Short drabbleish stream of consciousness thing on Pam during "Cocktails".
Categories: Other, Episode Related
Characters: Pam
Genres: Angst, Drabble, Inner Monologue, Oneshot
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
Short drabbleish stream of consciousness thing on Pam during "Cocktails".
Improv!Fic - Started by ObsessionInc - Prompts by GreenFish. Someone has made a big change in her life and she's actually OK with it.
Dwight takes Jim on his first sales call. Improv!Fic. Spoilers for Traveling Salesmen and The Initiation.
Karen POV on her exboyfriend, relationship with Jim, Jim/Pam, etc. Spoilers through Cocktails and speculation thereafter. Kind of AU.
Jim was utterly powerless to say “No” when Karen flashed that charming smile in his direction.
Nothing new added here, I just realized I forgot to check the "Complete" box!
Karen has her heart broken by Jim and then... KaPAM!
We interrupt our regularly scheduled chapter to bring you gratuitous smut and cheap laughs.
Pam spills her secret, but Karen is listening.
Eight years has passed since Jim and Pam have spoken. Many things have changed in their lives including a little girl that captures their hearts.
Andy returns inspired by the Dixie Chicks.
Spoilers from The Return Producer's Cut.