Date: June 15, 2007 11:02 am Title: Chapter 6: You have stolen....
I was completely enchanted by their individual realizations in the restaurant about how things have changed and what their lives were like just a short time ago. It was so beautifully written. And then I came to this sentence: I'm going to marry him. And I nearly started bawling sitting here at work. Gorgeous prose, truly lovely story.
Author's Response: Oh, thank you so much -- I'm glad that line hit you that way (not that I want to make you cry....), because I think that realization really would hit Pam sort of suddenly. Thanks so much for your reviews!
Date: June 13, 2007 07:55 pm Title: Chapter 5: Our dreams assured....
"hearing that woman answer it and not say, 'Dunder Mifflin, this is Pam'"
Oh man, this got to me, too. Great job bringing in so many details from the episode itself. Love that Pam was the one to initiate the next part of the date and the kiss. Looking forward to seeing what's next!
Author's Response: Didn't it, though? Just jarred me (and Jim, too, based on the look he got). THanks so much for reviewing!
Date: June 13, 2007 06:58 pm Title: Chapter 4: And from the ballroom floor we are in celebration / One good stretch before our hibernation
Wow indeed. I'm really enjoying this story. Their banter is so perfect - love the fighting couple dialogue game. And it's fun to have Jim lay it all out on the line like that. I presume it's Pam's turn next...can't wait!
Author's Response:
Thanks so much! You know, I wrote them doing that dialogue game without really thinking about it, then my beta (Starry Dreamer) pointed out the parallels to the Purse Girl episode, LOL. Thanks again for reviewing!
Date: June 12, 2007 11:00 am Title: Chapter 6: You have stolen....
I love this Post-The Job fic. It's easily one of my favorites... the sexual tension in this chapter is off the charts! Can't wait to read more!
Author's Response: Yayyy! I really like trying to write sexual tension between these two, because I love how palpable it is on the show. Thanks for reviewing!
Date: June 11, 2007 12:20 pm Title: Chapter 6: You have stolen....
I've really enjoyed this story. It makes me want to cringe with how awkward and unsure they are, but that's what makes it so good. It would be very difficult for them to just jump right in when there's so much air that needs to be cleared. Great job writing their first date. Can't wait for more!
Author's Response: I'm glad you're enjoying this -- and yeah, ITA that there would definitely be a certain amount of awkwardness. This isn't to say that they can't dispense with it fairly quickly, but still.... :O) Thanks for reviewing!
Date: June 11, 2007 08:44 am Title: Chapter 6: You have stolen....
*mouth hanging open with drool forming at the lip* MORE!!! MORE!!!!!
Author's Response: LOL - that's like a description of me after JK's many public appearances this last week. Thanks for reviewing!
Date: June 11, 2007 08:10 am Title: Chapter 6: You have stolen....
This was amazing. Is it weird that I'm practically tingling in anticipation of the next chapter? Well, weird or not, I am, so...
Anyway, I really loved Pam's thoughts on the drive home. Nice job!
Author's Response: I'm so glad you're enjoying this! That said, I must apologize for taking so long in updating the thing -- I gravitate more toward writing angsty stuff, and I'm not sure why. (Not sure I want to know why, LOL.) Thanks, as always, for reviewing!
Date: June 10, 2007 11:04 pm Title: Chapter 6: You have stolen....
What now? Well, first they make out on the couch for about half an hour. Then they move it into the bedroom and have fabulous sex. Then they get married. And, somehow, the documentary crew films it all, just for me. :)
Author's Response: This review just cracked me up -- I hear you sister!
Date: June 10, 2007 10:59 pm Title: Chapter 5: Our dreams assured....
Hooray for Pam jumping Jim in the hallway! She can jump him anywhere she wants, as far as I'm concerned. And probably as far as Jim's concerned, too. ;)
Author's Response: Heh heh -- that scene came about because I was sitting there thinking, if I were Pam, what would I do? .....And the answer was that. :o) Thanks for reviewing!
Date: June 10, 2007 08:32 pm Title: Chapter 6: You have stolen....
Absolutely lovely. Loved Jim's thought about Pam being more than just a girlfriend. And you might be slightly cruel to leaving this where you did!!
P.S. loved the hussy shoutout.
Author's Response: Hee hee - wait till you see where the next chapter leaves off, LOL. (I'm evil, like a hobbit!) Glad you liked the hussy shoutout -- I just cannot resist them sometimes!
Date: June 10, 2007 08:02 pm Title: Chapter 6: You have stolen....
