Trouble Shooting:
Registration: We very strongly recommend adding to your contacts before attempting registration . This helps assure you receive your registration email with your login information. Make sure you enter your email address correctly as password reset and penname recovery are all done by email. You are asked to fill out a spam test question and a CAPTCHA. If you are having trouble registering, please contact us!
Logging in: If you are having any trouble logging in, try clearing your browser cache and if it continues try accessing the site from a different browser.
Password issues: Passwords are chosen by the user at registration. If you have forgotten your password you can enter your email here and a new password will be generated and emailed to you. We strongly suggest adding to your contacts before requesting new passwords, as email from us often doesn't get delivered.
If you are continually having trouble with resetting your password OR if you no longer have access to the email you used to register, contact us at and we will try to assist you!
Your Stories: Make sure you have your work saved in a separate file! The text editor on this site is not a replacement for a word processor, and drafts cannot be saved. There are countless good word processing programs out there, both for desktop and in the cloud.
Accidental Deletion: Deleting a story or chapter is immediate and permanent, there is no way to recover your story/chapter or the reviews on it once deleted. The site is backed up about once a month so file recovery is potentially possible but may not have latest changed or newer reviews. It is the author's responsibility to ensure their content is backed-up.
Text Editing: TinyMCE is the text editor on this site. It's serviceable if a bit out of date. Again, we very strongly recommend you write and format your text in the word processor of your choice and have it saved to your own drive, and that you only use tinyMCE for minor edits.
Issues have been know to arise with tinyMCE. If you do run into an issue, first try clearing your cache and restarting your browser, or try using a different browser. Also check out "Edit Preferences" under "My Account" and ensure the "use tinyMCE" box is checked. If you are using Safari, make sure to have latest version installed (9.1) as there were issues with iFrames/tinyMCE reported in previous versions.
Issues with formatting (when writing): When you copy-paste your stories, you are also copying all the formatting code behind it. Some suggestions for avoiding/dealing with wonky formatting:
* make sure in your word processor that the font color is set to "automatic" or "default" rather than to black, if it's set to black, it will stay black even on our darker themes.
* If you're pasting from a complicated program like Word or Google Docs, try the "paste from word" button (the clipboard with the "W" on it) in the tinymce box. This brings up a pop-up that you can paste into and will help strip out some of the coding.
* If your formatting is looking really weird inside of the tinyMCE box, select everything then select the "clear formatting" icon (the broom). This does clear everything including any bold, italics, etc so be aware of that.
* Write out your stories in programs with as little formatting as possible (in other words, NOT Word/Pages/Google docs).
Some program suggestions:
- iA Writer (paid app for Mac and mobile),
- Byword (paid Mac/iOS app),
- Dillinger (free webapp, can link to dropbox, Drive, etc)
- Yarny (free webapp, designed with Nanowrimo writing in mind)
Submitting: There are often reports about encountering errors when submitting. First off make sure you have selected a Category for your story (either "Jim and Pam" or "Other"), if this isn't selected, it will give you an error but won't tell you what.
If you encounter other errors, try clearing your cache and/or using a different browser and see if you still encounter the problem. If you are on a mobile device try again on a laptop/desktop (one thing about 9-year-old software: maybe not so mobile friendly!)
Notifications: You can set your email notifications under My Account > Edit Preference. If you want email notification, please to your contacts/"safe" list as email from us tends to end up in spam or not delivered at all. Hotmail is especially bad at blocking our emails, but people with Yahoo and AOL accounts have trouble also. If you are still not getting notifications, it's possible your email given has a typo, so also go to "My Account" > "Edit Profile" and double check.
Issues with formatting (while reading): If you encounter a story with formatting that is distracting or hinders your reading such as line spacing issues, text size not changing even as you select the "Text Size +" button or font being black on our darker themes, please let us know by clicking "Report This", selecting "Bug Report" from the drop down and detailing the issue in the contact form.
While we take a look at it from our end, we suggest to try to use the "reader view" option if your browser has it, that should help make the text readable. If you are a registered member you can also try downloading the eBook.
Everything's Italic?: One of our themes uses Open Sans from Google Fonts, which apparently can cause everything to appear italic in (ironically enough) Google Chrome! An internet search brings up many of potential solutions: installing the Microsoft EU Expansion Fonts Update, uninstalling and reinstalling Arial, or (what worked for this admin) installing ALL the Open Sans fonts on your computer.
Known Issues
Trouble with Contact Us/Report This/Contact Author forms: The form seems to act up if you put certain email domain address in the "your email" line. Popular email services such as Gmail, Yahoo and AOL all give error messages. Try replacing the domain with any other domain, you can even use [name] You can also email us directly at
Shoutbox character counter: because of the html the character counter won't show how many you have remaining in your shout. This affects the 27Seconds and NotaBadDay themes. The character count may also be slightly off due to some punctuation actually taking more characters in HTML, for example an apostrophe is sometimes recorded as " & # 3 9 ; ", taking up 5 characters instead of one. While we try to remedy this, we suggest minimizing your punctuation use and leaving about 10 charactera or so in the character counter.
Duplicate posts in the shoutbox: If you have just posted a shout, don't hit "refresh" because that will submit the shout again, see shoutbox updates by selecting "shoutbox" from the menu, or heading back to the home page.
Various Issues with Off-Site Recommendations: The Off-site Recs is a module that is sadly no longer updated or supported by it's developer. We are aware of the issues with this module, especially recs showing up multiple times in your favorites and various issues searching recs, and are working on figuring it out.
Warning tags on Series: We have just noticed that when browsing series, many have warnings that shouldn't be there. We have this on our list of things to fix.
Full front page not loading: we have a script that displays the latest topics in our forum and sometimes it's wonky and will slow the loading of the full front page. We are working on this but selecting any of the pages at the top like "browse" "most recent" or "my account" should get you out of there.
Change Log
March 2017
* Added the Mark As Read feature
December 2017
* Added new Top Lists sections, post S4 and Post S7
* Added two new themes , Niagara and Sketches
October 2017
*Modified Challenges page slightly and launched Challenges Challenge
August 2017
* Added a new Favorites Browse page (must be logged in to see)
* Added "Top Authors by Word Count " to top lists
July 2017
Launched our new "jellybean " likes system to replace the star ratings.
June 2017
* Launched the Shoutbox feature
* Made the default font in tinyMCE boxes larger
* Added Google Custom Search to main page
* Added navigation arrows in the header and footer
May 2017
* Added Penname recovery option
* Reset "beta readers " module
* New Default Theme "Paper Airplanes", based on 2-column by Kali with color inspiration from Reverie by Nadia
* Added Christmas theme "Teapot Holiday" based on "Frohe Weihnacten" by Nadia
* Launched "Save as ePUB " feature
* Added "Word Count" "Read Count" and "Review Count" to the sort options in Browse Titles .
* Added "27 Seconds" a night theme based on "2-column" by Kali
* All new forum and community introduced
* added "min" and "max" word count parameters to Browse
* Added Story End Module
* Added Bookshelf feature
* expanded the "Top Lists" from 10 to 25
* added "Reviews Received" link in "My Account"
*Added a new default theme, "NotABadDay", a modification of "2-column" by Kali.
* updated to latest CMS
* have url redirect to the fanfic archive
* added Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram,, and ArchiveOfOurOwn links in profiles
* added favicon