The five minutes immediately following Casino Night. And then beyond. Author is spoiler-free.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Future, Episode Related
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Angst, Romance
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
The five minutes immediately following Casino Night. And then beyond. Author is spoiler-free.
They say there are 5 stages of grief - Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. You'll see Pam go through them - with some future fluff every other chapter to keep you from pulling your hair out. There will be 10 chapters in all. :)
Jim's thoughts...pre-Casino Night.
It's the hottest June on record and desperate times call for desperate measures.
I don't know exactly where to place this story. It's June - but Pam definitely isn't married and Jim hasn't said anything. So maybe June of Season 1? Just work w/me people. :)
Jim teaches Pam a new step.
She chuckles to herself, imagining telling Roy they spent the evening baking brownies and braiding each other’s hair.
Jim is in Stamford. Pam is in Scranton. Can a long distance realationship work? Part of Jam Sessions.
Pam learns a new skill from Jim.