Date: April 07, 2009 12:57 pm Title: Preparations
Wow...JAM as the brother/sister Brady duo... lol, good story
Date: December 05, 2008 11:37 am Title: Thanksgiving
Awww, I love how you ended each chapter with a dollop of Jam fluff. This was an excellent Thanksgiving! I can absolutely see Michael changing his mind and also getting too sad about Holly to go through with anything. All the ensemble voices were spot on, too.
Author's Response: Can't seem to help myself. There are very very few stories from me where Jam fluff is not a main ingredient. ;) Thanks so much for the review!
Date: December 04, 2008 09:54 pm Title: Thanksgiving
You are always so good at those ensemble pieces. :) That was funny and touching. I'm pretty sure I uttered an audible awwww at, "And even the word makes me think of her. You know what? That's what I'll call the time she was here. The Holly Days. And sadly, there are no more Holly Days for me."
Author's Response: Why thank you. I very much appreciate it. I miss Holly too - so I can just imagine how Michael feels. So glad you liked it.
Date: December 04, 2008 10:40 am Title: Thanksgiving
"So you're saying you're descended from horses?" Jim looked at him confused. "How is that possible?"
lol.. NOTHING better than an excellent smart-assed Jim crack. Great!
Author's Response: Glad you liked that line. It was one of my favorites. And yes - nothing is better than smart-assed Jim. Thanks so much for the review!
Date: December 04, 2008 06:02 am Title: Preparations
Best chapter yet. I love it when Jim and Pam parent Michael, and I've had a new soft spot for Michael ever since he made that call to David Wallace. I especially liked that once Jim got Michael thinking about Holly, he actually started running with the new ideas again.
The characterizations are great, and the whole thing sounds like something Michael would actually dream up.
Funny and sweet - good stuff.
Date: December 03, 2008 09:38 pm Title: Thanksgiving
Such great Jim/Pam voices in this...loved the Sunshine Day exchange. And very clever with the "Holly Days". I really enjoyed this Hugs! Can't wait for your next story. :-)
Author's Response: Thank you!!! I think Pam is just dorky enough to enjoy a random Brady tune - and Jim would be more than happy to tease her about it. :) I'm not sure what's next - but there always seems to be something - so stay tuned and thanks so much for reading!
Date: December 03, 2008 08:20 pm Title: Thanksgiving
Great ending! I loved this final chapter. Snarky Dwight is hilarious and just perfectly in character. Poor Michael and his Holly Day-less Thanksgiving. Good thing he has Pam & Jim as his work parents to keep him grounded and hopeful. Sunshine Day on Pam's iPod is hysterical. HA!
Nicely done! Thanks for a wonderful post-Thanksgiving Day treat.
Author's Response: Michael is very lucky to have Jim and Pam. Otherwise he'd be splattered all over the DM parking lot from trying to jump off the roof. :) So glad you liked it. Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me so!
Date: December 03, 2008 07:26 pm Title: Thanksgiving
Aww. Jim and Pam at the end? So cute. You continue to amaze me with your ability to channel all of the characters so perfectly. I can just hear their voices in my head, every word as if it were an actual episode.
This was all good, but I especially loved:
"Shows what you know." Dwight scoffed. "I also have a substantial amount of Norse blood."
"So you're saying you're descended from horses?" Jim looked at him confused. "How is that possible?"
Hee! Thanks for this little bit of holiday cheer!
Author's Response:
Thanks so much Blanca. Hearing that you think I did the character's justice always makes me smile.
Oh Dwight and Jim. Such a great couple. They're my second favorite on the show. LOL!
Date: December 03, 2008 06:44 pm Title: Thanksgiving
Mmm... better than a cold turkey sandwich.
If only Michael's Thanksgiving could have been this promising. Pam & Jim are very good to their adopted son. And they are stuck with each other alrighty. *sigh*
Author's Response:
Nice. That's always my intention when writing fanfic - to be better than a cold turkey sandwich. Happy to see I succeeded. ;)
Sigh indeed. Thanks lisahoo!
Date: December 03, 2008 04:47 pm Title: Thanksgiving
I feel like I'm still digesting Thanksgiving. So, this works.
(okay, technically that's a lie, but I'm still excited about the ending!)
Psst - don't tell my mom, but I was thankful for spoilers and that Jim and Pam were engaged..... and my cute dog. But I lied at dinner and said I was thankful for stupid things like family and friends. (I guess Jim and Pam are friends. The fictional friends, but it works).
And Lief Ericson Day? Can I get off of work for that?
He's calling Holly. That makes my heart happy.
And iPod inspection before marriage? Eeek.... I've got quite a few embarrasing songs on my iPod. I mean, Veggietales... Disney.... and well, way to many Office quotes than is healthy.
Oh, better late than never. This just was great.
Author's Response:
I was thankful to be sitting next to my 11 yr old cousin - but I made him say that he was thankful to be sitting next to me so I felt I needed to return the favor. First though he said he was thankful for food.
Leif Ericson Day is October 9th in case you are interested. Try to get off next year. :)
Yay for Michael calling Holly and for embarassing iPod songs. Don't worry we all have them. And thanks so much for the review!
Date: December 03, 2008 01:36 pm Title: Preparations
What a great ending! I really liked how Jim and Pam used their mistakes to help Michael and Holly. I miss having Holly on the show. *sigh* Oh well. I loved how you wrapped the story up, it was very cute!
And I love Wegmans!
