleep w/him at least I can backtrack next week. :)  Not that we'll ever truly find out.

Please don't ever apologize about the gushing though. :)  I love to hear it!!

Reviewer: Amalia Kensington Signed [Report This]
Date: February 09, 2007 12:24 pm Title: Your first love is not always your truest love.

yes, Beard!Roy was being adorable, but I'm still screaming NOOOO!

dude, heartache all over the place.

Author's Response:

I KNOW Lex.  I know. 

Writing it made me feel better in a weird sort of way.

It's going to be OK.  I'm sure of it. ;)

Reviewer: Morning Angel Signed [Report This]
Date: February 09, 2007 11:15 am Title: Your first love is not always your truest love.

I'm glad you got yourself out of our funk enough to write this! :)  I liked it a lot because I think it is very true to the spirit of the characters and what they are going through, even if you feel it is a bit of a downer.  And I can't help but think you are right on the money about Roy and that she will rediscover why he is still so wrong for her. 

By the way, Michael & Jan?  You need to finish to write that up.

Author's Response:

I woke up and there it was.  What a difference a day makes - because seriously - this was not where I was last night. 

But you know that. :)

I'm glad you feel I did them justice.

I do need Michael and Jan - for all the hilarity and for the fact that in that story Jim and Pam are happy as clams and clammed up about their relationship to boot.

What's with all the seafood metaphors?  LOL!

Reviewer: Colette Signed [Report This]
Date: February 09, 2007 08:15 am Title: Your first love is not always your truest love.

Yes, this is Pam (starts to weep.) Her confusion, frustration, pain over believing she's lost Jim...from her head to your keyboard! Of course she backslid to Roy - he's her safety blanket, she needs familiar comfort and to be with someone who clearly wants her. Even if he's not the right one, as you point out.

And yeah, this is Pam's nadir...had it come at the end of sweeps I'd be crying into my coffee. But it's exactly the half way point - which means the second half will be about bringing her (them) back up the hill. It's going to work out - we won't even need to fanfic our way out of it anymore. May take a while, but I think by the end of sweeps, a better direction will come into focus. (I absolutely insist, you, you Greg Daniels you.)


Author's Response:

Thanks colette.  I almost chickened out here - but this story is about what happens - not about what I want to happen.  Of course - talk to me come the end of Feb.  If they are still in denial then I'm going to have to fix it myself.

It can only go uphill - I know that and so I'm desperately trying to sit back and breathe.

Man.  It's not easy. :)

Reviewer: 69 cups of noodles Signed 9 [Report This]
Date: February 09, 2007 08:04 am Title: Your first love is not always your truest love.

Even as she takes his hand and steps forward she can feel herself sliding backwards. 


Right now, in this moment she doesn't care.  It's been so long and he's been so distant and more than anything right now she simply wants to feel wanted.

And yes

In this moment, it's not perfect but somehow it's enough. 

And triple yes.  I wish I could say that I can't understand what's going on inside of Pam's head, but unfortunately I can because I've been there.  And the way you described all of the doubt and the questioning and the wondering what she's doing...all just so amazingly dead-on, every single one.  And honestly, at this point, I feel like Pam still has a lot of supporters of her decision.  Well, maybe not supporters, but I think a lot of us get where she was at in the situation, and probably would've done the same as she did. 

This is brilliantly written, xoxoxo.

Author's Response:

Last night I couldn't write a thing.  My poor shipper's heart still held out hope - even though the handwriting was on the wall.

This morning I woke up knowing exactly why what happened happened.  I still don't like it - not one bit - but I know why.  They could both be so happy - it just makes me sad. :(

Thank you so much for the kind review.  I truly appreciate it.

Reviewer: Beth Signed 9 [Report This]
Date: February 09, 2007 07:38 am Title: Your first love is not always your truest love.

I really think you got what was going in her head, but it doesn't make it any less painful to read. 

Author's Response:

Beth - Trust me.  It was painful to write.  But I can't blame Pam for it - I can't blame the writers for going there and I can't blame Jim for being pissed about it. 

It's gotta be all uphill from here - right?

Reviewer: time4moxie Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: February 09, 2007 06:12 am Title: Your first love is not always your truest love.

ahhhh - here that?  It's my heart breaking!!! 

can we get to the part where things start going better? please?? 

Author's Response:

I hear it.  It's breaking in time w/mine.

Ask Greg Daniels that question.  I was ready for the "start to get better" part in September.

I know they have to get to the very bottom before they climb out.  This is Pam's rock bottom - going back to Roy. 

I have faith...even though the waiting's gonna kill me. :)

Reviewer: kells8995 Signed [Report This]
Date: February 09, 2007 05:20 am Title: Love unspoken is the loudest sound of all

Oh my heart broke last night.  I think you've nailed her thought process here.  I'm heartbroken. 

I love your stories - I always have.  This was simple yet perfect. 