So glad you've updated this! I'm so excited for every installment. Can't wait to see what happens next...eek.
Author's Response: Oh, I'm so glad to hear that you're enjoying it! Sorry it has been such a long time between updates.... Thanks for reviewing!
Date: June 10, 2007 06:35 pm Title: Chapter 6: You have stolen....
oh wow. Great chapter! This is one of the most well written stories I've read in a while. Great work!!!
Author's Response: Eee - thank you so much! :o)
Date: June 10, 2007 06:21 pm Title: Chapter 6: You have stolen....
I still absolutely love this story! And it isn't just the story, it's the way you write. You have a beautiful way with words!
Author's Response: Thank you so much -- I'm really glad you're enjoying it!
Date: June 10, 2007 05:10 pm Title: Chapter 6: You have stolen....
oooh!!! A cliffhanger! You're bad, girlie! Very, very bad! It seems *I* may have taught you a thing or two ;-) But let's just say that as I was reading this I had a big, ole goofy grin on my face. So adorable, so them.
Author's Response: Quiet, you! I'm still all veklempt over your last chapter (OMG, OMG, OMG -- feel like Kelly). I cannot wait until you post that sucker -- so I'll have company in my squeeing. LOL.
Date: June 10, 2007 05:04 pm Title: Chapter 6: You have stolen....
Warning: All caps next!
I love the shaving reference, and colette's writing a JimShaves!fic too? Excellent, I knew that LH poster would serve us well.
And MaybeOnce, the Queen of BadFic, has expressed my sentiments thoroughly in her review. Drink up! And then get to the next chapter....your fans await!
Author's Response:
Hee hee - and YES - is it not the best news that Colette's writing a sexy JimShaves!Fic?!? That little gem of info just made my entire night, swear to god. Hee.
And, uh (attempting to calm myself)...LH poster, you say? As in, a poster for Leather Heads? Something related to JK shaving that I haven't seen? (Hands are beginning to shake, veil of sweat on upper lip, LOL). OMG. You've got me in a tizzy.
Thank you so much for the review!
Date: June 10, 2007 04:54 pm Title: Chapter 6: You have stolen....
OMG, the best update! Now, you KNOW I've got to mention the Rome reference (yum to that)...but here's a great (somewhat pervy) minds coincidence - I'm in the midst of writing a smutty little thing (keeping my end of a promise) and how does it begin? With Pam watching Jim shave, that's how. Hee. Confirms that it's not just me who finds that idea hot as hell. And the thought of Jim bathing a squirmy wet baby - I think I ovulated just reading that part. Okay, as usual you leave us on the verge...can't wait for more.
Author's Response:
Talk about great surprises -- as I mentioned in a previous response, the news that you're writing a sexy fic about Pam watching Jim shave has absolutely made my freaking NIGHT. Holy god. Do say you're posting it soon. Like, very soon. :O) And yeah, WTH is it with us and the parallel minds thing? We must be on the same psychic wavelength when it comes to motifs in our fic. And I was soooooo relieved to hear that you loved the squirmy baby reference -- was worried that it'd be way too sappy (but the image popped so clearly into my head, and I just couldn't not share it...)
Looking forward to your fic, my friend (and missing James Purefoy so fucking much...sigh...) Thanks for reviewing!
Date: June 10, 2007 04:49 pm Title: Chapter 6: You have stolen....
In that moment, the conviction struck her suddenly: I'm going to marry him.
I think I blushed along with her- the words, as you wrote them, gave me an actual physical reaction (weird, since I've written my share of Married fic, as recently as yesterday!). You continue to get the tone just absolutely right- the comfort and the awkwardness, the laughter and the silence. This is heart said YAY when I saw that you'd updated it.
Author's Response:
Really?? That's so exciting; thank you so much for telling me that! (Seriously - means a lot to hear that it affected you that way.) And speaking of your recent stuff - been crazy busy lately, but your stuff is on the top of my "must read" list. Looking so forward to it.
Anyhoo, thanks so much for reviewing; you're the best!
Date: June 10, 2007 04:38 pm Title: Chapter 6: You have stolen....
At this point, Maybe Once pours a glass of "velvety, magenta liquid, and shoves it across the table (a la Drug Testing") at Girl7.
Because Maybe Once is no idiot, she knows it's worth what's coming.
