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Reviewer: Teresa Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 12:54 pm Title: Chapter 1 - Kiss the Bobble Head

Okay, so every, EVERY time you leave us hanging it's a great cliffhanger.  But this one??  Oh my, Karen, what have you done!  Does she know who she's talking to?? These are Pam's friends, and I can't wait to see how all, including Pam, reacts.  When are Pam and Jim going to get time to talk?  Karen needs to be put in her place.    She has to know what the crying was about, so this is just mean.

So, officially, I have spent way too much time reading and thinking about this story.  Good Job!

Author's Response:

Teresa!!! I LOVE YOU! You are so right on the money! She has made a big mistake. BIG. That's right, they ARE Pam's friends!!!  That's just going to bite her in the ass. Luckily, she has a nice caboose!

I will say this for Karen though...she did not read Kelly's PamSecret so she doesn't YET know about the crying on Luau day.

And cliffhangers? Don't even get me started on cliffhangers! I looooove cliffhangers. I'm pretty sure the last chapter in this story will end with someone jumping off a cliff... or maybe.... Angela pushing Meredith off a cliff... hmmm...

Reviewer: gotkona Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 12:50 pm Title: Chapter 26 - Dwight's Grandma Fetish

Now that was just plain mean. How dare she say that about our Pam.

Reviewer: gotkona Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 12:47 pm Title: Chapter 25 - Barometric Pressure's Rising

I 'm so happy the next chapter is there to find out what happens when Pam just forfeited. 

Reviewer: ayla Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 12:32 pm Title: Chapter 26 - Dwight's Grandma Fetish

Meow! Catfight!

Reviewer: EverybodyHurts Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 11:01 am Title: Chapter 26 - Dwight's Grandma Fetish

Just spent my whole morning off today reading this, as well as all the reviews.  Can Jim come over my place tonight?  I have a basketball hoop too!  Me like Sweaty!Jim :)

I gotta give ya credit where it's due.  The fact that you've been able to maintain the funny as well as the voices of the entire cast, AND keep us begging for more...well, I'd take you out for a drink or two or three and expound on your writing talent to all within earshot.  But not at Poor Richard's, it being temporarily closed right now for renovations.  How 'bout Cooper's?  I've actually been there to the restaurant and the food is great.  If a certain lanky guy shows up, we can clue him into Veronica's "past."  "Hey, Jim, hope you're wearing a condom!"  Hee..

Ok, back to real life for  At least until next chapter.

Author's Response:


What kind of food does Cooper's serve? And uh...If a certain lanky guys shows up, no offense sweetie, but I'm dumping you and....I'm pretty Veronica's "past" will not be coming up...although the condom might.    OK. That's just me being all wrong. I'd never do that. I'm making my own self blush. Walking away quickly and hoping no one notices. Sadly, I'd probably just choke on my food and then go hide in the bathroom. Because, you know...I'm smooth.

Reviewer: Pam21 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 10:51 am Title: Chapter 1 - Kiss the Bobble Head

Here's the thing about Jim and Karen. They've been dating a couple of months right? Let's say you're Karen. You're dating Jim Halpert...right? soon after the ringing of the doorbell on the first date would you take your panties off? OK? 'nuff said.

Oh kay I guess I see your point... but seeing and accepting are two different things!

Oh and when I read you responce did you hear a shout of joy coming form my general area?? LOL... I know where I wil be in 23 hours!

Bribes you say?? I will see what I can do ;)

Author's Response: → seeing and accepting are two different things! ← Yes they are, my friend, yes they are. That's why Karen has a long, long way to go. She neither sees, nor accepts. Poor little ewe lamb, that she is...

Reviewer: StarShine Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 10:50 am Title: Chapter 1 - Kiss the Bobble Head

So how soon after the ringing of the doorbell on the first date would you take your panties off?

Hang on, back up, on a date with Jim Halpert (first or otherwise) who would have panties on to begin with? ^__^

(sorry, the ho in me just HAD to reply to that... back to being prudish innocent StarShine)

Author's Response:

OOOH! You are naughty! Honestly, Karen probably answered the door in her starks and said "how about we do dessert first?"   Just one prudish innocent ho talking to another. Nothing more to see here, folks, move along.