Now...I have to go pull the knife out of MY chest! ;)

Author's Response:

I didn't want to write this.  I sort of knew I would have to but I didn't want to.  I did so kicking and screaming!!! 

Sorry about the knife.  I think if we lined them all up we'd have ourselves quite a set. :)

Reviewer: flamingosinparadise Signed 8 [Report This]
Date: February 06, 2007 07:03 pm Title: Love unspoken is the loudest sound of all

Wow...this was so...Pam.  Wonderful.

Author's Response: I'm all about Pam these days.  S2 was me rooting Jim on and now I'm Pam's cheerleader. :)  Glad you liked it!

Reviewer: belsum Signed [Report This]
Date: February 06, 2007 11:37 am Title: Love unspoken is the loudest sound of all

So much power behind "just a kiss". Thank you for noticing how tense Jim got about Karen's hug. I loved Pam chastising herself for that atrocious "flirting". And the idea that she keeps the barely of journals is just so...right. Very nice. Can't wait to see where you're going to take this next.

Author's Response:

Thanks belsum!!  I'm glad to know it worked!!  I holding out hope my ideas will mirror what the show has in store.  

We shall see!

Reviewer: Par5 Signed [Report This]
Date: February 06, 2007 06:05 am Title: Love unspoken is the loudest sound of all

Hugs? I. Love. This. Nothing else to say but thanks for sharing it! You rock, sister.

Author's Response: Thanks Par5!!  I'm so glad you did!!  And you're not too shabby yourself. ;)

Reviewer: girl7 Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: February 05, 2007 07:27 pm Title: Love unspoken is the loudest sound of all

Good lord, hugs, this is amazing!  First of all, I love the quote at the beginning - so true.  And I love the metaphor of the hairline fracture in the teapot.  I also love your idea of having her write a little each night - that last entry made me want to snatch it out of the journal, go find Jim Halpert, and tie him to a chair and force him to read it.

...That, of course, would be difficult, as he isn't a real person.  :o)

I really like the premise of this, and I'm thrilled to see that it's a multi-chapter fic -- can't wait for the next installment!

Author's Response:

Thanks girl7!  I can't take any more!  LOL!  I can just imagine what happens to Pam when she goes home every night.  If she's like me - she'd analyze every moment.  I just want her to MOVE and hopefully she will - both in my story and on the show.

RE: Jim Halpert - might I refer you to a work by Ms. time4moxie?  She set me straight so I'll return the favor. ;)

Are you sure he isn't a real person?

I'm holding off and waiting to watch PW before I post the next chapter.  I know where I want to go....I just want to see where they're going. :)

Reviewer: gotkona Signed [Report This]
Date: February 05, 2007 06:08 am Title: Love unspoken is the loudest sound of all

I hope there's more.

Author's Response: Definitely. :)

Reviewer: super_perfect Anonymous [Report This]
Date: February 04, 2007 11:02 pm Title: Love unspoken is the loudest sound of all

I love it so far. can't wait to see where it goes from here (but it will go there quickly, right?).

At first I was frustrated and even confused by Pam's awkardness this episode. And then I realized this was her ruty flirting. And then to be slapped across the face with someone telling her this incredibly honest and intimate moment was "no big deal" - let's just go see if there is some lemon juice to rub in that wound, shall we? poor pam. 

Author's Response: Quickly?  I'm not really sure.  I was thinking of writing a chapter after each Feb episode airs and then writing my own ending but we'll see how long that lasts.  I'm working on 2 other things to keep your mind off it in the meantime if that's any consolation. :)  Thanks so much for the review!

Reviewer: LoveFool Signed [Report This]
Date: February 04, 2007 09:17 pm Title: Love unspoken is the loudest sound of all

::sigh:: she's breaking my heart here! Ugh...please make it stop. Beautiful writing xoxoxo as always...but hearbreaking.

Author's Response:

They're both breaking mine.  :(  I hope for a happy ending soon - if not on the show - you'll get one here.  That I can promise. :)

Reviewer: pennylane83 Signed 7 [Report This]
Date: February 04, 2007 08:55 am Title: Love unspoken is the loudest sound of all

Oh, SO good. You could practically see in Pam's face during that whole conversation with Jim "REM cycles, really? Why am I talking about sleep? Oh my god, WHY AM I STILL TALKING??" so I'm glad she's turning the phrases over in her head here. Poor Pam. And "just a kiss" indeed. Obviously Karen didn't watch Casino Night with the rest of us!

Author's Response:

I felt so, so bad for her.  She was clearly trying and failing miserably. 

And yeah - some one sit Filipelli down and show her that footage.  She'll know what's what in seconds. :)

So glad you liked it!

Reviewer: StarryDreamer Signed 8 [Report This]
Date: February 04, 2007 08:15 am Title: Love unspoken is the loudest sound of all

I love that you thought to have Pam keep a day book.  Her "just a kiss" entry was so perfect.  It completely fits in line with what she must have been reeling from when Karen in BF told her Jim had explained it as "just a kiss".  Great start!  Can't wait to read more!!

