Todd Packer
"Ah! Man. That Todd Packer can do anything."
"Except pass that breathalyzer."
Other Results: 20 ePub eBooks, 1 Series

Don't let the name fool you. It's fantasy but Harry and Hermione don't actually show up here.

In fact you don't need to be a Harry Potter fan or even know anything about HP. 

You should enjoy stories about time travel and the magic of love.

Michael discovers a Time Turner and takes Pam on a time-traveling adventure. 

Starts off as canon but with time-travel, things naturally start shifting (but no shape shifting), veering and swerving soon after. 






Categories: Jim and Pam
Characters: Dwight, Ensemble, Jim/Pam, Michael, Other, Pam, Pam/Roy, Stanley, Toby, Todd Packer
Genres: Dream/Fantasy
Warnings: Mild sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 39 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 181051 Read Count: 36714 ePub Downloads: 35
[Report This] Published: September 05, 2021 Updated: October 14, 2022
Summary: Only You: A Novelization, Part 2 — A Reimagining of Episodes 3.09–3.25
After Jim returns from Stamford, both he and Pam are faced with their past mistakes.  But moving on and looking forward can be easier than it seems.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Other, Alternate Universe
Characters: Andy, Angela, Bob Vance, Carol, Creed, Darryl, David Wallace, Dwight, Dwight/Angela, Hunter, Jan, Jim, Jim/Pam, Karen, Katy, Kelly, Kevin, Madge, Meredith, Michael, Michael/Jan, Oscar, Oscar/Gil, Other, Pam, Phyllis, Phyllis/Bob Vance, Roy, Ryan, Ryan/Kelly, Stanley, Toby, Todd Packer
Genres: Drama, Fluff, Holiday, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Inner Monologue, Romance, Workdays
Warnings: Adult language, Other Adult Theme, Possible Triggers
Series: Only You: A Novelization
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 10138 Read Count: 2398 ePub Downloads: 3
[Report This] Published: May 31, 2021 Updated: July 14, 2022
Summary: We fall in love and become allies against the world.

Jim and Pam have been in an alliance for a very long time. It has nothing to do with downsizing (although there is chatting and giggling).

(AKA a series of moments in which Jim and Pam stand up for each other, throughout Seasons 1 and 2.)
Categories: Jim and Pam, Past, Episode Related
Characters: Angela, Dwight, Helene Beesly, Jan, Jim, Jim/Pam, Kelly, Larissa Halpert, Michael, Pam, Pam/Roy, Roy, Ryan, Todd Packer
Genres: Angst, Drama, Fluff, Holiday, Humor, Workdays
Warnings: Mild sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 5400 Read Count: 2363 ePub Downloads: 5
[Report This] Published: October 15, 2020 Updated: October 22, 2020
Sociology 101 by BigTuna Rated: MA [Reviews - 110] 72
Summary: Completed as of 2/16/2018. A look at a younger, AU version of Jim and Pam as they go through college at a small liberal arts school somewhere in Pennsylvania.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present, Past, Future, Alternate Universe
Characters: Andy, Angela, David Wallace, Dwight, Jim, Jim/Pam, Karen, Katy, Kelly, Michael, Pam, Roy, Ryan, Todd Packer
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Explicit sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 46145 Read Count: 47698 ePub Downloads: 26
[Report This] Published: March 17, 2009 Updated: February 16, 2018
Summary: A Jim-Pam interpretation as if they were in high school! Really steamy, sweet, and sexy! Think everyone will enjoy... :)
Categories: Jim and Pam, Alternate Universe
Characters: Todd Packer
Genres: Wet Pam/Jim
Warnings: Explicit sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 583 Read Count: 5033 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: September 24, 2011 Updated: September 25, 2011
Summary: A story about how Michael and Holy become such a wonderfull couple.
Categories: Present, Past, Future, Episode Related
Characters: Ensemble, Holly, Jim/Pam, Michael, Todd Packer
Genres: Angst, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Mild sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 1054 Read Count: 511 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: July 26, 2009 Updated: August 01, 2009
Summary: Todd Packer, Hotlanta, and pathos. Well, as much pathos as Todd Packer can offer. No spoilers, set during Season 4.
Categories: Other, Present
Characters: Todd Packer
Genres: None
Warnings: Adult language, Mild sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1603 Read Count: 502 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: November 22, 2008 Updated: November 22, 2008

Why do expense reports, time sheets and sales reports really get on Jim and Pams nerves? Why is it when Todd Packer comes around Jim wants to quietly disintegrate? Why is Dwight giving Michael a field sobriety test in the middle of his office?

Because its the Perfect Storm.

