Stories Available as ePub eBooks
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Summary: "Oh yeah, they are totally doing it.  Which is exactly the advice I gave to Jim.  I think he probably used my list to make his decision.  In fact I am pretty sure he did.  It was a really comprehensive list.”
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: Ensemble
Genres: Workdays
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: August 04, 2007
Lonesome. by mizjessica08 Rated: T 1 [Reviews - 21]
Summary: And that's how Jim Halpert lost Pam Beesly.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Future
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Adult language, Other Adult Theme
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: August 03, 2007
Positive by NeverEnoughJam Rated: T 1 [Reviews - 5]
Summary: As Michael notes in "Michael's Birthday", in the medical world a negative test is a good thing. But what if a test comes out positive? One Office character ponders a positive outcome that may have negative consequences.
Categories: Other, Future
Characters: Michael/Jan
Genres: Drabble
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: August 03, 2007
What We Admire by downtown Rated: T 5 [Reviews - 8]
Summary: She resolved that her next boyfriend would know the difference between lavender and heather flower. Kelly/Andy. 
Categories: Jim and Pam, Other
Characters: Andy, Jim/Pam, Kelly, Kelly/Other
Genres: Drunk Pam/Jim, Romance, Weekend
Warnings: Adult language, Mild sexual content
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: August 03, 2007

This will just be a series of short vignettes about Jim and Pam getting to know one another as they start their adventure into true coupledom. Embarrassing moments, phobias, guilty pleasures....the truth comes out.

Categories: Jim and Pam, Future
Characters: Ensemble
Genres: Angst, Childhood, Drabble, Fluff, Humor, Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Steamy, Weekend, Workdays
Warnings: Adult language
Completed: No
[Report This] Added: August 02, 2007
Summary: Jim gave Kevin a mission. Kevin takes these type of things very seriously. Very, very seriously. With clipboard in hand, here is the information that Kev was able to track down.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Episode Related
Characters: Jim, Karen, Kevin, Pam
Genres: Drabble
Warnings: Adult language
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: July 30, 2007

AU Jim/Pam.  Alternate ending to A Benihana Christmas.

Categories: Jim and Pam, Alternate Universe
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Fluff, Holiday, Oneshot, Romance
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: July 29, 2007

But he's Jim. And he looks at her and she feels that way she can never quite define. Post The Job.

[Originally posted on LJ]

Categories: Jim and Pam, Future, Episode Related
Characters: Jim/Pam, Karen, Mark, Michael
Genres: Angst, Oneshot
Warnings: Mild sexual content
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: July 28, 2007
Fall Into Place by andromeda Rated: T 3 [Reviews - 8]
Summary: What the first episode of Season 4 might be like. A quick little story that takes place on the Monday after The Job.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: Ensemble
Genres: Romance
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: July 28, 2007
Ten Years Gone by dunderball Rated: T 7 [Reviews - 14]
Summary: Jim answers the question of where he sees himself in ten years.
Categories: Present, Jim and Pam
Characters: David Wallace, Jim, Jim/Karen, Jim/Pam, Karen, Pam, Ryan
Genres: Humor
Warnings: Adult language
Completed: No
[Report This] Added: July 26, 2007
Summary: The documentary about life in Dunder Mifflin Scranton is on the air and fast approaching the second season series finale. The Powers That Be (TPTB) have a great idea to boost the ratings (and hopefully paper sales).
Categories: Jim and Pam, Future
Characters: Ensemble, Jim/Pam
Genres: Angst, Fluff, Humor, Workdays
Warnings: Adult language, Mild sexual content, Other Adult Theme
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: July 25, 2007

The Office meets Daddy Day Care. Here, Kevin, Creed and Andy frantically try to manage a day care with the regular Office characters' children.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, setting, or other areas of The Office, Daddy Day Care or anything else that may appear in this fanfic. No copyright infringement is intended.


Categories: Future, Crossover
Characters: Ensemble
Genres: Humor
Warnings: Adult language
Completed: No
[Report This] Added: July 25, 2007
Summary: With every break-up comes the awkward ritual of returning of each other's things. Here's a glimpse into those awkward moments.
Categories: Jim and Pam
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: July 24, 2007

Pam enters her freshman year at Marywood University. Will she run into Jim?  A continuation of "The Shortest Distance Between Two Points is Under Construction"

Categories: Jim and Pam, Past, Alternate Universe
Characters: Jim/Pam, Pam/Roy, Todd Packer
Genres: Angst, Childhood, Drunk Pam/Jim, Humor, Inner Monologue, Oneshot, Steamy
Warnings: Adult language, Mild sexual content
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: July 23, 2007

A few fuzzy, fluffy one-shots that form a loosely connected story. Based around the idea of this quote by Germaine Greer:

"The essence of pleasure is spontaneity."