Author's Response:

I always think I'll write a true journal and I have at different points of my life but never keep it up.  I've started too many to count.  But something always stops me and so instead I wind up writing little phrases in my calendar like "Dinner w/so & so" or "Shopping w/Mom"  things like that.   I could totally imagine Pam doing the same.

Just a kiss my foot!  LOL!

Reviewer: Bennie Signed [Report This]
Date: February 04, 2007 06:18 am Title: Love unspoken is the loudest sound of all

Oh, xoxoxo, this is just....wonderful.  It just seems so perfect that Pam would go home, drink some vino, and think about how it was "just a kiss".  Sigh.  I can't wait to read more.

Author's Response:

Aww!  Thanks Bennie.  I'm so glad you thought so. 


Reviewer: Colette Signed [Report This]
Date: February 04, 2007 05:18 am Title: Love unspoken is the loudest sound of all

Well, you already know how much I like this. Great rhythm/flow and nicely to the point. So glad someone took the 'just a kiss' line and turned it on its head. And also to have a glimpse at Pam beyond the office/TH facade (which is cracking week by week.) I like seeing her full-out pissed here about that conversation - she's not going to break out of the little prison of niceness she's constructed for herself until she gets good and fed up. Next step (I hope): speaking up.

Knowing we'll have these follow-ups to look forward to makes the next few episodes easier to anticipate (more Karen/Jim? If so, I'm sorry but they're pushing me beyond my saturation point.) Well done, as usual xoxox!

Author's Response:

I actually wanted to punch Jim when I heard Karen say that.  I know he's trying to protect himself but he's being unfair to absolutely everyone involved.  Karen continues to be clueless, Pam continues to wonder and he keeps himself in a state of misery.  Jerks.  Both of them.

RE: Karen/Jim - as much as I want them to get rid of such an obvious obstacle - as much as it kills me week after week - I think that it's necessary.  I just want it to be more obvious that she's not going to be around (at least in Jim and Pam's atmosphere) for too much longer.

And if TPTB won't take care of that - I will. :)

Reviewer: Amalia Kensington Signed [Report This]
Date: February 03, 2007 11:11 pm Title: Love unspoken is the loudest sound of all

okay, first of all:
YEY!!!! FIC FROM XOXOXO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*fangirl squee*
"Just a kiss"? yeah, what the hell? Poor Pam. But maybe this will finally get her to DO SOMETHING. At least be angry at him for saying that. But (as you've mentioned here) it's not like she told Roy about it either. (btw, does Karen still not know about Roy and Pam? cos that was kinda fuzzy).
Also, I would love for someone to speculate about Pam becoming a stripper (or at least going to stripper school). Because THAT_WOULD_ROCK. hee. (i'm not saying it should be you...I'm just getting it out there.)

I'm excited about this story.
Thanks so much. (and sorry I rambled)

Author's Response:

The way I think about it - she changed her life for him and in Pam's mind she's now getting pissed he didn't wait around for her to process all that meant.  As far as Karen knowing about Roy and Pam I don't think she does know about that (which is bizarre to me - but consider how everyone is bending the truth when it comes to her I can see how it happened).

Stay tuned for Stripper!Pam.  I do believe someone over at TWoP is working on that as we speak. :)

Reviewer: ElizabethLynn Signed [Report This]
Date: February 03, 2007 09:55 pm Title: Love unspoken is the loudest sound of all

Good job getting inside that poor girl's head.

"Just a kiss" indeed.  Humph. 

Author's Response:

Thanks LL! 

I know.  Right????

Reviewer: time4moxie Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: February 03, 2007 09:16 pm Title: Love unspoken is the loudest sound of all

Oh yeah!  Just lovely!  I look forward to more!!!   FedUp!Pam rocks.  Just so you know. :-)

Author's Response:

FedUp!Pam does rock.  As does Fed!UpJim.  And if the two of them don't get their acts together "for realzies" Fed!UpHugs is gonna kick some Greg Daniels ass.

Just so you know.. :)

Reviewer: GreenFish Signed [Report This]
Date: February 03, 2007 08:58 pm Title: Love unspoken is the loudest sound of all

Oooh... a little foreshadowing?  I'm so interested to find out what happens next!  Yea.  Awesome job so far!!

Author's Response:

Just a tad. ;)  I'm trying to decide what to do.  Do I want to wait till I see an episode to write the "afterwards" or do I want to write the "afterwards" the way I want to see it.

The answer to this question is forthcoming. ;)   So glad you liked it!

Reviewer: kells8995 Signed [Report This]
Date: February 03, 2007 08:27 pm Title: Love unspoken is the loudest sound of all

Perfect.  I love your stories.  I can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Thanks kells!  I'm working on it!!!

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