Reviewer: StarShine Signed 10 [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 10:45 am Title: Chapter 26 - Dwight's Grandma Fetish

NO!!!!!!!!! Bitch!! *gasps, covering mouth* Did I say that out loud? I mean, that's not nice, Karen!

Reviewer: lisahoo Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 10:31 am Title: Chapter 26 - Dwight's Grandma Fetish

I apologize in advance for going all meta here and replying to your reply -- and for being a petulant, whiny Jam-shipper.  (Which can be really annoying to those with a different point of view, or sympathy for Karen). 

And pouncing on Jim the second he rings the doorbell?  Totally understandable.  (Cue the flying panties).

In my imaginary world, though, I like to think Jim is still holding out for Pam.  You know, since I am neither available nor a fictional character.  And what was that you wrote earlier about Jim and a baby oil massage?  Let's get back to that.  Happy thoughts... [/Jim]

P.S. You still rock my socks off. 

Author's Response:


"(Cue the flying panties)" THAT. Has got to be used. I will be using that! Prepare for that to be used. Holy god! That is just great stuff there. That's the type of stuff that causes talking heads of Ryan being speechless!


Reviewer: molly_connelley Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 09:52 am Title: Chapter 26 - Dwight's Grandma Fetish

Wow. So, Karen's a ho because she's just MEAN. Everyone else is mean because they heard Pam was crying and were like "tra la la next secret please." I only love Jim. And Pam. And Angela. And maybe Phyllis because I know she was distracted. And Dwight and Michael because they are Dwight and Michael.

But everyone else? On my shit list.

Author's Response:

MOLLY! Karen's not a HO! She's just sociable. That's how she got into sales. She's a 'people-person'!!!

Just so you don't worry or anything but only four people were involved in that chat: Phyllis (who was distracted...I just haven't told you why yet. Angela...who obviously wasn't going to go "why was she crying?"  Meredith...who wasn't allowed to type her response. And Kelly...who was totally grossed out that Dwight was talking openly about Pam's period!!! Neither Karen nor Pam has read Angela's email yet.

Now you can't say Toby is on your shit list. That's just not right. And Oscar? What did he do? Stanley? Stanley's the man. So... tra la la... I'm not listening.... next secret, please.  Because you know Phyllis and Meredith still haven't told their PamSecrets!

Reviewer: fasterthansnakes Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 08:20 am Title: Chapter 1 - Kiss the Bobble Head

I was going to write Karen must DIE! but I can see others have already voiced that sentiment, I do feel sorry for that little witch though, I mean come on to have had Jim Halpert and the word marriage linked to her? It's pretty hard to get over that :) That said I WANT MORE! You would think that I'm an actual baby not a pregnant woman, but hey pregnant women have cravings and right now this story is it :) (that and cheeseburgers)

Author's Response: Well. I'm thinking of linking the words 'marriage', 'Jim Halpert', and 'Kelly'. Just kind of in the back of my mind. Will you be throwing cheeseburgers at me if I do that???

Reviewer: uncgirl Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 08:05 am Title: Chapter 26 - Dwight's Grandma Fetish

Oh no she didn't.  That's just wrong.  Well, here's hoping someone takes Karen down and notch.  This continues to be great, wonderful, fun, terrific, hysterical, cringeworthy, should I go on??  :-)

Author's Response: I think you've run out of adjectives, so I'd say... just sit back and enjoy the show! :)

Reviewer: Too Late Kev Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 07:58 am Title: Chapter 26 - Dwight's Grandma Fetish

Muggins, I love so much... about the way you choose to be.

To start at the end - KAREN!  Evil.  I'm sure Jim never said Karen was a better kisser.  Yuck.  And Karen still thinks there's any possibility of a marriage proposal?  Denial ain't just a river in Egypt, I guess.  (Okay, is that something Michael might say?  You know there's a shelf life on these expressions... heehee.)