Categories: Jim and Pam, Future
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Fluff, Humor, Oneshot, Romance, Steamy
Warnings: Adult language, Mild sexual content
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: July 19, 2007
Summary: AU Casino Night fic. "When she looks down and realizes that her ring is lying in the street, she knows something else."

Categories: Alternate Universe, Jim and Pam, Episode Related
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Moderate sexual content
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: July 19, 2007
Sunny by NeverEnoughJam Rated: T 19 [Reviews - 53]

The new cleaning lady at Dunder-Mifflin writes home to tell about the zoo she sees every day.

Categories: Jim and Pam, Other
Characters: Andy, Bob Vance, Creed, Dwight, Ensemble, Jan, Jim, Karen, Michael, Other, Pam, Phyllis
Genres: Humor, Romance, Workdays
Warnings: Adult language, Violence/Injury
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: July 17, 2007

A teenage Pam goes to meet up with Roy at his summer job at the Home Depot, and while waiting for him she runs into Jim for the first time. 

A response to the summer job challenge. Part 1 of my "Construction of the Heart" series.

Categories: Jim and Pam, Past, Alternate Universe
Characters: Dwight, Jim/Pam
Genres: Childhood, Fluff, Humor, Oneshot
Warnings: Adult language
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: July 17, 2007
Punker by NeverEnoughJam Rated: T [Reviews - 3]
Summary: This is a story written in response to the hiatusathon challenge. My challenge was: "Ryan and Todd Packer - set Sexual Harassment. Where did they go? Points for non-obvious locations like strip clubs." For those who don't remember the episode, salesman Todd Packer asks Michael to delegate someone to drive him around town, since Packer's license has been yanked for DUI. Michael chooses the extremely reluctant temp, Ryan, to be Packer's chauffer. Packer being who he is, boozing, belching, and bad behavior follow.
Categories: Other, Episode Related
Characters: Ryan, Todd Packer
Genres: Humor
Warnings: Adult language
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: July 16, 2007
2 a.m. by DwigtChang Rated: T 1 [Reviews - 3]
Summary: Set immidiatly after The Coup. Drunken phone calls.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present, Episode Related
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Angst, Drunk Pam/Jim, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Adult language, Mild sexual content
Completed: No
[Report This] Added: July 16, 2007

Terrorists invade Dunder Mifflin. Jim and Pam are the only hope for their officemates to get out alive. Close quarters in an airduct and looking death in the face give Jim and Pam the kick in the pants they need to get get together. Takes place after "Beach Games" and before "The Job". A/U.

Categories: Jim and Pam, Alternate Universe
Characters: Ensemble, Jim, Jim/Pam, Pam
Genres: Claustrophobic Spaces, Romance, Workdays
Warnings: Violence/Injury
Completed: No
[Report This] Added: July 16, 2007

A pool party and a shirtless Jim. Need I say more?

Another story in the series - Jim Halpert: More Than the Sum of His Parts

Categories: Jim and Pam, Future
Characters: Bob Vance, Jim/Pam, Phyllis
Genres: Fluff, Humor, Wet Pam/Jim
Warnings: Mild sexual content
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: July 15, 2007
Summary: When Dwight finds RISK in the break room, Jim's lunch, his relationships, and the office are all turned upside down.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Past
Characters: Andy, Dwight, Jim/Karen, Jim/Pam, Kevin
Genres: Workdays
Warnings: Adult language
Completed: No
[Report This] Added: July 15, 2007

While experiencing writer's block for "Grow a Pair," I thought, "what about the other moments when Pam could have "made things right" so to speak?  There were plenty of times in Season 2, but for the sake of my ADD, I will limit myself to Season 3 so I won't get bored and never finish. 

Basically, each chapter (or series of chapters, when stated) is a brief "what if" of episodes in S3 when Pam could've been bolder and made things right with Jim, or when Jim could've made one different choice, and kept things "open" with Pam.

Categories: Jim and Pam, Episode Related
Characters: Ensemble
Genres: Angst, Fluff, Humor, In Stamford, Workdays
Warnings: Adult language
Completed: No
[Report This] Added: July 15, 2007
Summary: Post-Initiation, the phone conversation between Pam and Jim goes a bit differently.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Episode Related, Alternate Universe
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: July 14, 2007