Terrifically in character and moving. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Author's Response:
All right, this review? Deserves a freaking Dundie, my friend! Seriously, my shoulders are still shaking, hee! I will likely be drinking much wine before I write the next (final) chapter, because there is no way around it: It will involve some degree of smut. Heh. It may be this weekend before I can get to it (and really, it'd be shameful if I got all snookered during the week. I've been trying to stop drinking during the week. [/Meredith]).
Thanks so much for the review and for the laugh (and for pimping me over at TWoP -- which just sounds wrong, doesn't it?). :o)
Date: June 08, 2007 07:38 pm Title: Chapter 5: Our dreams assured....
I'm catching up on my reading, girl7. This is lovely! I especially like the "jumping you in the hallway" line, and both of them wanting to continue the evening in someone's apartment, but having difficulty knowing how/whether to say it.
Author's Response: Heh - thanks so much for mentioning the specific stuff you liked! Re: Pam jumping him in the hallway -- that was one of those moments when I was sitting there envisioning the scene and thinking, okay...what would she do here? And, well.... :o) Thanks, as always, for reviewing!
Date: June 06, 2007 11:09 pm Title: Chapter 5: Our dreams assured....
OK...this story has prompted me to register just so I can beg you to finish it! This is my favorite, and I have read a bunch. For me, you have really stayed true to the characters of Jim and Pam. Please keep it up...and soon!
Author's Response:
Oh - seriously? That's so flattering! (And I love your username, BTW.) There'll be one more chapter after this one, and then I'll be working on an Away From the Cameras for season three (which is really pulling at me right now, argh). Anyway - so glad you registered; welcome, and thanks for the review!
Date: June 04, 2007 01:04 pm Title: Chapter 5: Our dreams assured....
What a great date! I love the eye contact part becasue I totally believe the eyes tell all.
Author's Response:
Don't they, though? There's this very brief moment in Casino Night just before the poker table scene -- it's actually right at the beginning of it, when they're just sitting at the table (before the camera has panned close to them). And JK/JH is staring at her with this small, seductive little smile, holding eye contact with her so pointedly that the first time I noticed it, I gasped out loud. Totally worth a re-watch (and another, and another....LOL).
Thanks for reviewing!
Date: June 03, 2007 11:03 pm Title: Chapter 5: Our dreams assured....
Aw, this is all sweetness. Guh. They just SO belong together.
I adore this part. Dear Dwigt! Flirty!Pam - yes!!
With that, she very deliberately lowered her eyes to his mouth, feeling almost wildly giddy as she did it (oh my god, I cannot believe I'm teasing him like this... Clearly I've had way too much wine. Or maybe not...). Then she slowly raised her gaze to meet his squarely, raising one of her eyebrows as she continued to stare at him, the tiniest smile pulling at her lips.
I wanna see that on my teevee in September!! ::bounce-bounce::
Kissing. Hell, yes FINALLY! *swoon* More kissing please!!
This is just made of awesome:
The look on his face made her burst out laughing -- his eyebrows rose to his hairline, mouth gaping open, eyes huge and blinking at her.
Best. Jim-face. Ever.
Love it! I wanna read it again!
Author's Response:
Yay -- so glad you liked it! You aren't the only one who wants to see it on your TV in September -- all this is is pure wish fulfillment for me, sister. LOL.
And oh...I promise: there'll be more kissing. Hee.
Glad you liked the Jim face -- can you imagine the expression he'd have if she just smacked one on him like that? LOL.
Thanks again for reviewing!
Date: June 03, 2007 11:05 am Title: Chapter 5: Our dreams assured....
Oh Pam, I love that she invited Jim back to her apartment when he was debating if he could do the same. And loved reading their have such a wonderful way of writing the descriptions & feelings. Looking forward to more!
Author's Response:
Thank you so much - glad you liked those parts! I just thought those were the kind of moments that'd give them pause, you know?
Thanks again!
Date: June 03, 2007 10:46 am Title: Chapter 4: And from the ballroom floor we are in celebration / One good stretch before our hibernation
I love happy Jim & Pam. Their watching of the couple was so them. I really like how Jim told Pam about the problems with him and Karen. Just lovely.
Author's Response:
I love them, too - I really think the show will be even better once they're together. There'll be an absence of unresolved sesxual tension, sure, but they'll be so freaking adorable together....sigh.
Thanks for reviewing!
Date: June 02, 2007 01:01 pm Title: Chapter 5: Our dreams assured....
Steamy indeed. I love the date-speak, all of it is very realistic and I also like the occassional peeks into their brains as well. Can't wait for more!
Author's Response: It's not the last of the steamy, I fear. :o) Thanks so much for reviewing!