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Is it a homage, is it a tribute or is it just that I am not very good at thinking up original plots?  Whatever, this story is 'inspired' by Jane Austen's Persuasion and is meant to have a similar mix of melancholy and hope.  Set after the rumoured merger of the branches (spoilers up to Grief Counselling), Michael organises a bonding exercise adventure and Pam has to deal with seeing Jim again - and with his attentions to Karen.  But if you've read Persuasion, you might guess that someone is heading for a fall ...

Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: None
Genres: Humor, Parody, Romance
Warnings: None
Completed: No
[Report This] Added: October 23, 2006
Messages by Jade Rated: K 7 [Reviews - 7]
Summary: Pam checks her home answering machine after a sick day.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: October 22, 2006
All Wrong by captainoats Rated: K 4 [Reviews - 5]
Summary: Just a teeny tiny little drabble following "Initiation," based on my feuding feelings about who to ship Jim with.  It sucks.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present, Episode Related
Characters: Jim, Karen, Pam
Genres: In Stamford, Oneshot
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: October 21, 2006
Precious Illusions by ToniMac Rated: K 31 [Reviews - 36]

When a national law endangers Pam, a shared secret brings her and Jim together.

An X-Men universe AU. But without the spandex.

Categories: Other, Alternate Universe
Characters: Angela, Dwight, Jim/Pam, Roy
Genres: Angst, Romance
Warnings: Mild sexual content, Violence/Injury
Completed: No
[Report This] Added: October 20, 2006
Third First Date by Par5 Rated: K 11 [Reviews - 11]
Summary: This was nomadshan's suggestion, so I totally blame her.  Her words "It's Jim that Pam's been with for 9 years, and Roy that she's intrigued with." I hated this idea so much that of course I had to write about it. Don't hate me for exploring the dark side.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Alternate Universe, Present
Characters: Jim, Pam, Roy
Genres: Angst, Workdays
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: October 18, 2006
Sway by merrilytookish Rated: K 6 [Reviews - 9]
Summary: They sway. Spoilers for The Client (2x07).
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Angst, Inner Monologue, Oneshot
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: October 17, 2006
Summary: There are but two things that get Jim through a workday: abusing Dwight and making Pam smile.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: Dwight, Jim, Pam
Genres: Humor, Oneshot, Workdays
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: October 17, 2006
Summary: A little insight into how Pam was as a young girl and how Roy had entered into her life.
Categories: Other, Past
Characters: Pam, Roy
Genres: Childhood, Fluff, Holiday
Warnings: None
Completed: No
[Report This] Added: October 17, 2006
Secret Santa by vfdj42 Rated: K 3 [Reviews - 3]

Just something I decided to write. Tam and Karim.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Categories: Present, Other
Characters: Angela, Creed, Dwight, Ensemble, Jim, Karen, Kelly, Kevin, Michael, Oscar, Pam, Phyllis, Stanley, Toby
Genres: Holiday, In Stamford
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: October 17, 2006
Salesman by time4moxie Rated: K 17 [Reviews - 19]
Summary: Jim goes shopping and discovered that sometimes a snack food is more than a snack food.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present, Episode Related
Characters: Jim
Genres: Fluff
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: October 17, 2006
Summary: Ryan finds an assortment of junk in Jim's desk. He lets Pam decide what to do with it.

Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: October 17, 2006

Spoilers through S2

Categories: Jim and Pam, Episode Related
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: October 15, 2006
Alterations by xoxoxo Rated: K 18 [Reviews - 22]

"Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations." Faith Baldwin

A story inspired by Ms. Fischer herself and her recently publicized version of Pam's backstory that explains what the hell is going on in her mind now that she's made that poor heartbroken boy move away.

Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: Jim, Pam
Genres: Angst, Romance, Weekend, Workdays
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: October 15, 2006

This story follows "Grief Counseling". Ed Truck's death makes Pam reach out to someone.

It was too late to change her mind now. She knocked on his front door.

Categories: Other, Present, Episode Related
Characters: Jim, Michael, Pam, Roy
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: October 14, 2006
Untitled by vfdj42 Rated: K 3 [Reviews - 4]

Toby shares his experience with death with Michael. Based on episode 4, season 3.

Categories: Episode Related, Other
Characters: Michael, Pam, Toby
Genres: Drabble
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: October 14, 2006

Sorry about the format issues. I believe they are resolved. This is a spec script. Jim brings donuts to the office, no jellies and one pink with sprinkles. Sometime in Season Two.

Categories: Present, Other
Characters: Ensemble
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: October 13, 2006
Hidden in Plain Sight by Par5 Rated: K 13 [Reviews - 18]
Summary: Why does Jim seem so happy? Why is Pam so confident? Here's the real reason we aren't seeing any interaction this season. Contains spoilers for "Grief Counseling".
Categories: Jim and Pam, Present, Episode Related
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Workdays
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: October 13, 2006

 She didn't know what hurt worse; that Roy's family hated her, or that he didn't.

Categories: Other, Present
Characters: Jim, Pam, Roy
Genres: None
Warnings: Adult language
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: October 11, 2006
Summary: Jim and Pam both attend summer camp where they each experience their first kiss. Enjoy the fluff! For the Prior Meeting challenge.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Past, Future
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: Childhood, Fluff
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: October 10, 2006
Summary: Pam makes the first move.
Categories: Jim and Pam, Episode Related
Characters: Jim/Pam
Genres: In Stamford
Warnings: None
Completed: No
[Report This] Added: October 09, 2006
Summary: Jim sits for Sasha for the first time
Categories: Jim and Pam, Past
Characters: Jim/Pam, Toby
Genres: Fluff
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: October 09, 2006
Post-Its by ElizabethLynn Rated: K 11 [Reviews - 11]
Summary: Kevin could no more figure out Angela's moods than he could do one of Stanley's crossword puzzles.

Categories: Other, Present
Characters: Angela, Kevin
Genres: Humor
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: October 08, 2006
Summary: Phyllis gets a really awesome birthday present
Categories: Other, Present
Characters: Bob Vance, Phyllis
Genres: Fluff
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: October 08, 2006
Again by PuffingNoise Rated: K 8 [Reviews - 9]
Summary: "There’s a chemistry there that had almost been gone before, and it makes her shiver."
Categories: Present, Jim and Pam
Characters: Jim, Jim/Pam, Pam, Roy
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: October 07, 2006
Too Late? by xoxoxo Rated: K 18 [Reviews - 20]

Jim's been away.  Now he's back.  Pam realizes what she's missed.  No spoilers - just speculation and much wishful thinking.

I added Karen as a character in the story - since she's mentioned.

Categories: Jim and Pam, Present
Characters: Jim/Pam, Karen
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: October 07, 2006