You really have Michael's voice down.  Loved the "bi-- biig biig sale" (I paraphrase), the Stryofoam thing, and how he interacted with Dwight.  Perfect.  Also Pam noticing that the mouse was under the desk.

Angela and the whole time of the month thing?  So funny.  All of the interaction there between (/among?) the women was so good.

I hope Phyllis forwards Jim all the secrets about Pam.  He can find out she was sad at the luau (but not PAM-M-S-ing), find out how evil his trampy girlfriend is, etc.

And... best use of 'sashay' in Office fanfic.  Maybe the only use of 'sashay' in Office fanfic, but still best.

I'm continuing not to de-lurk in TWoP, because you are the boss of me.  Now... I'll go get back to my life (well, after checking whether anything else is new on MTT).  (To self: Don't go check OfficeTally.  Don't go catch up on TWoP spoiler spec.  Don't ... just don't".)

Awaiting more girly-girl.  I just love girl talk.  

P.S. I am wearing green today, but that's okay, because green is no longer whorish. 

Author's Response:

mind overload! too much to respond to!

uhhh random throw out - I totally stole the Stryofoam thing from my boss. He said that whole thing about the teeth and everything literally seconds before I wrote it. I was laughing so hard! Never, ever has my boss done anything Michael and then all of a sudden: Get me the Starbucks stryofoam! Huh?

Reviewer: lisahoo Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 06:55 am Title: Chapter 1 - Kiss the Bobble Head

Muggins, you are evil! 

What you're not thinking about is Karen's point of view. Here's her point of view: I am currently having sex with the hottest guy in the office.

Jim & Karen are NOT having sex!   Noooooo!  Because she's a man.  With a scorching case of herpes simplex  10.  Yeah, that's it.

Author's Response:

I've just got to congratulate you on this. I think you are the first person who has ever quoted a response I made to some other person's review! I mean, that's

Here's the thing about Jim and Karen. They've been dating a couple of months right? Let's say you're Karen. You're dating Jim Halpert...right? soon after the ringing of the doorbell on the first date would you take your panties off? OK? 'nuff said.

If you want I can do the next chapter in that round robin and show you that Karen is not a man. I have no problem with that. Live and let live. That's what I say.

Reviewer: lisahoo Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 06:45 am Title: Chapter 26 - Dwight's Grandma Fetish

ACK!  I hate Karen!  And I die a little inside anytime the words 'Jim', 'Karen' and 'marriage' are used in the same sentence.

And now I have all day to wait for the next chapter!  ACK  Pt. 2! 

Author's Response: Through death comes life. It's the eternal circle of life, baby! Just ask Ryan.

Reviewer: EmilyHalpert Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 05:55 am Title: Chapter 26 - Dwight's Grandma Fetish

karen that little b*tch!!!!!!!

Reviewer: Pam21 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 04:25 am Title: Chapter 1 - Kiss the Bobble Head

WOW... I just started getting into fanfic becasue of this hiatus... so I read ALL 26 pages. You should be given 100$ for keeping me up all night laughing my @$$ off!!

OH and I am conpletely addicted, I need MORE

I can not belive Karen did that.... it is on!! IMO she should just yell at her from across the office

all I must say is that you need to give yourself a pat on the back becasue for what 2 hours you captivated my attention!!!! and it only felt like 2 mins.

oh kay I think I am gone on long enough where can I send my many other letters of prasie and adoration?? ;)

Oh and WHAT THE HE11 Karen??

Author's Response:

Pam21 don't worry, I update daily. In 23 hours, you'll be reading a new chapter and as all the other reviewers will tell you "Thank God, all my questions have been answered!!!" By the way, I take bribes in cash...unmarked tens preferred.

And Pam21...Karen loves you and promises you that if you're real sweet to her, she'll go to bed with you tonight!

Reviewer: Snarkland Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 04:17 am Title: Chapter 26 - Dwight's Grandma Fetish

Oh that little @&%^$!  She is SO going down.  I can't believe she'd say something like that!

I need more...MORE!  :)

Author's Response:

Now. Now. Now. Temper. Temper. Temper.

