Categories: Jim and Pam
Characters: Jim, Jim/Pam, Pam, Pam/Roy, Roy
Genres: Drama, Fluff, Romance
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Completed: No
Categories: Jim and Pam
Characters: Jim, Jim/Pam, Pam
Genres: Childhood, Fluff, Humor, Oneshot, Romance
Warnings: None
Completed: No
Categories: Jim and Pam
Characters: Jim, Jim/Pam, Pam
Genres: Fluff, Holiday, Oneshot
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
Categories: Jim and Pam, Alternate Universe
Characters: Jim, Jim/Pam, Pam
Genres: Fluff
Warnings: Adult language, Explicit sexual content
Completed: No
Karen thinks that a small party - her apartment is NOT huge - of a select few coworkers, to celebrate her recent move to her very cool new apartment, is a fantastic and totally non-problematic idea. Jim wants her to get to know them. No?
Jim is... unconvinced. He suspects that there are agendas at play here.
But, as she says, it's only one night. What could possibly go wrong?
Could this be another season 3 fixer???
DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: Andy, Jim, Jim/Karen, Jim/Pam, Karen, Kelly, Pam, Pam/Roy, Roy, Ryan, Ryan/Kelly
Genres: Angst, Drunk Pam/Jim, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Warnings: Mild sexual content
Completed: Yes
After the best week he’s had in months, Jim’s heart breaks when Pam confesses her fear.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Episode Related
Characters: Jim, Jim/Pam, Other, Pam
Genres: Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Workdays
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Completed: Yes
Categories: Jim and Pam, Alternate Universe
Characters: Danny Cordray, Isabel Poreba, Jim, Jim/Katy, Katy, Pam, Pam/Roy, Roy
Genres: Angst, Romance, Steamy
Warnings: Adult language, Moderate sexual content
Completed: No
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present, Alternate Universe
Characters: Jim, Jim/Pam, Kelly, Pam
Genres: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Oneshot
Warnings: Possible Triggers
Completed: Yes
'He thought that one day when things were finally right between them, he would tell her about this evening, and the painting, and the sun in her hair. But this day hadn’t come yet.'
Set before the seasons (and in AU).
Categories: Jim and Pam, Alternate Universe
Characters: Jim, Jim/Pam, Pam, Pam/Roy, Roy
Genres: Angst, Fluff, Inner Monologue, Romance
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
Categories: Jim and Pam, Alternate Universe
Characters: Dwight, Helene Beesly, Jim, Jim/Pam, Kelly, Pam, Pam/Roy, Roy
Genres: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Suspense
Warnings: Adult language, Secondary Character Death, Violence/Injury
Completed: Yes
Pam and Jim’s friendship is fragile and their hearts even more so, will a Christmas time prank on Dwight be just the thing they need?
Canon divergent after A Benihana Christmas. For the Secret Santa Fic exchange
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present, Episode Related
Characters: Angela, Dwight, Dwight/Angela, Jim, Jim/Pam, Pam
Genres: Claustrophobic Spaces, Holiday, Romance
Warnings: Mild sexual content, Other Adult Theme
Completed: Yes
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: Cece Halpert, Ensemble, Jim, Jim/Pam, Larissa Halpert, Pam
Genres: Fluff, Holiday, Kids/Family
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Completed: Yes
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: Ensemble, Jim, Jim/Karen, Jim/Katy, Jim/Other, Jim/Pam, Karen, Katy, Mark, Other, Pam, Pam/Other, Pam/Roy, Roy
Genres: Angst, Childhood, Dream/Fantasy, Drunk Pam/Jim, Fluff, Holiday, Inner Monologue, Kids/Family, Married, Romance, Weekend, Workdays
Warnings: Adult language, Mild sexual content, Other Adult Theme
Completed: No
Categories: Jim and Pam, Future
Characters: Cece Halpert, Jim, Jim/Pam, Pam
Genres: Fluff, Kids/Family, Married
Warnings: None
Completed: No
What would happen if Pam's courage from Beach Games sprouted a little bit earlier? Say... at Phyllis' wedding?
Jim/Pam, circa Season 3.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Episode Related
Characters: David Wallace, Dwight, Jim, Jim/Karen, Jim/Pam, Karen, Michael, Michael/Jan, Pam, Pam/Roy, Roy
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Adult language
Completed: Yes
Categories: Jim and Pam, Episode Related
Characters: Pam
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
Categories: Jim and Pam, Episode Related, Alternate Universe
Characters: Jim, Jim/Other, Jim/Pam, Katy, Pam, Pam/Roy, Roy
Genres: Angst, Oneshot, Romance, Workdays
Warnings: Adult language
Completed: Yes
Categories: Jim and Pam, Future
Characters: Jim, Jim/Pam, Pam
Genres: Fluff, Married, Oneshot
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
I always thought it was silly whenever I would watch those chick flicks where some guy finally meets the girl of his dreams, and there are all those slow motion effects. I always thought, “Yeah, like that ever happens,” but when I saw Pam stepping out of Holly’s car, that happened
Categories: Jim and Pam, Alternate Universe
Characters: Holly, Jim, Jim/Karen, Jim/Other, Jim/Pam, Katy, Michael, Other, Pam, Pam/Roy
Genres: Angst, Drunk Pam/Jim, Fluff, Romance
Warnings: Adult language, Mild sexual content
Completed: No
A Jim/Pam retelling of Jack Finney's short story "The Love Letter" with a little twist.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Alternate Universe
Characters: Jim, Jim/Pam, Pam
Genres: Angst, Romance
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Completed: Yes
Categories: Jim and Pam, Other, Present
Characters: Angela, Angela/Andy, Dwight/Angela, Jim/Pam, Pam
Genres: Oneshot, Workdays
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Completed: Yes
Categories: Jim and Pam, Other, Present, Past, Future
Characters: Ensemble, Holly, Jim, Jim/Pam, Michael, Pam
Genres: Angst, Childhood, Fluff, Romance
Warnings: Adult language
Completed: Yes
Categories: Jim and Pam, Episode Related, Alternate Universe
Characters: Jim/Karen, Jim/Pam, Pam
Genres: Angst, Oneshot
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Completed: Yes
Categories: Jim and Pam, Past, Crossover, Alternate Universe
Characters: Jim, Karen, Other, Pam
Genres: Dream/Fantasy, Fluff, Humor
Warnings: Adult language
Completed: Yes
Categories: Jim and Pam, Episode Related
Characters: Jim, Jim/Karen, Jim/Pam, Pam
Genres: Angst
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Completed: Yes