Categories: Jim and Pam, Present, Future, Episode Related
Characters: Dwight, Jim, Jim/Pam, Michael, Ryan, Toby, Todd Packer
Genres: Fluff, Humor, Workdays
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 5565 Read Count: 5351 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: November 30, 2007 Updated: December 19, 2007
Summary: Past Featured Story

Pam enters her freshman year at Marywood University. Will she run into Jim?  A continuation of "The Shortest Distance Between Two Points is Under Construction"

Categories: Jim and Pam, Past, Alternate Universe
Characters: Jim/Pam, Pam/Roy, Todd Packer
Genres: Angst, Childhood, Drunk Pam/Jim, Humor, Inner Monologue, Oneshot, Steamy
Warnings: Adult language, Mild sexual content
Series: Construction of the Heart
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2668 Read Count: 4946 ePub Downloads: 2
[Report This] Published: July 23, 2007 Updated: July 23, 2007
Punker by NeverEnoughJam Rated: T [Reviews - 3]
Summary: This is a story written in response to the hiatusathon challenge. My challenge was: "Ryan and Todd Packer - set Sexual Harassment. Where did they go? Points for non-obvious locations like strip clubs." For those who don't remember the episode, salesman Todd Packer asks Michael to delegate someone to drive him around town, since Packer's license has been yanked for DUI. Michael chooses the extremely reluctant temp, Ryan, to be Packer's chauffer. Packer being who he is, boozing, belching, and bad behavior follow.
Categories: Other, Episode Related
Characters: Ryan, Todd Packer
Genres: Humor
Warnings: Adult language
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 4119 Read Count: 1475 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: July 16, 2007 Updated: July 16, 2007
Bullies by UnWritten007 Rated: K+ [Reviews - 1]

"I don't like bullies."  A deeper look in to Jim's dislike for certain bullies and his relationships with certain co-workers...

Categories: Jim and Pam, Present, Past, Future
Characters: Angela, Dwight, Jim/Karen, Jim/Pam, Mark, Michael, Pam/Roy, Roy, Todd Packer
Genres: Childhood, Romance, Workdays
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2706 Read Count: 11891 ePub Downloads: 1
[Report This] Published: June 22, 2007 Updated: June 22, 2007
Summary: Past Featured StoryThis is a transcript of The Newlywed Show, taped in December 2009.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Future
Characters: Angela, Bob Vance, Creed, Darryl, Dwight, Jim/Pam, Michael/Jan, Ryan/Kelly, Todd Packer
Genres: Fluff, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Adult language, Moderate sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 7859 Read Count: 12343 ePub Downloads: 3
[Report This] Published: April 30, 2007 Updated: May 13, 2007

Death after Death after Death.

Is there not one Scranton Regional Manager who can avert a Curse so rare?

Categories: Alternate Universe
Characters: Ensemble, Michael, Todd Packer
Genres: Claustrophobic Spaces, Drabble, Workdays
Warnings: Adult language, Violence/Injury
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 852 Read Count: 969 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: March 12, 2007 Updated: April 12, 2007
Summary: Title says it all.

Categories: Future
Characters: Other, Todd Packer
Genres: Oneshot
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 975 Read Count: 1274 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: April 10, 2007 Updated: April 10, 2007
Summary: It's time for Karen to go. But how?
Categories: Present
Characters: Jim, Karen, Michael, Todd Packer
Genres: Humor, Oneshot
Warnings: Violence/Injury
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1695 Read Count: 3686 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: March 20, 2007 Updated: March 20, 2007

Angela is worried about the upcoming Gay Epidemic now that Oscar has been outed and has returned to the office after his gaycation.

Categories: Present, Episode Related
Characters: Angela, Creed, Dwight, Jim, Karen, Meredith, Other, Pam, Phyllis, Todd Packer
Genres: Humor, Oneshot, Slash, Steamy
Warnings: Adult language, Dubious Consent, Moderate sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2627 Read Count: 1539 ePub Downloads: 1
[Report This] Published: March 19, 2007 Updated: March 19, 2007
Summary: Past Featured StoryNobody's business but the people involved. Working together day after day, it's hard not to bring emotions into it. There's always something hiding beneath the surface. Many, many pairings.
Categories: Other, Present, Episode Related
Characters: Andy, Angela, Creed, Dwight, Dwight/Angela, Ensemble, Jan, Jim, Jim/Pam, Karen, Katy, Kelly, Meredith, Michael, Michael/Jan, Pam, Pam/Roy, Roy, Ryan, Ryan/Kelly, Toby, Todd Packer
Genres: Angst, Drabble, In Stamford, Inner Monologue, Romance, Workdays
Warnings: Adult language, Mild sexual content
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1518 Read Count: 2462 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: November 30, 2006 Updated: November 30, 2006
Summary: Past Featured StoryJim, Pam, manicure.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Episode Related
Characters: Jim/Pam, Todd Packer
Genres: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Adult language
Series: Lessons
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1620 Read Count: 4676 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: August 29, 2006 Updated: August 29, 2006
Summary: This is an Unusual Pairing story about Toby and Michael, back in the days when Michael was just a salesman.
Categories: Other, Past
Characters: Michael, Toby, Todd Packer
Genres: Workdays
Warnings: Adult language
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3471 Read Count: 653 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: August 23, 2006 Updated: August 23, 2006
Summary: Past Featured StoryTodd Packer gets what he deserves
Categories: Other, Present
Characters: Creed, Todd Packer
Genres: Humor
Warnings: Adult language
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 402 Read Count: 1929 ePub Downloads: 0
[Report This] Published: August 17, 2006 Updated: August 17, 2006