Date: December 03, 2008 01:15 pm Title: Thanksgiving
My goodness you have a way with these ensemble pieces. And you know what a sucker I am for situations that tap into the Jim/Michael sympatico - such a lovely poignant moment amidst all the craziness. This read like an actual episode, and that's impressive ;-)
Author's Response: Ensemble pieces are fun every once and a while. And yes - I am aware of your sucker-ness ;). Very happy to hear it all rang true with you. That's always my intention. Now stop reading my fic and go back to writing!!!
Date: December 03, 2008 12:26 pm Title: Thanksgiving
Awwww. Yay! I'm thankful for you and for the sweetness of this story, which had great, in-character ensemble snark, Holly/Michael shippiness, and sweet, sweet JAM. I'd happily eat popcorn and toast with you on any holiday!
Author's Response: Same here missy. I like my toast on the lighter side and my popcorn with oodles of butter. know...for future reference. ;) So glad you liked it.
Date: December 03, 2008 11:53 am Title: Thanksgiving
I love it! What a great ending, xoxoxo--really touching. Good job, you!
Author's Response: I'm glad!! Thank you! I'm so happy you liked it!
Date: November 28, 2008 12:12 pm Title: Rewrite
Cute chapter! Loved the JAM moments. Thanks for sharing. :)
Author's Response: Thanks! Glad you liked it!
Date: November 28, 2008 12:09 pm Title: Preparations
Love the Brady Bunch... and the Pocahontas line. So Michael. Good work so far, on to the next chapter!
Author's Response: Thanks for reading! I'm so glad you're enjoying it!
Date: November 27, 2008 10:47 am Title: Rewrite
Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday. Why haven't we had a Thanksgiving episode yet? I'm not doing anything exciting tonight, I'm willing to sit in front of my TV and watch TO... well, I probably will do that anyways, but it'll be repeats
The smell of popcorn drives me insane. I don't even really like the stuff, but the smell, it makes me want it. I love it. I was so proud, on Monday, we made the kids popcorn and I didn't even have a single kernel. Just went near crazy off the smell.
Friends Thanksgivings rule. I may do a Friends Thanksgiving marathon instead. Show NBC. Watch old series of theirs instead of new series. That'll teach em.
Its the first thanksgiving as an engaged couple. That makes me too happy. I know they aren't real, but man, I don't care!!!
Author's Response: Oh Em - LOL! I've missed your reviews. You crack me up. I'm proud of you too, love Friend's Thanksgiving episodes and they make me happy too (a little bit too much for a fictional couple). Thanks so much for the review!
Date: November 27, 2008 08:16 am Title: Rewrite
Thank you for this little gem, xoxoxo. To me, it feels like a real episode. Jim and Pam must look like quite the hot couple in their very Brady outfits! So sad for Michael as he misses Holly. Love that you mentioned Jim's DB brother and his wife : ) Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Author's Response: You're welcome. Glad I could oblige. It is so sad for Michael. Just when he's found his perfect match...and a Happy belated Thanksgiving to you as well.
Date: November 27, 2008 12:28 am Title: Preparations
There is so much to love about this "filler" chaper! From Michael wearing a beret, ordering up the same menu from a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, changing skits at zero hour, all in his desperation over missing Holly, to Creed and his hilarious comments, to Angela's militant judgemental nature, to Pam's innate kindness, to Dwight's ever-present suspiciousness of Jim- all of it wonderful. Excellent job!
My favorite thing? Pam ready to play Marcia Brady, football and all. Hee.
Author's Response: You are welcome Tammy. I'm very glad you liked it. :)
Date: November 26, 2008 06:45 pm Title: Rewrite
lmao creeds comment about the spread at the soup kitchen was awesome. You really nail the characters perfectly. Loved the reference to Marci and Jim's family... can't wait to read more :)
Author's Response: Thanks Hannah! I'm glad you liked it!
Date: November 25, 2008 09:58 am Title: Preparations
Nice! Multiple giggles and even a few guffaws. Great ensemble stuff. Dwight wanting to do a Civil War Thanksgiving and Kelly as Pocohontas were nice touches. Bring on chapter 2!
Author's Response:
There you go. Saving me from the dreaded number 13 again. :) Thanks for the review. More soon - I promise!
Date: November 24, 2008 10:10 am Title: Preparations
Oh god. Michael putting on a pageant has the potential to be extremely awkward and cringe worthy, yet hilarious to read. Love that Pam needed to be reminded why she came back. I would need constant reminders as well if I worked with Michael.
I also LOVED this line:
You'll be Pocahontas. And Oscar? You can play...Pocahontas' brother."
She rolled her eyes and then stared at the paper he'd handed her. "Michael. I'm not that kind of Indian."
You have a knack for making the character's voices sound realistic, and injecting funny lines into their dialog. Can't wait for more!!
Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it. This is certainly fun to write!!
Date: November 23, 2008 10:34 am Title: Preparations
This is so funny. Of course, Michael would put on a crazy pageant for Thanksgiving. This needs to happen on the show. And Jim/Pam are cute as puppies as always.
Author's Response: Aww. Thank you my dear. I'm glad you liked it. And of course he would.
Date: November 21, 2008 09:01 pm Title: Preparations
Oh, and I forgot to mention that the real Marcia and Greg actually got together in real life so... there you go. ;-)
Author's Response: HA! Apparently! Not gonna lie - that disturbs me a little bit. LOL!
Date: November 21, 2008 08:56 pm Title: Preparations
A Thanksgiving story! Cool! I'm so impressed that you managed to get the entire office involved and keep them perfectly in character, especially Michael. He can be hard to get right, but you've totally got him down here. Really looking forward to seeing where this one goes!
Author's Response: Ensemble fics are a challenge but I wanted to give it another shot. I'm scared at my ability to channel Michael sometimes. So glad you're looking forward to more. This'll be done before the leftover turkey is gone I promise!!!