What you're not thinking about is Karen's point of view. Here's her point of view: I am currently having sex with the hottest guy in the office.

So there you go. Think about them apples. I mean...she's got a point. What would you say if you were having sex with the hottest guy in the office? Exactly.


Reviewer: Maybe Once Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 04:02 am Title: Chapter 26 - Dwight's Grandma Fetish

Jim kissed Pam before he came to Stamford. He says I’m a better kisser.





Pam, honey.   It's time to BRING IT.


More, you can tell I am totally invested in this story... 

Author's Response:


dontcha worry. Pam's not only going to BRING IT, she's going to TAKE IT HOME AND TIE IT UP! ...then she might have a light dinner, maybe light up a coupla candles, take a bubble bath...

Reviewer: moofoot Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 03:56 am Title: Chapter 26 - Dwight's Grandma Fetish

oooooohhhh, what a bitch!!! BOO KAREN.

Loved Angela's PamSecret, by the way - the calendar thing? So in-character i was snorting my head off.

Love this. Can't wait to see more! 

Author's Response: I loved writing it that everyone just blew off Pam's crying. Like that was so secondary to the flowers on the calendar!!! Karen is just a misunderstood little little lamb!

Reviewer: shan21 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12, 2007 03:17 am Title: Chapter 26 - Dwight's Grandma Fetish

Karen is a BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hate. her. so. much. 

Author's Response: I bet she'd sleep with you if you'd just give her a chance!

Reviewer: Alex Wert Signed [Report This]
Date: March 11, 2007 11:08 pm Title: Chapter 1 - Kiss the Bobble Head

I think we can safely say that this fic will go down as one of the all-time classics of the fandom - with 'classic' interpretted very loosely to mean 'the shit that makes you giggle, cover your face and/or mouth with your hand even though you're by yourself, laugh like a lunatic, shake your head at the absurdity, pop your eyes out of your skull in surprise at every turn, and leave you eagerly anticipating more like a heroin addict craves another hit'.

I really need to find out what the hell Michael, Dwight and Jim are doing in the office.  I have no clue (I have no clue about a lot of things, but this one is relevant here).

Author's Response: Your my Mom, aren't you? You can't fool me with that Alex Wert fake name. Look Mom, I've told you once, I've told you twice.... I am not telling you what Michael, Dwight, and Jim were doing in the office. You'll have to damn well wait like everyone else. So stop all the sucking up flattery because it ain't going to work. And yeah, yeah, I know... you'll disown me if Jim marries Karen. I got that the first time! Now stop printing up pictures of poor Rashida and hanging them with little nooses on my computer. It's creeping me out!!!!

Reviewer: lisahoo Signed [Report This]
Date: March 11, 2007 05:50 pm Title: Chapter 25 - Barometric Pressure's Rising

I waited to read this until today, so I got 25 chapters at once.  Wow.  So your cliffhanger just floored me and now I'm all antsy.  Again.  And Karen, the corporate ladder climber makes me grin like Kevin.  Ow.

I don't know how you manage to be so freaking funny in chapter after chapter, but you are rocking my socks off.

Author's Response: Wow! You read all 25 chapters at once??? Talk about eye strain. I suggest lying down. Putting a wet cloth over your eyes. And having Jim Halpert rub you all over with baby oil. That always helps me after a strenuous reading session. Here, let me give you his phone number....he'll be right over.

Reviewer: Semby Signed [Report This]
Date: March 11, 2007 12:07 pm Title: Chapter 25 - Barometric Pressure's Rising

Holy wow. I would *not* have expected Karen to go through *that* mental list of past indiscretions with Stamford guys. Very interesting...

Reviewer: shan21 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 11, 2007 10:36 am Title: Chapter 25 - Barometric Pressure's Rising

This line:

It is his job to talk to them. No one cheers when I balance the books.


Made me snicker. Heh. And you're too cruel for not letting us see Pam's answer yet! Write more! 

Author's Response:

I ♥ Angela. She's so....Angela.

As you wish, Pam's answer is now available for your viewing pleasure.


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